Solo Ele build
What happened to trying out things for yourself, eles dont have a whole ton of weapon combos just pick one and feel it out you can always change it, by having someone tell you whats good it really impeads on the chance someone will find a really cool weapon combo that is viable(not the same as the best). Just remember that no one weapon setup in any mmo has 100% success for every senerio.
tl;dr just pick something and play with it.
Hi there I have gotten 100% map completion doing most zones solo with the staff and do EM dungeons no problem being a support class with the staff
heres a link to the build i use
Wear full clerics armor as this gives you Power, Healing Power, and toughness. This means you will be able to still deal damage to monsters while having some fat heals and your no longer so squishy thanks to the toughness which is a must have for squishy classes like ele’s. Keep in mind the counter to toughness is conditions, but since you lose a condition each time you gain regeneration you never have to worry about that
Bad link! Please correct it, I’m really interested in your build
Staff is for group play.
Scepter/Dagger is for Solo.
Dagger/Dagger or Dagger/Focus is for PvP.
Put at least 20 points into Arcana trait tree for ANY build.
If you’re trying to do Solo, then at least 20 points into Fire. 30 is also nice, but it depends on how squishy you feel.
Also: learn to kite, learn to dodge, learn to swap attunements. Nimble fingers are that important for this class.
To see JiiJii’s link, copy and paste the URL in your browser. (The forums won’t handle URLs with a semi-colon in them properly, but copy-and-paste works fine.)
I can speak about my experiences leveling so far. I’d say I am an average-skilled player.
Leveling can be both painful and great fun. There are a lot of choices out there, the important thing really is to play around and find what works best for you. At level 40, I’ve respecced my traits at least five times.
I’ve found Dagger/Dagger best for me in most situations. When I join group stuff, I switch to Sceptre/Dagger. A staff would work as well, possibly better, but I’m just too lazy to try remembering the staff skills. Once I find a good staff drop, I’ll try again.
For me, the key component of pain-free leveling has been to visit the trading post every five levels or so and update gear. Don’t neglect the upgrade slots. I’ve found this to be critical for Elementalist leveling – at least moreso than the Engineer, which is the other character I’m running.
As most of the inexpensive gear I’ve found so far is geared towards power and precision, the builds suggesting Water/Earth didn’t work so well, nor did points into Arcane. I found 20 points in fire and 10 in Earth work pretty well. With all the power/precision gear I used all toughness upgrades.
For utility skills I’m currently using the “heal on spellcast”, Lightning Flash, Cleansing Fire, Arcane Shield, and my elite is Glyph of Elementals.
So far so good, but that may change in another five levels. It seems to me that fluidity and adaptability is key. On my Engineer I have a set regimen to kill mobs which works every time, and a plan for adds. On my Elementalist, that doesn’t work. I wing it based on the situation and attunement cooldowns, and accept that when I screw up, I am downed, then likely die.
In summary: Experiment, find what suits you. Be patient. There is no one true way, or guaranteed easy way. Don’t be afraid to die or change tactics completely.
(edited by morandipag.5134)
For me I am a staff user for solo and group. I do medium to high DPS and do not die that often actually. I don’t buy the “You must put 20 into arcane” blah blah. Seriously, everyone has their own opinion on what is best for the class, but it really depends on your play style and etc. For me Fire/Earth/Water is my choice and works for me and my play style. 30/30/10. I tried d/d and d/s and I just didn’t like, though if I could swap weapons I would probably do staff and d/s, but since I can’t I stick with the staff as do many many other players. It just is fun for me and works for me!
My leveling is also fast, it just now started to slow down slightly, but I’m 70 now and I’ve actually wanted the leveling to slow down a bit lol. For me it just went so fast, but for others it can be slow. I do think, what ever class you go with, UPDATE THAT GEAR! Evaluate your gear every 5-10 levels as that makes a WORLD of difference especially with under water combat!