Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Those were the good old days…
It’s so sad to see features like this and good combos removed from the game.

What an epic nerf that was.

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Remember when we could heal in Obsidian Flesh … oh wait, still can

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Remember when we could go into tornado, go out and keep the stability? Then they “fixed” that. IMO it shows exactly how terrible our elites are. I’d still pick mist form over any of them(except maybe tornado for staff and that’s a BIG maybe).

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


I remember Mist Form heals. It made my sustained offensive build somewhat playable. Those few seconds of uninterrupted healing was a God send when you’ve given up going heavy water in favor of fire.

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Remember when we could go into tornado, go out and keep the stability? Then they “fixed” that. IMO it shows exactly how terrible our elites are. I’d still pick mist form over any of them(except maybe tornado for staff and that’s a BIG maybe).

That was great
I also remember being able to stack up to 28 seconds of stability somehow (not using tornado).

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Yerp, I do recall using mist & heal at times.
Everybody whinging it was yet another of our op spell combos.
I especially remember it when I still see these days a guardian bubble & heal, ranger/mesmer/thief stealth & heal, warrior use invulnerables & heal.

Hmm, remind me, why are those allowed but ele & engie aren`t?

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Glad to see I’m not the only one missing it.

Now that they are adding new conditions (like torment) and that these conditions continue to damage your health while in mistform, what was supposed to help you becomes a death trap as for 4 seconds your bleeding and other conditions keep on going.

Anyway, the only solution is to put all your points in water for a cantrip bunker build but then an elementalist isn’t very fun to play when you do less damage than other people and have the longest casting times. I use to be able to zerg out with 12k health, now even with 15k I find it less easy to survive.

I remember Mist Form heals. It made my sustained offensive build somewhat playable. Those few seconds of uninterrupted healing was a God send when you’ve given up going heavy water in favor of fire.

This is exactly what I comes to my mind…

(edited by Xillllix.3485)

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


Yeah I miss the way the class was before it got nerfed into oblivion. All our nerfs should be reverted.

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I’ve made a lv80 Ranger and a lv80 Guardian since they nerfed the Ele into oblivion (as most agree with that).

It’s incredible how much these class feel stronger and faster (staff ele speeds are still incredibly slow) with less effort (no need to change attunements every 2-3 seconds), without spending months on ascended gear and optimizing your build to the extremes, unlike the trouble you have to go through to make a ele that isn’t totally worthless.

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


This was the biggest (and most justified) of all the nerfs. This alone made bunker ele killable. The RtL nerf at the same time made them EASILY killable. Then for good measure, they nerfed cleansing fire b/c condi-cleanse + stunbreak isn’t allowed on us (only other classes, like the beloved guardian, who turns ALL condis into boons on a 60s cooldown with stunbreak), which really hurts in this stun/condition meta. I’m guessing next month FGS will be nerfed to an 8s cast time so that no ele will ever run away, EVER.

Elementalist checklist:
-sub-par damage: check
-sub-par bunkering: check
-sub-par mobility: check
- sub-par armor/toughness: check
- terrible elite skills: check
- sub-par condition capabilities: check (although this is because other classes are over-the top)

For all of that we get:
- Pretty good burst healing
- A cheesy offensive burst using fresh air
- good access to boons (which are easily strippable or corruptable now)

I think that sounds really OP. We should probably nerf our damage more, take away some of our burst healing, and take away some more of our stun-breaks. Mistform should just be the frozen block of ice (from svanir runes #6) as well.

(edited by BlackBeard.2873)

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Solo.9027


They can never nerf water attunement because the ele forum will just QQ up some more.

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


I recall one of their stand up comed…I mean streams, where they were discussing the nerfs ele would be getting to heals long time ago when they hit us.
The dev said something along the lines of elementalists heal is overpowered hence the nerf & because of how high ele heal can heal them for in 8-10 seconds.
I said in chat “Sure, we can heal well over time for 8-10 seconds, but we can die in 1-3”.
Fair amount of chat agreed
devs or folk monitoring chat didn`t reply in any form & the topic got moved along.


“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Senjun.8149


Anets idea of balance

Lets strip ele of all usefull utilities, nerf their heals, nerf their aoe, nerf their survivability and give mesmers more stealths. There we go. /fixed

The game was more balance at release

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


It`s been the same all along.
RTL got nerfed, so we couldn`t jump over gaps, yet warriors, engies, thieves & rangers still can & mesmers via portal.
Try to use RTL on normal area, hit slight hill, stone or leafa on the ground, you`re frozen until RTL ends, all other charge type skills lett you continue the route you wanted to.
LF got nerfed so rarely works on Z axis, yet mesmer blink, thief bow-5 still allows it.
Heal mist as already mentioned…
I`m sure there are lots of others that I`ve managed to block out.

Just goes to show the inequality in the whack a mole nerfs.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: PSX.9250


Yerp, I do recall using mist & heal at times.
Everybody whinging it was yet another of our op spell combos.
I especially remember it when I still see these days a guardian bubble & heal, ranger/mesmer/thief stealth & heal, warrior use invulnerables & heal.

Hmm, remind me, why are those allowed but ele & engie aren`t?

^My thoughts exactly!

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Hmm, remind me, why are those allowed but ele & engie aren`t?

^My thoughts exactly!

The problem is, we WERE good once. We have since been nerfed into oblivion, and un-nerfing anything would be admitting mistakes were made (ain’t gonna happen). Ele was unkillable with just-under-par damage and good support for a while, but only Guardians are allowed to play that role. Instead, we get to have skills that look cool and to enjoy pressing a million buttons to do what anybody else does with 2.

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Destinyvoid.9743


The line of thought really doesn’t make sense, does it? Anet said we were healing too well, nerfed it, but let guardians continue doing their thing. Can’t allow ele’s to stun break and condi cleanse!! Ah…but guardians can convert all condis to boons and stunbreak on a 60s cooldown. I don’t get why Eles aren’t allowed to excel at a given area. We can’t be as mobile as a thief, or stack condis like necros. That being said, I’m going to continue playing my ele, it’s the most fun class I’ve played in this game, I love having 20 different skills to work with. I just wish balancing would give them a break.

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: emikochan.8504


stealth doesn’t make you immune to damage, endure pain still takes damage from conditions.

Guardians are a bit crazy though.

Welcome to my world –

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


stealth doesn’t make you immune to damage, endure pain still takes damage from conditions.

Guardians are a bit crazy though.

Yes, but they can still heal during these phases.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: emikochan.8504


stealth doesn’t make you immune to damage, endure pain still takes damage from conditions.

Guardians are a bit crazy though.

Yes, but they can still heal during these phases.

You can’t compare it to prenerf mistform, which was completly uninteruptible in ANY way. Yes I think we should probably have gotten a little more in return, but the premise that the other classes have totally free heals is not true.

Welcome to my world –

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I leveled my Ele (WvW stff) after the nerf and I don’t see anything wrong with MF. Just the regen while I’m in it is enough to save my kitten when I am in trouble. I just pop protection the moment I come out of it and heal back up and either keep fighting or run away leaving a trail of CC behind me.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Remember when we could heal in Mistform?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


How are Elementalists bad right now? I’ve fought plenty and they seem to do fine.