RtL: A Compromise?

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Okay, so, pretty much everyone who plays elementalist hates the change to RtL.

I miss the awesome thrill of just instantly bounding ever forward in a bolt of lightning, more over, the sheer distance I used to be able to get with it.

Most folks want their pre-change RtL back.

Countless arguments have been made about how many classes can get the same kinds of distance and mobility elementalists used to be able to do with RtL.

Elementalist feels kind of picked on over it.

If we’re being honest, elementalist can do some of these tricks themselves to sort of mitigate the nerf.

RtL did need to be nerfed a bit, because yes, combined with these other tricks (conjured leaping, etc) we could escape pretty much anything.

I don’t begrudge the nerf for balance there, but I think it was a bit heavy handed in the two pronged way it was hit, in the distance it covers and the new cool down mechanic.

It only needed one, in my mind. My thought, my “compromise” suggestion is this: please let us have the original hidden distance of 1550 back.

However, the new longer cooldown and associated mechanic can (and should) remain. This accomplishes two things: first, it makes RtL “feel” like it’s the skill it once was.

It also encourages people to hit people with the skill, so they can be rewarded with the decreased cool down.

It encourages use of the new mechanic that’s been put into the skill. Anyways, those are my thoughts.

Alternatively, I suppose you could keep the current 1200 distance and restore the original cooldown without any caveats.

I prefer it the way I suggest it. It’s the major distance nerf that bugs me, not so much the cooldown nerf. But I speak for myself.

Thanks for reading and the consideration.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Beyondthelol.9504


totally agree. I just feel so kitten as an ele now

Aramir Hellforge
Terror [TG]

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Karazul.2934


Low hp, low armor, boons can be stolen/ignored… mobility is the only way to go and now we dont have it.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: EchenSketch.9142


No, the new mechanic is horrible.

The change was made with the intention of making Ele’s using it for gap-closing, not escaping. But guess what? As soon as an enemy sees the most telegraphed attack ingame coming towards them, they dodge, and bam, 40 second cooldown.

Falkriiii – Elementalist

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: roamzero.9486


One change that I think Anet might want to consider is to base the cooldown on your remaining HP. 40s cooldown if you use it while under 50% HP and 20 otherwise with RtL for example. Warrior and other classes need a similar mechanic added also to their movement skills.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


The “on hit” mechanic of RtL is so stupid I’d almost rather it were a flat 40 second cooldown.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


Don’t forget to target nonguardians or your RTL might go 40 second cooldown.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


F the compromise. Un-nerf that kitten.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


arenanet… compromise… {see attachment}
right after they start working on balance right?!?


i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Quinti.5204


Well, we’re all still playing elementalist, right?

I’m an Ele, although they nerfed Rtl, I don’t see a huge problem with it, just don’t start off with Rtl to close the gap, it’s a predictable move to all opponents now.

And with regards to mobility, change to Staff and use Air 4, then change back to whatever weap set you were using. However if you’re a bunker build (with those Boon duration runes) there’s no way you should be complaining about the lack of swiftness.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lina.9640


Well, we’re all still playing elementalist, right?

I’m an Ele, although they nerfed Rtl, I don’t see a huge problem with it, just don’t start off with Rtl to close the gap, it’s a predictable move to all opponents now.

And with regards to mobility, change to Staff and use Air 4, then change back to whatever weap set you were using. However if you’re a bunker build (with those Boon duration runes) there’s no way you should be complaining about the lack of swiftness.

The problem is, when you stop playing ele and go to nearly any other class, you realize how freaking insane the elementalist’s ‘mobility’ really is—how much is sacrificed for something that performs substandard anyway.

Warriors have insane mobility, both in combat and without. Hell, the greatsword itself is more mobile than anything the ele can come up with. The thief likewise has an insane amount of mobility and can actually beat a warrior in a foot race. The Mesmer has arguably the highest amount of in combat mobility (which is balanced out with pretty crappy out combat mobility).

I don’t see Anet doubling the cooldown for rush or savage leap if a warrior misses. I don’t see heartseeker costing double initiative if it misses. RtL nerf was, frankly, a malicious and unwarranted nerf. Not only was the cooldown increased by a ridiculous amount but it was shortened as well.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


RTL wasn’t nerfed for balance. It was nerfed to shut up the circle humping whiners in sPvP.

This is ANet. Making logical arguments and trying to discuss things with them rationally doesn’t work. Just pull out your binky and let the tears flow. It’s the only way you’ll ever see changes from this company. You’re going to have to cry an extra large river though, because thieves are warriors are still bawling their eyes out because they can’t auto attack everyone to death while AFK.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

(edited by Caffynated.5713)

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


I’d much prefer the second option, same range but shortened cooldown. I get this horrible feeling whenever I use RTL untargeted but I rarely use it targeted because I feel it’s better to save it for positioning.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DeckerDontPlay.1639


I think I’d rather have the original cooldown over the original distance. In the end you would being more mobile. In all honesty the nerf should be reversed cause warriors are just as mobile as pre-nerf RTL ele’s…

Sixes – KUM – Maguuma

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


RTL wasn’t nerfed for balance. It was nerfed to shut up the circle humping whiners in sPvP.

It was actually the WvW whiners not spvp players.

And yeah I think the change made to RTL was because ele could bunker aiganst bads and then run if the fight wasnt on their terms. Since the healing nerfs and the loss of the stunbreak on the lightning flash the change is just silly.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blimm.5028


My compromise: Old range, a flat 30s CD.

Think With Portals [TWP]: 4th of 16 at Guildnews.de cup
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: isendel.5049


I just don’t get the increase in cd if you use it for movement.

Engi rocket boots has 20 secs cooldown and has an effect that is even better than RtL: you can jump across gaps you normally wouldn’t be able to pass, it’s a blast finisher at the start (meaning that you can leap forward in stealth in a combo field), it benefits from toolbelt +50% movement speed giving an insane distance..and everything, on a 20 sec cooldown.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


You have Stockholm syndrome ….

RtL did not need to be nerfed. Some examples of how completely hypocritical ANet is being:
Warrior.GreatSword.WhirlwindAttack = 10
Warrior.GreatSword.Rush = 20
Warrior.Sword.SavageLeap = 8
Ranger.GreatSword.Swoop = 12
Ranger.Sword.HornetStick = 8

Either all weapon skills need to be nerfed so that if they don’t actually hit anyone they are on completely ridiculous cooldowns or they need to apologize to the Elementalist community are revert the change.

You don’t compromise with stupidity.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Illusion.1807


I would want: 1200 range, 20s cd, affected by swiftness, speed boost, chill and stagger, able to leap cross gap, able to cast instant spell during it. This way it works the same way as other movement skills, and it is still slightly worse than traited warrior rush.

I would also want to point out that it is illogical to make eles spells weaker and have longer cool down just because eles has more spells. Having more spells is eles’ unique strength, just like Mesmers can summon illusions. Mesmers do not get punished for summoning illusions as their illusion spells have short cool down, nice effects and can do good damage. But in contrast, eles is punished for its strength, which does not make sense. Also, the punishment is way too much: poorest health, light armor, have to invest 30 in arcana, mobility nerfed, healing nerfed, and slow casting, relatively weak, and long cool down spells.

That being said, I have a feeling the developers would rather buff some aspects of eles to be OP instead of admitting their mistakes of over nerfing eles. Hopefully, I am wrong.

(edited by Illusion.1807)

RtL: A Compromise?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DeShadowWolf.6854


I would also want to point out that it is illogical to make eles spells weaker and have longer cool down just because eles has more spells. Having more spells is eles’ unique strength, just like Mesmers can summon illusions. Mesmers do not get punished for summoning illusions as their illusion spells have short cool down, nice effects and can do good damage. But in contrast, eles is punished for its strength, which does not make sense. Also, the punishment is way too much: poorest health, light armor, have to invest 30 in arcana, mobility nerfed, healing nerfed, and slow casting, relatively weak, and long cool down spells.

That being said, I have a feeling the developers would rather buff some aspects of eles to be OP instead of admitting their mistakes of over nerfing eles. Hopefully, I am wrong.

This a thousand times over. Eles are “balanced” around their prof mechanic. Our skills are worse with longer CDs. We have the lowest HP, lowest armor. We also have attunement CDs, which start way too high and shackle us to Arcana. That doesn’t even go into the nerfs. Or how a skill very similar to one on another prof, when put on ele, is considered OP.

I love the prof, hate the balance.