Scepter Thug

Scepter Thug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mem no Fushia.7604

Mem no Fushia.7604

Fire Attunement
1. Flamestrike – we look like a statue of liberty and its feel like our moves are very shape and fast.
2. Dragon’s Tooth – it couldn’t be ground target and on target use at once, btw did it lose ingoring LoS?
3. Pheonix – it could be additionaly physical projectile that can’t be reflected nor block nor destroyed so we could use it against enemies placed in verticaly higher places.

Air Attunement
1. Arc Lightining – in targeting options there could be target the most behind enemy in your radious so we could use that skill more efficently, but still it would have been too long in casting.
2. Lightining Strike – instant dmg, most reliable in dmg, expection.
3. Blinding Flash – instant blind, most reliable defence, expection.

Water Attunement
1. Ice Shards – it could be see normalize its cast time to others two scepter water skill cast times which is 1/2s.
2. Shatterstone – pure love. If that skill is supposed to be there its ok. If that skill is supposed to have any meaning in fight and gameplay it should see increase radious or make ring of ice around to apply chill when enemies cross it, or itself it should pulse criple or chill.

I would even rework it to: you become block of ice for 1/2s being invureable then explode applying 10 stacks of vulenrability.
3. Water Trident – would like to see knockback there ima so greedy.

Earth Attunement
1. Stone Shards – that new bristle pet seems to be more reliable at throwing shards projectiles than us.
2. Rock barrier – Hurl – flat thoughness – send 5 physical projectiles. Maybe if we don’t hurl something interesting happens with those 5 stones?
3. Dust devil – saw suggestions about making it bigger or whirling finisher, would agree with both.

Scepter Thug

in Elementalist

Posted by: The Great Al.2546

The Great Al.2546

Phoenix should destroy projectiles.

Scepter Thug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Fire 1: Flame Strike – Channeled damage attack that hits a target and up to 2 other people within 240 of them (3 total). Basically a longer range version of Engineers flame thrower 1 that hits less people. Same 5 attacks per second which actually would allow the low proc% trait abilities a chance to actually proc.

Fire 2: Dragon Tooth – Split it into two like Engineer riffle 5 … have an instant immediate damage pulse for about 1/3 the total damage and then a second pulse a moment later with the remainder of the damage.

Fire 3: Phoenix – Have it transform the elementalist INTO a phoenix that flys up to a range of 900 in a line/direction selected by the elementalist prior to the cast. Provides a detonate ability like Engineers Flamethrower 2 or Guardians Staff 2 where you can end the movement early providing a burst finisher and 240 radius AE damage. The elementalist appears either where the phoenix was detonated or at the max range in the direction selected. Detonate acts as a blast finisher.

Water 1: Ice Shard – Condense (no pun intended) it down to a single shard of ice every 0.75s (increasing the damage) and allow it a 20% chance to act as a projectile finisher.

Water 2: ShatterStone – Split the damage ,like with Dragon Tooth above, into two pulses where 1/3 of the damage is immediate and then rest occurs at the conclusion of the attack. Split the vulnerability between the damage pulses equally.

Water 3: Ice Trident – Acts like Frozen Ground (Ele Water Staff 4) but only lasts 3 seconds instead of 5, but has a shorter cooldown. This would provide Scepter access to Ice Aura through a burst finisher combo which will allow auramancer builds to work with scepter.

Air 1: Arc Lightning – Unchanged

Air 2: Lightning Strike – Unchanged

Air 3: Blinding Flash – Increase the number of target up to 5 within 240 radius and increase the cooldown to 15 seconds.

Earth 1: Stone Shards – Unchanged

Earth 2: Rock Barrier – Unchanged

Earth 3: Stones Throw – Cripple up to 5 targets around you and leap backwards. Counts as a Leap finisher. With the change to Blinding Flash above, Dust Devil would be redundant. Elementalist were lacking Leap finishers anyway.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Scepter Thug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Fire 3: Phoenix – Have it transform the elementalist INTO a phoenix that flys up to a range of 900 in a line/direction selected by the elementalist prior to the cast. Provides a detonate ability like Engineers Flamethrower 2 or Guardians Staff 2 where you can end the movement early providing a burst finisher and 240 radius AE damage. The elementalist appears either where the phoenix was detonated or at the max range in the direction selected. Detonate acts as a blast finisher.

I see the merit in your other ideas, but not sure about this one. While getting another mobility skill would be sweet, I’d still like some option to remain where I am when using the phoenix. And transforming into a phoenix sounds a bit distracting. Maybe keep as-is, but if the 3 is pressed while the phoenix is flying have the explosion there? And if 3 is double-tapped (is that too much?) have the explosion and teleport to there.

Ultimately, I’d settle for phoenix not stopping if I happen to press another skill while it’s still casting. The other fire skills keep casting without interruption.

I’m still smarting from Dragon’s Tooth getting changed from targeted to AOE. I like the new way but I also liked the old way. There was an opportunity there to have both: if 2 is pressed once, fire on target. If it’s held down, AOE. I used to use it as a fire-and-forget skill on targets like champs. Now you have to aim while running/dodging, which adds a bit of frustration to its already long casting/cooldown.

Scepter Thug

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Fire 3: Phoenix – Have it transform the elementalist INTO a phoenix that flys up to a range of 900 in a line/direction selected by the elementalist prior to the cast. Provides a detonate ability like Engineers Flamethrower 2 or Guardians Staff 2 where you can end the movement early providing a burst finisher and 240 radius AE damage. The elementalist appears either where the phoenix was detonated or at the max range in the direction selected. Detonate acts as a blast finisher.

I see the merit in your other ideas, but not sure about this one. While getting another mobility skill would be sweet, I’d still like some option to remain where I am when using the phoenix. And transforming into a phoenix sounds a bit distracting. Maybe keep as-is, but if the 3 is pressed while the phoenix is flying have the explosion there? And if 3 is double-tapped (is that too much?) have the explosion and teleport to there.

Ultimately, I’d settle for phoenix not stopping if I happen to press another skill while it’s still casting. The other fire skills keep casting without interruption.

I’m still smarting from Dragon’s Tooth getting changed from targeted to AOE. I like the new way but I also liked the old way. There was an opportunity there to have both: if 2 is pressed once, fire on target. If it’s held down, AOE. I used to use it as a fire-and-forget skill on targets like champs. Now you have to aim while running/dodging, which adds a bit of frustration to its already long casting/cooldown.

As with the aforementioned abilities … you just press the button twice quickly and you detonate in place instead of traveling anywhere. Thief has mobility and stealth in order to deal with being the lowest hitpoint / medium armor class of the game. The Elementalist has mobility / healing to deal with being the lowest hitpoints / lowest armor, but all the mobility is locked into a single weapon set and build. In order for other options to be viable they need to spread them around.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Scepter Thug

in Elementalist

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


isn’t iceshards the highest dps autoattack scepter has?

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards