(edited by foshizzle.2749)
Race and name recommendations
I started with a human ele (namesake for her GW1 counterpart). Primarily because it helped me get a ‘feel’ for the class without also needing to get a feel for the race. Not sure if that makes sense or not (to me they all feel and play differently). After that I made a Norn, and then a Charr. I think Asura might be next (super tiny vs super huge)
So, I’d say start with a race you’re most comfortable with. If the races don’t have different feels for you, then just go with whichever one you like the armor aesthetics for best.
I agree that they all play differently. I do have a lot of experience with humans. Do you know how human and asura play styles compare? Thank you by the way. Very helpful.
I personally play the Asuran Elementalist, in the animations theres a lot of Jumping, During Dagger Water 1 like do a Flip or a Leap as u shoot the projectiles, during fire 3 Dagger u Jump in the Air as u Dash forward and Create a Line of Fire.
They move around in the air alittle more then a human would casting those spells, as its some sorta thing about their height which allows them to have those animations, where with the human its Much less extreme animations.
they’re personal story is much more science based obviously in comparison to the human so it will be very different to the story lines u have done creating a Asura.
I think u may(??) find less head pieces which suit the asura in the wardrobes/outfits because they’re heads slightly bigger as a Racial thing, however armour aesthetics and things are still pretty good and its only a few of those head pieces that look weird on the Asura. for example the balthazars outfit, the headpiece cuts off abit too short in comparison to where it’d normally end.
Overall the Asura has a few aesthetic flaws in comparison to human atleast the female model, Such a few helmets etc etc not looking as great as they could possibly be, but u don’t really notice it as much as most turn the head option off so they’re actual character shows through, if u get ur hands on a Hair Style changing kit they’re additional Hairs are a lot cooler then the base ones also so u can always make it look cooler, specially when ur able to give it really cool eyes (like cat eyes or much more Darker Eyes)
If u can get used to the height and being that much smaller then everyone else, i’d defintly say they are a lot of fun to play especially which all the Animations where ur Jumping around and things, makes the character feel like its really trying to hit someone instead of Just kniving their Shins to buggery.
they carry 2handed weapons on the back of their shoulders as they run also which shouldn’t affect you as a erlementalist but incase they ever give us a 2handed weapon in a new elite at some point, their Dagger animations are pretty cool also.
I personally feel with the more extreme animations it makes the combat more fun to watch but I guess it depends what sort of Animation set and look your really going for, some looks would look better on the human for example the Balathazar outfit as I wrote previously looks much better on a human model then it does on Asuras, however the Bandit sniper outfit looks tons better on a Asura then it does on a human. ofcourse opinon based.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
The asurans look more of the “magic” type of race. Thank you for your help!
I have both a female human and a female Asura. Here’s what made my decision final to leave my human as a crafter…Tempest. Tempest turns the Ele profession into a ‘talky’ one and I cannot for the life of me stand the constant human chatter of getting the Overloads back. It drives me absolutely insane just listening to it. The Asura chatter on the other hand, for some reason amuses me, I find it far less irritating.
Also, Asura have the most fun Ele animations. They bounce and flip and dance through their skills, making them seem more magical.
Asura does feel much more “animated” than a human, yes, primarily due to all the jumping around that they do. (I absolutely love their dodge animation). Humans, being larger, don’t get all those nifty little animations and as such (to me) feel a lot more ‘reserved’ (maybe?) in their play. “Nobility vs Arrogance” might be an interesting way of looking at it.
Norn ele master race!! Followed by sylvari!
Followed by sylvari!
Have fun Immolating yourself~ or overloading that lightning and setting yourself on fire as a result.
Other races would obviously be vulnerable to these sorts of hazards but I imagine Sylvari are the weakest against an Elementalist because Fire > Wood.