Razer Naga config for ele
i also got a naga a couple months ago, and would be interested to hear what people have to say.
so far i’ve just left it at defualt (1-10 on the mouse = 1-0 on the keyboard) with 12 bound to my TS button. it works quite well, i have no trouble reaching whatever skills i need the moment i need them.
still i’ll be interested to hear what others think
P.S. inb4 ‘this is the best config absolutely and if you don’t use it it you fail’
There is no such thing as best, there is such a thing as “what works for you better”.
1-10 skill, 11 change weapons, 12 put weapon away. (obviously I have long fingers so the last row works).
shift + 1, 2, 3 or 4, fire water air and earth.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
What works for you, I am using this:
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
The best configuration is to get rid of the Naga and get a G600.
That extra ring finger mouse button is so useful for attunement swap.
The best configuration is to get rid of the Naga and get a G600.
That extra ring finger mouse button is so useful for attunement swap.
Well I had the naga then went to the g600, g600 works only for people with big hands. if you have hands on teh smaller side, sticking to naga is a way better thing.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
got a razer naga too, but honestly have nothing but ptt binded on it. Reason? I personally feel more comfortable having my skills located around my left hand simply because I feel I can react faster with 2-3 fingers than I can with only my thumb (I don’t know about you guys, but I can only press the 12 buttons on the side with my thumb :p), also this may only be me, but I don’t like the slight jitter the camera make when I press a button on the side of the naga.
Had a Razer Naga and hated it. Got a G600 and it is just too big imo. Too much stuff going on for me on those mice setups. Picked up a G700 and never looked back. Feels great and perfect for the ele attunements. Only four thumb buttons to use. 1-4 then put attunement swaps using Alt +1-4. Disable alt tabbing in windows and gtg. Fastest and most comfortable setup for playing ele for myself.
The G602 looks like it would work great also but I have not tried it.
we use our attunements so much I want to make sure I can get to them. My current keyboard has tiny little low function keys that are hard to hit. The thing with combining shift with keys on the mouse might work but would probably work best if the keys are grouped in a way that is easy to remember but not in the way of the weapon and utility skills.
Had a Razer Naga and hated it. Got a G600 and it is just too big imo. Too much stuff going on for me on those mice setups. Picked up a G700 and never looked back. Feels great and perfect for the ele attunements. Only four thumb buttons to use. 1-4 then put attunement swaps using Alt +1-4. Disable alt tabbing in windows and gtg. Fastest and most comfortable setup for playing ele for myself.
The G602 looks like it would work great also but I have not tried it.
Dang, I am pretty much committed to this Razer now that I have bought it but I will look at this for the next round.
I’m sticking with my three eles no matter what and I will need gear that works best for them.
What works for you, I am using this:
This is really interesting, thanks! Would not have thought of anything like that.
on the razer I have 1-5 as the skills. Shift 1 for nearest target , Shift2 for fire , shift+3 for water , shift+4 for air , shift 5 for earth. Q is my first utility, shift mouse wheel is my 2nd, and 6 is my 3rd. Heal is the mouse wheel. Shift +6 to switch weapons. X is elite just because I would hit it by accident sometimes with E. Shift4 being air and the movement skills in air usaully being the #4 skills works well. its like switch to air and gas pedal on the same button.
I have got a naga and a g600, but i mostly use the g600 (i play from work and home, but i take my g600 everywhere) because of the extra finger mouse bouton. I use it for push to talk.
For swap attunement i use alt+1-2-3-4 all others things are at defaut setting.
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
For me I have my attunements on the left column of the Naga (1, 4, 7, 10), heal on 2 and utilities and elite on the right column (3, 6, 8, 12) so my left hand can focus on weapon skills and moving. I’ve used this setup since launch and just comes second nature now
I bound my naga keys to F1-F12. Then in game I changed key bindings so that the F skills are 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 1-10 are F1-F10. Movement, tab targeting and weapon swap are unchanged. Call Target and Take Target on F11, F12 (naga 11, 12) and mouse wheel click to dodge. I made this set up specifically for my Ele so I didn’t have to reach for anything when swapping attunements. but it’s been great on my Thief and so far on my Ranger as well.
Project Mayhem A multigaming, PVx social guild on Dragonbrand
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I feel like keyboard is good for everything but changing targets, looking behind you, and a couple high priority but low usage skills like elites and healing. Looking behind you is the most obvious candidate for a mouse because it’s hard as hell to hold down two buttons (forward and look behind) with the same hand while using skills with that same hand. Otherwise I think it’s faster and less error prone to trigger skills with your keyboard hand. Everyone’s different though.
Endless Petrification Tonic
My setup is a Nostromo in my left hand, keyboard in the middle, trackpad to the right of the keyboard, and Razer Naga in my right hand.
I only use the keyboard to type.
My Nostromo has my DPad on my 1-2-3-6-7-8 buttons. It has my 1-5 skills on 4-5-9-10-14. My jump/push to talk is on the trigger thumb button. My attunement swap is on the directional thumb pad, and my loot is on thumb button 15.
My Naga has my 6-10 skills set up, along with several others, including about face, turn around, weapon ‘swap.’
It really makes my ele skill cap jump.
Keyboard and trackpad are just for typing and black lion trading lol.
The best configuration is to get rid of the Naga and get a G600.
Honestly I stick with the older version. The G300 doesn’t have as many buttons but I find the set up infinitely more comfertable + with the spacing of the buttons topside I’ve never once misclicked.
On my game i have F2 set to 0 (Naga #10), F3 to – (#11) and F4 to = (#12).
F1 is set to E, because this is the only key i use as Thief, Warr and Necro.
Move your Elite to another key, and everything else you can use on kb or mouse.
I left the default setup for 1-10 and set F1-4 as shift+1-4. Center click is dodge. Works pretty well for me.
I also set weapon swap to alt+1 but don’t recommend as it results in occasional unintentional alt+tabbing. I have one of the extra side buttons set to talk on TS/Raidcall but will probably change it since those buttons are kind of a pain on the naga.
Personally I have:
1 – 10 Abilities
1 – 4 attunement swap
WASD (Q+E) – movement
R – Weapon swap
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Set your abilities 1-10 to the number pad 1-10, and make sure your Raza naga is set to “num” instead of 123 via the switch underneath. That way you can use 1234 on the keyboard for attunement swap, no need for shift+1 or anything like that…
Guild Leader
[EU] Desolation
(edited by Towren.1745)
1 – 10 Abilities
how the hell does that not kill your hand?
My Config is a little weird. I stopped using my Belkin/Nostromo a long time ago, I just never got comfy with it. Instead I got a small keyboard that I can use to type quickly in this game.
Function keys for attunements are lousy, so I rebound them to Z, X, C and V.
I use 1-4 for skills 1-4, then E for Skill 5. Q is for heal skill.
On the Naga, I have 1-2-3 bound to the three utility skills.
Naga 4 is bound to weapon swap (whcih is not used for ele) and 5 is for Heal Skill, 6 is for Elite. Yeah, Heal Skill is bound to two keys for some reason.
Using the naga keys for Skills 1-10 don’t make sense to me because the Naga buttons come in sets of 3, and we have 5 weapon skills and 3 util skills, so it made more sense to me to make it 3 utility skills.
Overall, the Naga is a sucky mouse, but there aren’t many options for mice with this many keys that’s wireless (I have the Naga Epic, not the Naga).
I’m not a fan of the num keypad stuck on a mouse, I rather have a Naga Hex, which is a better design IMO, but it doesn’t come in wireless flavor.
The Logie G700 seems a better mouse IMO, but I haven’t gotten one yet, and I am wary of buying Logie products because they all suck to be honest, they all break down after a year or less. I’ve gone through 3 Logie mice in the last 4 years, got a Naga Epic last year. So far the Razer is lasting longer — but it already has an issue with the RMB. Go figure. Ah enough of my mice ranting; this is about the Naga Ele config.
I’m using a g600 – but since it’s a 12 button mouse as well, it doesn’t make much of a difference.
what I personally found to be working best for me was wasd for movement, q for weapon swap/drop bundle, e for dodge and c for target closest enemy. after that I assigned all skills (1-0) to my mouse, with one button for AoE loot (and one unused as of yet).
remember that you can assign button-combinations for your skills. for example, I mapped 4 of my 1-0 skills to F1-F4 skills if I press shift as well – otherwise they’re just normal skills. I used the 1-4 skills for this, as I’ve placed those where my thumb feels most comfortable, since I use those the most.
this works pretty well, as my left pinky is usually free and can activate shift whenever I want to.
the point my setup was to have my left hand as free as possible for movement/dodge.
other than that, it took me a while to get used to it completely. you need to retrain your muscle memory. in fact, I leveled another toon when I got the mouse and only then got back to my ele, as I couldn’t keep myself off the F1-F4 buttons at first.
on another note: avoid any kind of macros. use simple keybinds and set your game to those keys – just to be on the safe side.
I have a question does a gaming mouse/keyboard make a large difference? For any pc game I have ever played I always just used the stock mouse/keyboard that came with whatever pc I upgraded. Playing this it seems some of the times i died in WvW has been do to a bad click or losing track of the cursor.
I have a question does a gaming mouse/keyboard make a large difference? For any pc game I have ever played I always just used the stock mouse/keyboard that came with whatever pc I upgraded. Playing this it seems some of the times i died in WvW has been do to a bad click or losing track of the cursor.
To me it does because the extra button is very useful. Like for me, I use the thumb button on my mouse for dodging.
But in GW2, there are very few active skills to be used so I personally don’t see the need for a mouse like the Naga. In WoW however… Far too many and the extra 12 buttons or so on the mouse can be very useful.
Fort Aspenwood
my set up
skills 1-9 on mouse (i click 0 as i rarely use it) 10-12 don’t use to hard to click
then on my orbweaver i have the normal wasd, and my attunments on the joystick (forward is fire, up is wind, back water, down earth.)
button about the joy stick as tab
I have a question does a gaming mouse/keyboard make a large difference? For any pc game I have ever played I always just used the stock mouse/keyboard that came with whatever pc I upgraded. Playing this it seems some of the times i died in WvW has been do to a bad click or losing track of the cursor.
To me it does because the extra button is very useful. Like for me, I use the thumb button on my mouse for dodging.
But in GW2, there are very few active skills to be used so I personally don’t see the need for a mouse like the Naga. In WoW however… Far too many and the extra 12 buttons or so on the mouse can be very useful.
I’d say it’s completely dependent on personal playstyle. activating skills with my left hand, which I also used for movement, resulted in very slow reaction time when having to dodge, move out of red circles etc. For wvw and open world pve it wasn’t much of a problem, in dungeons and pvp though it made a huge difference for me.
for example: some utilities are very situational and a quick activation is key to their use (stunbreakers, feedback against short wind-up animations etc). if you take the time to move your mouse down to they button and in the worst case up again to place it (if its ground targeted), is not fast enough to react to something – only to place it and hope it will be useful. if you move your hand to the skill, you might be fast enough, but then you also might stand longer in an AoE (in some dungeons instakill) you could otherwise have easily moved out of.