Should I continue my elementalist

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Euacha.1596


Well, ive just hit level 53 with my elementalist and I am finding it extremely hard, I die in a matter of seconds, I even tried putting all trait points into earth for survivability. Does anyone have any tips I could use to make it easy? Should I go through the troubles and still level him up?
(Btw, i keep gear up to date, i evade, i constantly switch attunements, and i generally dont know what else i can do.)

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: STRanger.5120


I think that you´re not alone who has the problems with the Elementalist leveling, I also encountered some difficulties, but nothing which wasn´t manageable.
My opinion on this is that you need to “understand” the mechanic of this class, then you will be able to discover a new ways how to deal with a certain problem by making new strategies, builds and such. I suggest that you invest trait points rather to water line than Earth for survival (if you´re not running condition dmg build – but I didn´t found that sufficient for leveling due to lack of “time earning” abilities on Ele – such as Thiefs´ constant blinds/crippling ability. So I believe that direct dmg is better way to go).
What weapon set you use? That´s very important for any direct advice

#ELEtism 4ever

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: igneous.8153


I gave up on my ele just 2 levels short of 78 and never wanted to return. I’ve since tried mesmer, necromancer, engineer and thief.

In essence, an engineer will net you the same flexibility in terms of defence, offence and support, but will be better at everything. It will hit harder and from longer range, be more difficult to kill, and easier to play.

My current main is a level 52 thief, and I am having an absolute blast. Though considering how possible it is that thief will be nerfed far beyond even already kitten eles due to rivers of tears from bads, I am looking at the possibility of leveling up an engineer now.

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: STRanger.5120


I gave up on my ele just 2 levels short of 78 and never wanted to return. I’ve since tried mesmer, necromancer, engineer and thief.

In essence, an engineer will net you the same flexibility in terms of defence, offence and support, but will be better at everything. It will hit harder and from longer range, be more difficult to kill, and easier to play.

My current main is a level 52 thief, and I am having an absolute blast. Though considering how possible it is that thief will be nerfed far beyond even already kitten eles due to rivers of tears from bads, I am looking at the possibility of leveling up an engineer now.

I understand I also leveled up my Thief first, but then returned to my Ele because it really gives some challenge and I love the idea of attunement swapping (even if there are so many bugs/glitches in this class). I´m looking forward to fix for those problems, and when that happens, Ele will be really good class and every other class will be easy mode for an Ele player (but maybe a little boring).
It´s everybody´s choice to play a harder class (due to complex mechanics and bugs + little weakness) or play an easy class. The most important is to have fun, right?

#ELEtism 4ever

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: fanzil.3721

recommend to check this out , provides alot of survivability + dps

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Baladir.2736


Well, I am not sure why I am answering your post heh. You can level him if you want to of course. Many have made it past 53 I think it’s safe to say.

Forgetting builds for a sec, I do know there is a difference between reading posted tips and suggested strats in the forums and truly understanding them and using them. Do you have go to strats to go to if you are taking too much damage and need to avoid damage and heal? Do you have strats for maximizing dps that include the use of fields and finishers? Do you have level appropiate gear? Are you pulling only the mobs you want? Cause if you do, then you wouldn’t be having issues.

Playing an ele imo is based on offensive, in other words a mulit-faceted pro-active approach. We don’t dps until we get so low on health we need to heal. We don’t ignore damage until we have taken too much. For me it’s more of a continuous rotation as I go thru the attunements to keep heals up, continuous movement to escape damage and group up mobs for my next aoes and field finsher combos, tab target to mobs who I can eliminate first. Like that.

It can be the little things that add up that can matter. Knockdowns, auras, chills, cripples, blowbacks, grouped mobs for aoes, finishing combo fields, well timed dodges, line of sight if available, stacking bleeds and burns more than once are details that add up to better results.

This kind of stuff is far more important to successfully playing the class than the build. At 53 the game is far less about builds because you are 17 levels to low and far away from getting any gear sets. It’s more about using what you have available.

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: zzled.9125


@fanzil: I found the D/D bunker ele to be great at L80, but I’m not sure I can recommend it for lower levels. I don’t know if there are enough trait points available for it to work well.

@Euacha: You might want to consider this build. I used it from around L60 to L80, and saw a huge increase in survivability.

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Aaaannndd wrong thread disregard.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Wrong thread

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zatria.5783


leveling, I had no issue and found it to be pretty easy to be honest. I really don’t think it matters where you slap your traits. I rolled right through it. Maybe they changed something since then? I don’t know. Just make sure you are using as many attunements as you can.

I don’t see an issue in Pve, while leveling. I see a huge one in PvP, though.

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordXy.4278


go buy ash legion spy kit it will help a lot if you think youre gonna die use it to go in cloak then rethink your strategy

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scary.8034


I feel that points in earth don’t really make you that much tankier ( of course the thoughness helps), but on the other hand points in water do, because one it increase your health and also it allows you to heal yourself more:
-Health when attuning to water
-Bonus healing power
And the condition removals are pretty good too.

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: jaif.3518


earth 5 trait is a problem, i think. 80 toughness is a drop in the bucket. Needs to be around 4-5x as big, I think.

Should I continue my elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaalrhys.2735


Here’s how you play 20/0/30/0/20, S/D condition Elementalist : Sit in Air form, Ride the lighting(you can use flash attacks while this is happening), knockdown, switch to fire, lay down a field use your burst/blast combos fire to get 6 might, swap to earth use earth knockdown and churning earth(you will have protection to stop damage) if you fear knockdown you can use teleport with it still casting), bringing it up to 12 might stack stack a couple bleeds, go back to air/water to hit high damage with bleeds/fire ticking much higher than before. Repeat this going into water instead of air if need be.

This should give high control mixed with DoTs, burst and team might bonus will be very, very good for you and your team.