S/F FA WvW Small group Roam

S/F FA WvW Small group Roam

in Elementalist

Posted by: Busty Mounds.9801

Busty Mounds.9801

I’ve been playing d/d Ele, and staff since start of the game. Leveled through PvE using s/d.

Never been much of a focus user (only carried one before when I was a shot blocker protecting trebs/cata’s… remember those days?)… although with rangers now rampant throughout the game, when roaming in WvW… I’ve started to take it along.

I’ve been using a FA build that incorporates cantrips just because I’m so used to them in D/D. However, I’m thinking I might be able to get away from them. (Currently using a 0/6/2/6/0 or 0/6/0/6/2)


(bolt to the heart, instead of extra HP, switch to zealots to regain HP)

So yeah, because Earth 4 is basically cleansing fire, I figure with 25 second recharge I might be able to drop water out, grab trinkets to get back to about 450~ Healing power, and get back EA, so I can roll a bunch for health when needed, also decrease the switch time so I can get into earth for clearing conditions when needed.
Still can stack might for extra power, decent defense. Still have the Mist form for those moments (as an ele you’re always first to be targeted). but the Signets, I’m undecided on. Figured it’d be nice to have the run 25% fast of Sig Air, and keeping people from running with Sig Water.

Thoughts? I’ve considered Arcane Power and Arcane Shield in both of those spots, but never really used them.

This is for small group roaming, 1-5 people.

(edited by Busty Mounds.9801)

S/F FA WvW Small group Roam

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ralkuth.1456


I can’t offer you WvW experience with the build, but I’ve played quite a few yolo queue games with Fresh Air. Gotta be really fast on those reflects vs glass power rangers.

I’d take 06044 Cavalier/Hoelbrak with Zerk trinkets. Battle and Doom sigils. S/F is all spike and you rely on landing them and killing things to survive. Once you are out of CDs, you are very vulnerable; when you do have them up, you can basically ignore how much hp you have left and spike while healing/kiting and invulnerable/reflecting.

The reason for not running Evasive Arcana is, stated by Zoose, that you need your 2 dodges because you are (nearly) full glass and you need them. Using EA means that you may use a dodge for utility and only have 1 dodge when you are getting focussed. You can get around EA (somewhat) with 3 in Water.

S/F is very immobile (assisted by positioning and FGS) and also extremely threatening because of your instants, and good players (thieves, warriors, medi guards) will train you. Good thing with roaming groups/teammates is that once an enemy’s CDs are used up, you can come in with a massive CC + Arcane skills + Fire spike and instantly down squishies. You also have one of the most ridiculous downed cleave in the game.

You can choose to bring 2 cantrips (Mist Form helpful, and LF) along with an arcane skill to still retain some instant spike, while buying time with some measure of defensive skill (and Elemental Attunement boons). If you feel manly you can bring Frost Bow.

You can take Arcane Shield in place of Mist Form if you wish, allows you to burst while blocking. Better to trait it and bring along another offensive arcane skill. Arcane Power is not needed because with 6 in Air, and Fury on swap/Pack runes, you have enough Precision to make sure most of your skills crit.

Safer (With Signet for sustain, you know the auto-sheathe-cancel-heal-proc thingy):
Double Arcane Zerker (Arcane Lightning):
Dun care (Blinding Ashes):
Dun care II (Yolo):

Combos: (You’d know them anyway)
1. Gale -> Dragon’s Tooth
2. Gale -> DT -> Double Arcane + Phoenix + Air Swap + Lightning Strike + Lightning Flash
3. Rock Barrier -> Dust Devil -> Hurl -> Air Swap + Lightning Strike
4. Fire Auto (Burn target for +10% damage modifier) -> Phoenix + Double Arcane + Lightning Flash -> Air Swap + Lightning Strike
5. FGS 3 + Lightning Flash
6. Obsidian Flesh -> Ether Renewal + Double Arcane + Air Swap + Lightning Strike (No one expects you to burst them while healing)

Might Stacking:
DT into Flamewall + Phoenix + Arcane Wave + Magnetic Wave = 12 stacks
(Hoelbrak/Strength + Battle Sigil ~constant 9 stacks in battle)
If you are insane, you can try Arcane Brilliance for even more mitestax. If you can’t solve a problem, throw more burst at it until it dies.

On and on…
I’m no Heidia/Lys/Miss Kysie though (certain there are many more really great players I have had no luck of meeting), might want to ask the actual skilled Eles who do this all day.

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“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty

(edited by Ralkuth.1456)

S/F FA WvW Small group Roam

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


My favorite and typical build i run with for roaming, 1v1s/duels. Significantly harder to play than the typical d/d ele tho. A lot more fun and satisfying imo. The amount of players i have oneshot with a good Phoenix+lightning flash while simultaneously at tuning to air and using lightning strike is too kitten high. Also, i forgot to put the sigils in the link, but i use air/battle. Air/energy or battle/energy would also be good


Also, @ralk, do you mean me or a different Lyss?

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S/F FA WvW Small group Roam

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ralkuth.1456


Also, @ralk, do you mean me or a different Lyss?

No idea. I met you/someone else a long, long time ago. But I recalled brutal S/F ele oneshots.

5 useless class titles
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty

(edited by Ralkuth.1456)