Re after 9 months - Fix the class please

Re after 9 months - Fix the class please

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


Ok I think I’m done with Ele class, you managed to nerf it so much that I forgot completely why I’m playing it. It’s now apparently some sort of tedious work with meager rewards to play it, instead of fun.

-bad damage compared to extreme squishiness, all other classes are much better in relative ratio

-you nerfed all mobility, the trait windborne daggers at least promises some but of course the tooltip is “bugged” – in reality you obviously left the tooltip like this on purpose so you can just keep the trait nerfed

-going for toughness is a joke compared to what warriors/guardians can do in comparison

-no great utilities/group buffs either compared to other classes – Pick guardian, it can also deal much more damage at same toughness, or less damage at much better survivability – as basically every other class too (except thief maybe)

-extremly tedious to handle compared to other classes. Have to manually switch weapons all the time or you’re a slowpoke/not useful for group in wvw. Fighting also requires much more effort, cycling through attunements, which other classes can have much simpler with same or better results.

-wanna be funny and spam aoe? Play Engineer, or maybe Necro even.

Yeah, you CAN do anything of the above as Ele.. And everything of it will be disgustingly mediocre and lame.
It was a great class when GW2 came out, now it’s kitten, sorry.

And here is my suggestion:
Restore the Ele’s mobility! That makes it somewhat distinguished and restores flow in playing again.
1) Unnerf RTL
2) Unnerf Windborne Dagger (should work out of combat, as the tooltip not restricts – fire your tooltip writer while you’re on it)
3) Reduce CD on Lightning Flash perhaps. Not required though.

Or the very best thing ever:
123) Add an out-of-combat weapon switch already, as was asked for since release.

Fix the class please, thanks!

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”

(edited by Antiriad.7160)

Re after 9 months - Fix the class please

in Elementalist

Posted by: Antiriad.7160


Oh I see there are more postings like this :-o
And I have to agree with what is said in them about the only viable way was to play the no-dam bunker ele (which now also is pretty immobile thanks to the nerfing, except if you sacrifice and go for Swiftness-Aura build) which I’m tired of.

Colin ‘The Liar’ Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on equal power base.”