Signet of restoration

Signet of restoration

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Any chance the cast/get heal amount can be increased a bit?

At the moment the auto heals you get from it is negligible and the full heal doesn’t compare to the single heal/buff you start with.

I really like this spell as it has almost innate healing and let’s you focus on the fight, but would be grand if it procced just a bit higher in heal amount. Thanks for any consideration!

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Signet of restoration

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cynical.2097


Its fine the way it is. You can always decrease the CD with traits. If you don’t like the heal form this, grab elemental harmony.

Signet of restoration

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xaielao.8510


Doesn’t Healing Power affect your personal heal? If you feel you aren’t getting enough I’d recommend boosting yours. Even a small bit 10-20 points can be helpful.

Signet of restoration

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crimifa.2361


boosting healing power will increase the heal to a “more respectable” amount… but don’t be deluded into thinking it will save you.

the signet seems to be more designed for long fights, where the heals per cast can start adding up, also you need to play better with it. (this statement sounds inflammatory but its not ment that way, what i mean is that you need to play in a more conservative way compared to the other heals)

signet also has combos with the aura builds.

basically, signet will not save you like glyph (particularly in earth will)… unless you go the aura build lol (20 second CD, protection, fury, swiftness and fiery aura? yay)

like alot of things about the elementalist, its about the greater whole than the individual parts. So you gotta think what each part is gonna do for you.

short answer, don’t use signet unless your build supports it.

Signet of restoration

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Thanks guys, I’ll try those suggestions.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Signet of restoration

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


The main healing is so weak, that outside of trait builds, the signet of resto is only worth if you can make good use of the passive healing, which is not very impressive either.

With the Glyph, you’ll get better burst healing, you’ll get great passive healing on water, and you still have the flexibility for other effects.

I’d suggest a cooldown decrease for the signet, maybe 5s less. Healing slightly more often and getting access to the passive healing slightly more often should make it more fairly balanced against the glyph, at least in the long term, which seems to be the purpose of the signet. Also, by decreasing the cooldown, you wouldn’t make strong traits like Written in Stone indirectly stronger, so it would be a “safe” change, I think.

Signet of restoration

in Elementalist

Posted by: Crimifa.2361


but you would begin to push the already powerful aura builds into slightly more broken territory…

signet is probally fine, its the glyph that might indeed need toning down lol

i jest, honestly i feel our heals are pretty balanced and good, even ether renewal (i don’t use it often, but i like tht its an option for builds without condition removal)