Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


This is a temporary suggestions until the Elementalist is fixed. Today I stand as a level 70 elementalist with only 32 silver coins. If I sold everything I have I can probably have 3 gold.

It is sad when your 10 levels from maxing out and it isn’t a big deal. This is the only game I’ve played where leveling up didn’t excite me. It is the only game I’ve ever played where a mage was poor, normally they are they are the bread winners for the rest of your characters.

Also, due to lack of money I’m unable to train tier 3 with my trait points, something that really sucks.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


This is a temporary suggestions until the Elementalist is fixed.

outside of a couple of bugs (such as RTL, etc.) that MANY classes have, what really, is “broken” about the elementalist? They may not be the most powerful of the classes, but they’re far from broken.

It is the only game I’ve ever played where a mage was poor, normally they are they are the bread winners for the rest of your characters.

new game, new rules. Just because “mages” in some other games ruled the roost (and I question the veracity of this statement), doesn’t mean they necessarily have to here. Also, part of the reason you may be having difficulty playing the Ele is because you’re thinking of them as a “mage,” an all-powerful glass cannon nuker, rather than adapting to what they really are.

Also, due to lack of money I’m unable to train tier 3 with my trait points, something that really sucks.

wow. I had the book banked 15 levels before I could use it (and with a couple gold in my pocket to boot). If you find yourself this broke, you’re doing something wrong.
Don’t buy useless crap on the TP, this includes updating your gear continuously (you should be finding good stuff along the way, also try the karma vendors in WvW, they sell some good stuff). Mine every node, chop every tree, pick every herb. Even if you won’t use them, they sell on the TP. Lastly, don’t salvage every blue/green item you find, often it’s better to simply vendor it for the cash. Rares will sell on the TP (sometimes), but salvaging blue/green items typically results in just getting wood/ore which you could have chopped/mined for free. You’re throwing away lots of extra cash.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rack.4930


Ouch, that’s pretty bad. What level did your money worries show up? Thus far I found things got pretty easy since 40 but I have heard things get tougher in later zones. I think the TP costs do need to go down though, it was way more fun to be able to zing around the map doing whatever I felt like, as opposed to trudging up and down worrying about every silver it costs.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ephiny.9831


I agree – my ele never has any money because it dies so much particularly in instances and at level 80 end up with 11s repair costs. couple with the cost of travelling to dungeon zones and travelling back afterwards, 1 dungeon run can cost me around 20s

Valar Morghulis

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rack.4930


Oh god don’t even get me started on dungeon costs, I don’t even think about touching those any more. They really, really need to have some way to mitigate the costs in dungeons considering how little you make in return.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gulch.6291


Level 76 Ele here, teleports are 3 silver or more.
I don’t die often, and haven’t ran many dungeons, but I only have 50 silver to my name.
Have a ton of stuff on the TP, for minimal price, and nothing sells, I vendor all my stuff, and Still haven’t bought my level 60 book.

Teleport fees are ridiculous at this stage since money isn’t falling off the trees.
It would be nice if they were tweaked a little bit.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Wouldn’t this be better for the Dungeon forum? It isn’t exactly an Ele only phenomenon to die.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: suroktheslayer.9346


They’re called money sinks and the game needs them to control inflation ie too much money supply in the economy. Every time you sell to an npc vendor and get coin you create new money. Every time you spend money that money goes to the game and not another player that money is destroyed.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: suroktheslayer.9346


Personnly I try to keep teleporting down to a minimum. For two reasons, save money and I come across more DEs I haven’t done that way.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: Truga.5897


Funny, I had enough cash to get tailoring to 400, craft myself a full set of carrion masquerade, buy a full set of carrion jewels, buy a full set of carrion weapons (2 daggers, staff, focus, scepter), and I still had silver left over for a bunch of teleports and some nomnomberry bars, so I’m only missing the armour runes right now.

What have you been spending your coin on, OP?

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Level 55-ish is when I started having trouble making money. I was at almost 2 gold at one point. I’m not too worried as I’ve already found that when your totally broke and die, you can teleport to the nearest way point for free (or what ever your have).

Last night I estimate to have made about 50-60 silver and spent 90 telephoning to revive and repair armor. I do mine every node and tree as well. I find that monsters level 63 and higher are tough to do 1v1 and any more then that I’m dead. It takes forever for me to kill a monster and in 3-4 hits I’m done. I found out, by accident, last night you can use a salvage kit on armor/weapon drops by a mis-click. So I already know that is a waste from just that.

Mages ruled the roost in many MMO’s when it came to PvE, in PvP mages usually were very weak.

The only thing I can see that I’m doing wrong is playing as an elementalist and being too stubborn to play anything else.

I’ve also never done a dungeon, don’t think I will from the sounds of it. At least not as an elementalist.

I’ve even tried waiting for other players to revive me to save money, but sometimes I give up after 15 minutes of waiting.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: DreadShinobi.4751


I earned far more money on my ele than I ever did on my warrior. Although I did get 100% map completion on my ele (only really did map completion specific activities and events that coincided with hearts) and only ~50% map completion on my warrior (leveled up more via events and some crafting), so the money can be explained.

However if I leveled up my Ele and Warrior both in the exact same way (let’s say both going for 100% map completion) I don’t think I would have seen a big difference in available gold to spend.

Regardless I am still of the opinion that Waypoint fees should be greatly reduced. This isn’t an elementalist specific issue. At lower levels you can do a heart quest that will fund about 8-10 waypoint travel fees. At higher levels it’s nearly 1:1 heart quest gold:waypoint fees. This is a big issue.

Repair penalties should be kept the same, there should be a death penalty significant enough to discourage dieing (also condsider we don’t lose any xp for dieing). The only thing I might say in regards to an adjustment of repair fees would be a reduced fee in dungeons, but that could also be fixed by making dungeons revolve less around 1 shot mechanics.

Kiiban -lvl 80 Elementalist
Sacaen -lvl 80 Warrior

(edited by DreadShinobi.4751)

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


I guess if the waypoint fees were not as high it wouldn’t be as bad. Today I went down to 0 money again and couldn’t even repair my armor. I also go for 100% map completion on each map that I do.

Reducing fee for armor reapar and teleport

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Today I made level 80 and have about 31 silver to my name and some junk I’m trying to sell in the Black Lion. Got Linen bags for inventory and only able to get the trait book to level traits up to 20 instead of 30. I can tell you all that the journey has been long, hard, frustrating and as for the comments on the people involved in the “balancing” of the class… well I don’t want to lose forum privileges and I would.

If I wasn’t so bloody stubborn and thick-headed, would have given up for well… any other class! As I’m the only one going down or another elementalist during invasions or random events.

It is beyond disturbing when you can see others run around without clothing on just to be careless and STILL take on multiple monsters and surviving. That is like swalling a horse pill without water.

There is one good thing about hitting level 80, I don’t have to worry so much on upgrading my gear… though that was not that expensive in the first place as compared to all my other problems. This is not to include the items on the Black Lion that are 2 gold when they are just a tad better then what you can pull off for 10 silver.

This is why I say we need reduction on the transport to resurrect fees and armor repair fees.

Until Frailmentalist is no longer a frailmentalist, I’ll end up turning it into a mule. It is just too un-fun to try for 100% world completion.

(edited by LightningLockey.5938)