Attunements in their current form are by and large the root of most of the complaints regarding the class. They’re a good idea, but kind of roughly implemented. They function mechanically as a weapon swap but because they function that way each attunement maintains its own separate set of weapon skill cool downs. Which is the direct cause of the disparity in effort the class exhibits. In order to be effective the measure is essentially how fast can you keep hitting buttons as you rotate through all of the attunements without the artificial stop gap of cool downs ( Attunement recharge doesn’t cut it ) to break it up that other classes have with their weapon skills. By and large, this is more effort and impulse than it is skill. You’re playing Dance Dance Revolution instead of Chess.
So how can improve it without dumbing the class down to pew pew dps?
Well, lets look at Arcane and Glyph skills. These have context sensitive effects based on the attunement you’re in. 1 button = 4 effects. This, honestly, should be how the entire class operates. You should have 5 weapon skills with context sensitive effects rather than 4 different “weapon sets” with separate cool downs that by and large are mechanically the same. This would also open the Ele up so it can have weapon swap and more weapon selection. For more variety and versatility. As Ele is currently the only Scholar class without a unique weapon choice ( Mesmer’s have swords, Necros have Axes, Ele shares all its weapons with one and/or the other. ).
This would negate the button spam chaining of the current design and allow for more thoughtful play. Your weapon skills could be more meaningful and effective as their overall DPS could be increased. The ability to weapon swap would open up more versatility and replace any lost versatility. There would no longer be an onus on dividing up the Elementalist’s DPS potential into 4 keys for every 1 key other classes have because the ability and requirement to perform unending key spam would be removed.
Your attunement would mean something rather than just being a weapon swap button that grants a boon. While the central theme and function of the class would not change. You would just now have to select the best attunement weapon skill for the situation rather than just spamming them all in sequence. It would balance out the ratio of skill and effort on the class. Which is currently skewed more towards effort. It would lean the class back more towards making tactical designs instead of twitch gaming.
Furthermore, Elementalist Traits ( which need an overhaul anyhow ) could be reworked around granting weapon specific bonuses like every other class has. Instead of attunement specific bonuses that offer nothing save a recharge reduction and a handful of misc weapon bonuses that are all stuffed into one neigh mandatory trait line. Each Element Trait line could properly lend itself to certain weapon(s) theme and new weapons could be added to bring Ele up to par selection wise with Necro and Mesmer. Rather than having one class whose trait design is contrary to the rest of the game because of its class mechanic.
All of the framework to do this is already in game as its already present in existing Elementalist skills. The theme, adaptability and central mechanic of the Elementalist would remain intact if not be improved. All that would change is the class would become more thoughtful and less twitchy. I mean, it is a “Scholar” after all.
Anyhow, flame away. I know you want too. >.>