S/F Fresh Air WvW duels and roaming (Video)
Solid build and nice play, just sad that most of the encounter were against very bad player.
I’ll just quote one of your commentary:
“6th Fight- Nothing really special, but the thief was pretty decent. The rock dog also threw me off guard a bit resulting in some clumsiness.”
This thief was everything exept “decent” he spammed 3 like a new be D/D would spamm 2 while you were invu ….
It does the job well :-)
Solid build and nice play, just sad that most of the encounter were against very bad player.
I’ll just quote one of your commentary:
“6th Fight- Nothing really special, but the thief was pretty decent. The rock dog also threw me off guard a bit resulting in some clumsiness.”This thief was everything exept “decent” he spammed 3 like a new be D/D would spamm 2 while you were invu ….
Yeah recent match ups seem to be lacking in any good roamers so I’m finding in hard to get any good clips, hence the long time between uploads.
I agree maybe “Decent” was a bit too generous but I based my judgement watching him fight other people in the OS rather than the actual fight itself, he might of just not been familiar with S/F.
None the less some of the fights in this video were vs rather sub-par players compared to my other uploads, I’ll be sure to increase quality next time even if it does take longer to find good fights.
Doesnt seem viable for solo roaming…
Good stuff, but lol that guardian was so bad.
And it was funny how that thief almost every time at start would one-shot you.
Doesnt seem viable for solo roaming…
In what way?
Good stuff, but lol that guardian was so bad.
And it was funny how that thief almost every time at start would one-shot you.
Yeah the guardi wasn’t the best but he still hit pretty hard, especially with those stacks.
I also find it hard to predict when exactly a thief will hit and I hate wasting dodges so sometimes my caution can cost me a fight.
You seem strugling in 1v1,not that much dps,but still squishie,no movement abils.I mean as solo roamer,i always equip myself to be ready to fight outmanned “not always win” and to counter anything i can meet and ready to run,when red tide comes for me.
You seem strugling in 1v1,not that much dps,but still squishie,no movement abils.I mean as solo roamer,i always equip myself to be ready to fight outmanned “not always win” and to counter anything i can meet and ready to run,when red tide comes for me
Its a l2p problem, at first when i started playing elementalist over a month ago, i couldn’t understand how people even ran zerker gear, everyone would literally two-shot me, with time you get better and more experienced and the fights that you would have lost in the past, you can survive.
But sure, there will be times when you cant even react as zerker and you get downed instantly. Aka example with that thief in the video.
Also what you need to keep in mind is that in WvW, not everyone has the same gear as in sPvP, some people will be super easy to kill.
And not that much dps? You must have missed the parts in the video where he would melt a person in under 2 seconds when his combo was executed properly.
Did i mention the music is great? I laughed quite a bit and it fits the Asura perfectly.
I can imagine little Asura’s singing that in the background in suits and with tall stage mic’s on sticks xD
EDIT: Btw one suggestion: ditch Arcane Blast for Earth Signet, will make landing your fire combo that much easier with the immobilize, and the bleed will replace the little burst Arcane Blast provides.
(edited by Lawful.5314)
You seem strugling in 1v1,not that much dps,but still squishie,no movement abils.I mean as solo roamer,i always equip myself to be ready to fight outmanned “not always win” and to counter anything i can meet and ready to run,when red tide comes for me
The damage is pretty high, both burst and consistent. In terms of outnumbered fights, its all about terrain and how you can use it to your advantage, in most cases fighting on an open field with a build like this will get you killed if its a 1v2.
Also FGS is all the mobility you could ever need, I can’t count the amount of times I’ve popped my invuln and summoned a FGS in the middle of an enemy zerg and managed to survive. As lawful said, its all about experience and you have to move out your comfort zone if you want to try new things.
Did i mention the music is great? I laughed quite a bit and it fits the Asura perfectly.
I can imagine little Asura’s singing that in the background in suits and with tall stage mic’s on sticks xDEDIT: Btw one suggestion: ditch Arcane Blast for Earth Signet, will make landing your fire combo that much easier with the immobilize, and the bleed will replace the little burst Arcane Blast provides.
Yeah I try to make the music upbeat and happy in most of the videos because it suits the playstyle and character well :P
I’ve actually considered using Earth Signet, the passive and active are very strong and it would certainly help land some of the various combos, I’ll definitely give it a shot.
This looks like a terrible roaming build. You almost go down on one player, imagine a camp vet jumping in. Or in some cases even a deer can kill you
Very brave to be roaming with this build imo.
This looks like a terrible roaming build. You almost go down on one player, imagine a camp vet jumping in. Or in some cases even a deer can kill you
Very brave to be roaming with this build imo.
Roaming isn’t all “Build Wars 2” as people seem to think it is. If you play right its fairly easy to stay alive, manage your cooldowns and be aware of your surroundings.
And of course a full zerker thief is gonna hit a full zerker ele hard. Focus offers a lot of utility and FGS gives you mobility, while scepter does good damage.
There are way squisher builds out there that you can roam with (66002 S/D or S/F) and still be viable.
Did i mention the music is great? I laughed quite a bit and it fits the Asura perfectly.
I can imagine little Asura’s singing that in the background in suits and with tall stage mic’s on sticks xDEDIT: Btw one suggestion: ditch Arcane Blast for Earth Signet, will make landing your fire combo that much easier with the immobilize, and the bleed will replace the little burst Arcane Blast provides.
Yeah I try to make the music upbeat and happy in most of the videos because it suits the playstyle and character well :P
I’ve actually considered using Earth Signet, the passive and active are very strong and it would certainly help land some of the various combos, I’ll definitely give it a shot.
If there is only one downfall for using signet of earth, its that it has around 1s casting time, thus you can’t just throw it in whenever you feel like arcane blast, but what you can do, is start casting it then swap atunements and use instant spells while its casting, like swap to air, then Air 2 for example.
But the with that said, the signet brings just so much to the table, its a great chasing tool, and preparational tool for your fire 2-3-4 combo aswell, even for water 2-4-5, you name it.
And unlike the more important signets, like air or fire, when you pop it without written in stone, you don’t lose that much of anything since it only gives a bit of toughness, so you never have to think twice about using it.
(edited by Lawful.5314)
This looks like a terrible roaming build. You almost go down on one player, imagine a camp vet jumping in. Or in some cases even a deer can kill you
Very brave to be roaming with this build imo.Roaming isn’t all “Build Wars 2” as people seem to think it is. If you play right its fairly easy to stay alive, manage your cooldowns and be aware of your surroundings.
And of course a full zerker thief is gonna hit a full zerker ele hard. Focus offers a lot of utility and FGS gives you mobility, while scepter does good damage.
There are way squisher builds out there that you can roam with (66002 S/D or S/F) and still be viable.
I’ve changed my entire perspective of the Elementalist class in a few months of playing it.
And what i can actually say is that, even if you make a random build, but you are an experienced Elementalist, things will work out, you can throw random traits that don’t match completely, and still do really well in WvW.
So yeah, this isn’t “Build Wars 2” , just learn to play your elementalist and know the basic rotations on the weapons you like using.
I agree with Lawful reading through this to be bad on an ele you have to be bad. Easily the best class in this game by far and if you are having problems with it lol it is 100% your fault. This class is bar none the most dominant in wvw BY A LONG WAYS. When I read anything negative about this class I honestly start laughing. IF you have even a remote clue what you are doing 3v1 is truely nothing. Go d/d close your eyes pick some skills and go slaughter in wvw. The fact this class has not been nerfed into the ground is only because the skill level. So, good players make this class look like you are exploiting they make it look so effortless killing people.
I agree with Lawful reading through this to be bad on an ele you have to be bad. Easily the best class in this game by far and if you are having problems with it lol it is 100% your fault. This class is bar none the most dominant in wvw BY A LONG WAYS. When I read anything negative about this class I honestly start laughing. IF you have even a remote clue what you are doing 3v1 is truely nothing. Go d/d close your eyes pick some skills and go slaughter in wvw. The fact this class has not been nerfed into the ground is only because the skill level. So, good players make this class look like you are exploiting they make it look so effortless killing people.
I wouldn’t go as far as saying that 1v3 is easy.
Even 1v2 is hard if the two people you are fighting aren’t newbies.
1v1 against a equally skilled player, is a 50/50 aswell.
Don’t overglorify the class.
Honestly, elementalists are like one of the less played classes in GW2, and i have met very few good elementalists, most of them are just like 2013, free kills.
(edited by Lawful.5314)
Was runing zerker in WvW for maybe half year,and i was dieing a lot.Any outmanned against not complete noobs,was complete fail.Dieing to one CnD-steal-BS combo aint that much funn in my eyes.But hey,if you say you can pull it off,and dont die that often,nice for you.I personally wouldnt recomend anyone,especially not for solo roaming.And in party you would be 1st target to go down,and pull whole team into defense mode.
Sadly i rarely see enemy eles run zerker,its funn to burst em down in 1-2sec.Ofc not if u count zerg meat in.
Was runing zerker in WvW for maybe half year,and i was dieing a lot.Any outmanned against not complete noobs,was complete fail.Dieing to one CnD-steal-BS combo aint that much funn in my eyes.But hey,if you say you can pull it off,and dont die that often,nice for you.I personally wouldnt recomend anyone,especially not for solo roaming.And in party you would be 1st target to go down,and pull whole team into defense mode.
Sadly i rarely see enemy eles run zerker,its funn to burst em down in 1-2sec
.Ofc not if u count zerg meat in.
Yeah when I’m running with more than 3 people I change my zerker armor out for knights and switch my food etc. , knowing that I’ll most likely be focused. The last thing I’d want to be to my party it a liability!
I wish more people would try d/f power builds. 0 30 0 20 20 is actually pretty good for damage do to the large cleave damage from air auto attack. Burning speed and lightning flash to the enemy while at the same time attuning to air for the air 15 proc. Its a good burst combo, however the build lacks the sustainability of typical d/d builds.
Bad Elementalist
Nice button mashing. But imho, from the skill requirement, s/f fresh air is a bit overrated. Because in the end it’s just a lot of spamming of skills that happen to be off cooldown. Like 2:50 “ kitten I need to do something. Oh earth is getting ready again. Jumping to earth. Oh nothing off cooldown here. Ok let’s see what we have ready in fire.”
0 30 0 20 20 .
Umm, you probably haven’t been playing recently.
0 30 0 20 20 .
Umm, you probably haven’t been playing recently.
why do you say that?
Bad Elementalist
0 30 0 20 20 .
Umm, you probably haven’t been playing recently.
why do you say that?
Because there are only 14 trait points in the game anymore, not 70.
0 30 0 20 20 .
Umm, you probably haven’t been playing recently.
why do you say that?
Because there are only 14 trait points in the game anymore, not 70.
I play this game on a daily basis and still make that mistake every time someone asks me for my build. Old habits die hard xD