Request: Work in Progress updates
im gonna quote myself from another thread here
elementalist is going to be very underpowered for a very long time, developers in anything hate admitting they have done wrong and often will leave issues unchanged even if it comes to a cost for themselves
the fact is, arenanet said they wont do “kneejerk” fixes or changes, yet the elementalist bwe2 to bwe3 nerfs where exactly that, a panicked change in an attempt to bring the class inline with others despite still having so many issues
arenanet basically has to admit the bwe2 to bwe3 elementalist nerfs where kneejerk changes which is contradictory to what they said in one of there blog posts
Well, the game is really new still and this is certainly the time for kneejerk fixes to see the results. Never say never applies to everything in this world, and saying we will never do this ultimately leads to a position where it should be done but since they said never it wont happen.
Get off your high horse arenanet, we all know you have created a unique wonderful game which has the potential to be a pasttime for years to come but unless you admit its bugged, has problems, needs changes and doesnt hold back on changing things you wont get there.
For instance trying to balance PvP in this early stage of the game while professions arent even working as intended is just plain stupid. Also there is no way to balance a games PvP where fights still are determined by bugs and flaws in the game, fix those first then make the classes play as intended. When that is finished all the basic framework will be done and all that is left is tweaking of damage and such to implement balace in PvP.