(edited by Tactu.4867)
Skill improvement : Gust
That, or perhaps a placed AoE which works pretty much like Mesmers “Temporal Curtain” with the “Into The Void” thing.
I could totally see Gust being a Ground targeted burst of air in the shape of a tornado or something that pulls in enemies… then you could be able to drag back things into a Eruption/Ice Spike you prepared but the target escaped from..
Staff elementalist’s air attunement is pretty disappointing in it’s current state imo and could do with a overhaul that gives it that “Superior Crowd Control” it’s supposed to have. Dx
It could work that way, but not at 1200 range.
Maybe if it had say 400 range or so…
a 400-600 range PBAoE knockback? yes please
It is currently bugged and only hits one target, instead of all in a line.
I agree to OPs idea. A most important tool to have and would increase survivability of staffies in PvP as well. Good for keeping people off the point.
I’ve got an idea for this skill :
360 degree / no target / point blank blow of wind (starting from inside the elementalist ,coupled with a thunder sound) that will push back anything around you to 600 units away.
Based on your description, it seems like it should also come with a Poison/Torment cloud
It could also be a blast finisher, if it become an AoE around the player, instead of applying alterations as poison or torment.
Yes plz. Not only gust but also most of the staff skills.