S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cristobal.8640


Being displeased by all the celestial cheese going around these days, I share my most beloved build <3.

I have been playing variants of this ever since Lightning Rod was introduced, it packs the best burst in the game and now that we have 3 traitlines, it can survive just fine. I won’t go into too much details as this one is a fairly advanced build (Strictly combo based) Anyone trying it should familiarize themselves with ele mechanics. It has a high learning curve and until you manage to make it work, it fails hard, really hard. You’ll need a mouse with some extra buttons and clever hotkeys to play this fluidly.


Air line is self explanatory, Lightning Rod hits for 3k and procs from Earthquake, Updraft and Tempest Defense. Weakness from Lightning Rod is also very very nice.

Earth line is incredibly important, Stone Heart + Ether Renewal will cary your kitten alive through pretty much anything. Geomancer’s Freedom is also key, as you actually start your bursts from earth attunement, you need the CD reduction on Earthquake. Passive Earth Armor is good and adds to passive Arcane Shield on Arcane line as well as Tempest Defense. These kind of defenses are nice on burst characters, as thieves runing Vamp signet demonstrate.

Finally, arcane traits are also self explanatory. The important thing here is to get used to Elemental Surge… Immobilize from earth is amazing, as you start your burst in earth. +150 Ferocity obviously helps, and you will have this permanently. Blinds and Chills are also useful when used right, even burn has its uses to enable Fire Grab.

The most powerful combo is as follows:

From comfortable earth attunement, prepare your Rock Barrier and, having your enemy on sight, cast Earthquake anywhere and mid air, Arcane Blast your enemy while simultaneously throwing your Rock Barrier. Before your earthquake finishes casting, Lightning Flash on top of your enemy and switch to Air attunement. At this point, earthquake should be landing and procing Lightning Rod, Air sigil and Hydromancy (Hydro crits for 2.5k+) have gone off too, also electric discharge from the trait. From air attunement, cast Lightning Strike, RtL and Updraft.

Yeah, lots of skills. What all of them (Minus Earthquake) have in common is a cast time of exactly 0, with quick fingers and clever hotkeys you can do that whole combo before anyone can react. (Delay the LF jump) The entire combo downs a heavy golem, and then you have all of your fire attunement to finish downed players, something at which S/D excels (It is faster to do a standard fire combo on a downed player than to down it manually, it is also faster to kill someone from 100 to truly dead than it is to res an ally manually.)

I leave to you figuring all the tricks that make this a viable build and not the one chance gimmick it certainly looks like at first, be smart when you engage, coun’t dodges, check stability/invuls, bait. Most of your skills have no cast times and can be used together, chained or comboed in a lot of ways… Forget about might and blasting fields.

Defensively, if you are sustaining damage on earth it will not be worthy to switch to water for the heal, even with Frost Aura, however, if you want to go defense from any attunement do go water before earth. Arcane Shield + Frost Aura + Switch to earth + Ether Renewal is a good all purpose panic button.

And you have the glorious FGS, for when all else fails (Or you are feeling slow) Combined with Stone Heart and this build’s offensive stats, its pretty kitten OP. Feels like an actual elite.

Thieves: Very Easy, they explode with passive procs alone, as you camp Earth they can’t touch you. React fast if engaged by one in a teamfight and it will go boom. You will get a lot of hate from thieves, it will feel unfair having to chew through Stone Heart + 2 Arcane Shields + Tempest Defense just so you switch to air and it dies from the sigils procs.

Rangers: Can be tricky if you don’t bait the invul, you should win anyway but you might have to entertain the ranger for a while and be good with all your active defenses or it will kill you fast outside of earth. Can be 100-0 with some combos.

Necro: A Joke, just burst them down without regards to anything. You can time the stab pulse on Lich and your 2 consecutive CCs to bring down a lichform in one burst.

Guardian: Fair fight, make sure to cleanse a reasonable amount of burn with Cleansing Wave before you use your heal, or a clever Guard will kill you.

Engineer: Gimmicky fight, you can do the complete combo on one at the start and instantly kill it, they usually won’t expect it. Good ones can be annoying tho.

Mesmer: Fair fight outside of earth attunement, but you can stale a fight by going earth and sustaining with your heal. Prepare to unleash the combo as soon as the mesmer pops up, beware their passive stealth trait, it will make you waste air skills if you overdo the burst.

Warrior: Easy if you don’t kitten it up. Have to entertain it for a while on earth attunement, until the window of opportunity appears. Might even have to use the FGS to further entertain before bursting a second time. They can’t kill you if you play well. Keep your rock barrier up when entertaining.

(This build fails with D/D, Scepter actually is very very important! Yes, even considering the Shocking Aura synergy)

I know I did a half job at explaining everything so feel free to ask.

(edited by Cristobal.8640)

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Wow, never thought of this before, it really sounds interesting. It would be nice to have a video with this build in action, it would show the playstyle much better, than through your words (you did a great job tho ).

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cristobal.8640


Ive wanted to do a nice video, sadly my PC runs the game at constant 60fps but I turn FRAPS on and it downs to 30fps

Anyone knows a program that records without fps loss? is that even possible?

I want replay feature!

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


nVidia Shadowplay records without fps loss.

Also, you can play games at 30fps you know…

P.S. Why not focus? 2 CCs that proc Lightning rod like dagger, but also the anti-projectile field and with your spec 15 second 3-condition clear and 33 second better-than-mistform.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

(edited by SchmendrickTheMagician.8247)

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cristobal.8640


Thanks for the program tip, I never could enjoy 30fps after getting used to 60.

Focus doesn’t work, I tried it extensively and it simply lacks the burst, Comet is subpar and you really benefit from all the no cast time skills, RtL+Updraft add a lot of to the burst, right on air, and earthquake is the standard opener for a lot of reasons (Earth synergy everywhere)

Focus works better in DPS builds that are not strictly based on combos, a D/F Marauder with Lightning Rod works too, but its another build with another playstyle. Water skills are way better defensively on dagger too, so its not that bad.

The only reason this build works is because it does manage to burst people extremely fast from a variety of positions and situations, you loose that on focus, you don’t even have a reliable opener.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


This may sound strange, but I have played for some time a similar build to get away from D/D Cele (and I guess now Tempest too ) … except I used Conjure Earth Shield instead of Arcane Shield. It gives you two more AE interrupts, a block, and an invulnerability. The auto attack is worthless though.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: shinta.8906


ran it for quite some weeks too and its strong. the downside is if u get focused by more than one u either run or die, rangers/range outside of 1v1 in general, conditions despite the healchoice condi pu kills u and there r a lot of em.

still dont get the rod trait as freshair does more dmg + hits more often + u get blind on demand. i do get the air aura trait as it is a passiv defense.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cristobal.8640


This may sound strange, but I have played for some time a similar build to get away from D/D Cele (and I guess now Tempest too ) … except I used Conjure Earth Shield instead of Arcane Shield. It gives you two more AE interrupts, a block, and an invulnerability. The auto attack is worthless though.

I run Earth Shield sometimes on LR builds too, its quite nice. Actually Lightning Hammer is nice too, you do Skill 5, so AOE stun field, then you push them to it with the blow skill, then you do a Dazing leap finisher with the Q. At least 3 guaranteed procs that way, probably more. Both weapons combo nicely with Staff Lightning Rod too, which is already incredibly OP (Adds respectable DPS to staff air and earth attunements). Earth wall doesn’t even have an AOE limit, the lightning bolts spam in Zerg v Zerg is beautiful…

In pvp, consider something like Staff Air 5, followed by Earth Shield aoe Pull from inside the field. 6k Big aoe guaranteed damage and great disruption.

ran it for quite some weeks too and its strong. the downside is if u get focused by more than one u either run or die, rangers/range outside of 1v1 in general, conditions despite the healchoice condi pu kills u and there r a lot of em.

still dont get the rod trait as freshair does more dmg + hits more often + u get blind on demand. i do get the air aura trait as it is a passiv defense.

LR is the core of the build, and ensures all the burst is AOE. Earthquake+Updraft add 6k AOE burst, and weakness. It’s actually good in 1v2, as good as it is 1v1 vs certain combinations, but you gotta have all your cooldowns for that. FGS is key to 1v2+

This one doesn’t really play like fresh air does, fresh air is not even close when it comes to burst, you can’t take down a medium or heavy class in just one combo. Fresh air has way more sustained DPS and possibly survivability depending on how you build it.

LR Also means you camp earth and start combos from earth, maximizing both defense through stoneheart and sheer burst damage, leaving the entire fire attunement for downed people, ressers and all that.

(edited by Cristobal.8640)

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Remedy.3429


dude this build is sick… The survivability is incredible for a burst ele spec. Warriors and rangers give me problems but kudos to you.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cristobal.8640


dude this build is sick… The survivability is incredible for a burst ele spec. Warriors and rangers give me problems but kudos to you.

With Rangers all I do nowadays is burning all defenses to close the gap quickly and burst them, Signet of Stone is pretty disruptive tho. If the ranger doesn’t engages you from range its way easier tho.

Warriors shouldn’t be much of a problem if you play their game, long fights tho. Try saving lightning flash, updraft and the like for defense until you can burst the warrior. Rampage is pretty powerful but should be tankeable on earth. You can switch to water without getting more damage than you heal before switching back to earth if you have your defenses ready.

I’m glad you are enjoying the build

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059


Looking forward to playing this, especially with the Scepter buffs coming

I will seriously need to redo my keybinds for this though lol.

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Anyone still playing this? I’m really wondering if this still works after HoT (DH, druid, scrapper, …). Btw, does anyone know how this would translate into WvW?

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


Anyone still playing this? I’m really wondering if this still works after HoT (DH, druid, scrapper, …). Btw, does anyone know how this would translate into WvW?

this build never worked to begin with… it’s a onetrick pony that releases all its damage and is left without sustain for the next 10-20 seconds, with no condi cleanse or anything that protects it from getting focused.

the only dps build that ever “worked” was scepter/focus with fresh air, which is even more terrible after HoT. if you wanna play a dps caster then play mesmer.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


Kinda feels like a one trick pony build (dagger off, scolar runes). I prefer s/f fresh air for more sustain.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


This is the type of build i would have done too. I just focused on trying condi ele. but i like this one. I also used arcane + earth and traited arcane shield. I added brilliance and thus used cleansing flame not blast. Had great experience with the traited shield and brilliance :-).
the only thing i won´t have done is the hydromancy sigil. Would add blood or classic energy. Is it realy good ? Can´t compare since i ran focus and cripled or knocked down fleeing oponents.

S/D Marauder Burst quick guide. (PVP)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kyon.9735


This is pretty much the old Zerk S/D one-trick-pony build on a Marauder Amulet and Elemental Surge instead of EA.