*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


Title now more appropriate

I was trying to tell my friends how much better ele gameplay is now that RTL is fixed and they just didn’t seem to get it…So I had to record it.

This is the funnest class I have ever played in any MMO. GOD I hope they don’t change anything with D/D…well except lightning whip still seems to miss a lot.

while I was recording there were quite a few good necros on the server, thats why you see so many. I noticed in the video I need to keep a better eye on updraft cooldown.. there were lots of times I could of used it but didn’t realize it was up, other than that I think I played pretty well.

Hope you enjoy!

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

(edited by Rhoto.8791)

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


erm – RTL isnt fixed it STILL bugs out.

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


Seems to work fine for me atleast 90% of the time

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Seems to work fine for me atleast 90% of the time

it bugs out ALOT for me, especially in dungeons and when they say “fixed” i would assume for it to be fixed not to work 90% of the time :/

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


Bah .. the video is blocked, I will Edit once I get it working
*Edit – works now

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

(edited by Rhoto.8791)

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: KieronWolf.5108


RTL is fine for me now as well. Magnetic grasp seems like it has gotten worse though.

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Siv.4351


Appreciate the effort they put into trying to fix RtL, but yeah, it still bugs out here and there. I’ve thankfully not been self-CC’d on the spot, RtL simply travels through my target and I explode a few feet behind them. No explosion damage, updraft combo is almost guaranteed to miss without some fancy footwork to reposition.

Magnetic Grasp is all sorts of broken still, to the point where It’d be a good idea for a dev to double-check if the said changes to the skill actually made it to live.

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


The burst was far from crazy. Rather low actually, except the occasional Churning Earth.

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: I AM.2186

I AM.2186

Is this a recent vid? I thought the churning earth blast finisher didn’t work anymore. I see it used in this vid.

Salvo – Ranger – SoS
Shiver Me Timbers – Elementalist – SoS

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


Well.. more burst than what most eles are used to seeing. Just the air attunement swap + RTL can be about a 5k burst if lightning whip actually hits. The crazy part is the survivability while being able to burst. Most DPS ele builds die in seconds, especially against more than 1 enemy

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

The tracking that RTL does is pretty cool. goes around corners.
i have actually been RTL’ing to a downed character who them moved to a new location midflight and RTL corrected itself dramatically.
at least thats what it looked like.

video was not bad. the use of that healing skill.. i have never used it past findingout it was channeled. But it makes more sense now seeing it in action. i use the others basically the same way.

(edited by Crunchy Gremlin.5798)

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Speaking of RtL being bugged, Magnetic Grasp bugs out in PvE for me. My character gets stuck at the end of the animation half the time. Very annoying. Anyone else have this issue?

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


Is this a recent vid? I thought the churning earth blast finisher didn’t work anymore. I see it used in this vid.

This is post patch.. the blast finisher does work on churning earth as long as it begins the cast in the field, you don’t get the buff till it finishes the cast though. The churning earth from EA is NOT a blast finisher any more.

@ Chesire
yes Magnetic Grasp is still very bugged, you see in the video several times where I CC myself using it.

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

(edited by Rhoto.8791)

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Use your Auras when you’re cycling through attunements. You leave them off cooldown for considerable amounts of time which is just a waste when they’re instant casts.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


RTL is even more unreliable for me after the patch – it overshoots its target constantly, leaving my d/d else way out of position.

downed state is bad for PVP

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I watched about 1/3 of the vid. I’m really confused where the burst is? You spend the whole time trying to kill a bunker Necro and he never even dropped below 1/3. This is with other people helping you…

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

I watched about 1/3 of the vid. I’m really confused where the burst is? You spend the whole time trying to kill a bunker Necro and he never even dropped below 1/3. This is with other people helping you…

Yeah, I’m not seeing why this level of damage is all that notable, tbh…

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

*SPVP Video* Hybrid D/D -Tanky/Moderate Burst

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


I usually do try to hit each each aura as I cycle through attunements, I ALWAYs hit shocking aura either while I stay in air or right before I switch out.. Frost aura is the one that sometimes I just switch out of water before it gets casted.. usually because I’m still finishing water 2 while I press water 4 then switch, but you’re right I do need spend some attention making sure it casts.

@Mogar and Blaine
As I said earlier its pretty bursty for an ele. There are other builds that can definitely provide more burst with arcane skills but they are not fun to play.. because you die FAST. This build has some burst with out sacrificing all your survivability. The burst shown in this video comes from 3 sources:
fire3 > fire4 > arcane wave – up to 8k burst
Air attunement proc >RTL > lightning whip – 5k burst
fire2 > dodge roll EA proc > fire5 – 5k burst
There are a lot of other combos you can do for some burst attacks but the ones listed above are unique to this build. Its true that alot of the fights in this vid were against tanky necros.. because when I was recording there were tons of them on the server. I will change the title to make it less misleading.

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)