So I rolled a Mesmer...
*is a ranged caster when a staff or GS is equipped.
But, like the elementalist — it has… wait for it…. CLOSE RANGE OPTIONS!
Dunnnn dun dun duh.
Ride the Lightning has spoiled me. The mesmer isn’t mobile enough for me. Although you can argue that you really don’t need it with all the clones but, it’s just not my playstyle.
I enjoy playing both
I typically roll all the casters in the game.
I like my Ele because he’s got some really strong AOE damage. More over while doing said damage he can still provide group support in some fashion. You also got a few viable specs with Staff Cantrip, D/D Bunker and Staff Support. The hardest part is I feel this class lacks active defenses and has it’s utility slot skills on stupid long cool downs.
I like my Mesmer cause he’s got absurd active defenses no matter what spec you play. They also have amazing group utility and damage. Where I feel it suffers though is a lack of AOE which makes Dynamic Event farming tenuous at best. Otherwise he’s pretty much amazing at everything else with multiple viable specs.
My Necro I was always disappointed in. While he does have an amazing condition based spec and people are coming up with new power well builds I never really felt he did anything of note. For example even in large groups (20-30) you’ll only ever want a handful of necros for blinds/fears and anymore is pretty much a waste. The condition cap leaves a lot to be desired in PvE when conditions are the spec necros by far excel at. The fact that mob AI targets pets first means that those long cool down pets die quick and take seemingly forever to come back up. Even the huge survivability (through hitpoints, toughness, deathshroud and condition management) isn’t really unique since a mesmer can easily be just as survivable with it’s active defenses. Their lack of targeted AOE makes them even worse at Dyanmic Events than a Mesmer hah.
I’ve leveled other classes as well (Engineer, Guardian) but I always come back to Ele and Mesmer as my two mains.
OMG. Why didn’t I start with that class. I always played ranged mage type in mmos. When I started GW2 I picked Elemetalist because it sounded like a mage class. Boy was I wrong. However I stuck with it and learned to make it work. Sure my Ele is a beast , I tank 4 ppl all the time in WvW and pvp. But it just doesn’t feel right, I never felt like a mage .
After leveling my Mesmer to 80 I am totally in love. The mesmer is a ranged caster. The class just feels right. On top of that you can have more than 1 viable build “GASP” . So to my fellow mage type . Try a mesmer and don’t look back :P
I recently picked up my mesmer and was shocked at what a month of playing D/D did for my mesmer play.
Mesmers have so many long periods of invulnerability, evasions, etc.
I do a lot more damage in random rares on my mesmer than I did on my ele in exotics because I can ignore toughness and vitality, and still outlast anyone in a dungeon.
Ride the Lightning has spoiled me. The mesmer isn’t mobile enough for me. Although you can argue that you really don’t need it with all the clones but, it’s just not my playstyle.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to play any other class when you get good with an Ele?
Seriously. Anytime I play my necro and I have to walk to points to help I’m just like “arghhh so slow…kitten that was a mark not ride the lightning >.>”
I love my Ele to bits. So good. Mesmer is too glassy for me and I cant get used to playing them
@DXIEdge on twitter.
Too used to my ele to switch now. But whenever I play my mesmer (level 16) I have fun with it. I use s/f and staff on my mesmer, I think. I made it to portal people, that’s pretty much it.
I enjoy playing both
I enjoy playing both
Ride the Lightning has spoiled me. The mesmer isn’t mobile enough for me. Although you can argue that you really don’t need it with all the clones but, it’s just not my playstyle.
its not mobile?
sword 3,3 is mobile enough for me…..
staff is very mobile too.
You just have to try different weapons to see…..
Also deceptive evasion is mesmer’s evasive arcana it just doesn t need combos but does interesting things…
It just require a different tactic but mesmer is what ele should ve been.
Its just an ele without ele downsides and with less people crying about it not being fotm…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
its not mobile?
sword 3,3 is mobile enough for me…..
staff is very mobile too.You just have to try different weapons to see…..
Also deceptive evasion is mesmer’s evasive arcana it just doesn t need combos but does interesting things…It just require a different tactic but mesmer is what ele should ve been.
Its just an ele without ele downsides and with less people crying about it not being fotm…..
Mesmers have downsides. For one they are not mobile, they are the class with the least access to swiftness, no speed boost signets, and no weapon abilities that take them over large distances like thief short bow, warrior/ranger charges, ride the lightening ect.
They have some nice in combat short range teleports like staff and sword three but a mesmer should never escape from a fight (unless they use portal which is a very long CD), compared to RTL which works like a charm when you need to get away. Furthermore a mesmer shouldn’t be able to catch most classes if they run.
That doesn’t even touch on the healing, curing, buffing, versatility, and AOE’s an ele has on a mesmer. Mesmer’s are a good class but they aren’t just ele’s without downsides, both are good but different classes.
My ele recently hit 80. I cant go back to my mesmer. Its just sooooooooo painfullly slow compared to my ele.
In WvW its kitten near impossible to catch ANYONE. In a 1v1 situation 9 times outta 10 Ill build 10-12 stacks of confusion then they just run away from me and I can never catch them. Its frustrating. I dont think it would be nearly as bad if they would just fix iron curtain so its swiftness stacks properly and give us another mobility option.
Perma swiftness and RTL are just too good to pass up.
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
they have 900 range blink also that can get to 1200….and portal. (also stealth to run from combat)
Not to mention that focus 4,4 is nasty… run away….(and other nasty tricks).
For AoE ele is superior as it is for healing….and RTL is uncomparable…
But for PvE/dungeon (and probably pvp when it comes to Killing opponent and not running away mesmer can kill an ele with 1 button….moa) mesmer is far better :|
p.S. i personally left ele for mesmer recently..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Mesmer was fun for me at first, but then kinda grew boring due to lack of skills and combos and whatnot. I mean… with my ele not only I always have 20 skills to choose from, I can enjoy ranged combat, melee acrobatics, flashy effects, I can whip out a huge hammer if I feel like hammer time, I can play around with a bow or a sword, I can summon pets, zip around the battlefield like crazy or just stand there and take the hits (in PvE, of course).
Can’t see myself playing any other class chiefly because playing ele has spoiled me for options.
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
they have 900 range blink also that can get to 1200….and portal. (also stealth to run from combat)
Not to mention that focus 4,4 is nasty… run away….(and other nasty tricks).
For AoE ele is superior as it is for healing….and RTL is uncomparable…
But for PvE/dungeon (and probably pvp when it comes to Killing opponent and not running away mesmer can kill an ele with 1 button….moa) mesmer is far better :|p.S. i personally left ele for mesmer recently..
You have perma swiftness on your mesmer? How? You have all ONE ability that gives you swiftness and thats on like a 25s cooldown and the swiftness buff it gives you is bugged. Doesnt stack with other swiftness. (Example: If you already have swiftness it will not apply any additional swiftness)
The blink ability takes up a utility slot which limits your build.
Portal really doesnt count as mobility. Escape skill maybe?
All in all a very immobile class. Trust me. I know this from experience. Ive been running around in WvW with my mesmer for ages now. Even if I run with blink I struggle to keep up with friendly groups unless I have people providing swiftness buffs for me.
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
they have 900 range blink also that can get to 1200….and portal. (also stealth to run from combat)
Not to mention that focus 4,4 is nasty… run away….(and other nasty tricks).
For AoE ele is superior as it is for healing….and RTL is uncomparable…
But for PvE/dungeon (and probably pvp when it comes to Killing opponent and not running away mesmer can kill an ele with 1 button….moa) mesmer is far better :|p.S. i personally left ele for mesmer recently..
You have perma swiftness on your mesmer? How? You have all ONE ability that gives you swiftness and thats on like a 25s cooldown and the swiftness buff it gives you is bugged. Doesnt stack with other swiftness. (Example: If you already have swiftness it will not apply any additional swiftness)
The blink ability takes up a utility slot which limits your build.
Portal really doesnt count as mobility. Escape skill maybe?
I would really like to point you to those mesmer videos in their section.
There are some that are quite common seen posted as “this class is OP” (like our vids of daphoenix) that shows how much skill is involved in this class (like ele).
for permaswiftness there are 2 ways…
1 i forgot bcause its a build i don t use…
The second is focus + appropriate runes (centaur for example but there are many different)….that is quite common.
You may point out that on a first sight a mesmer seems slow, but after some play i can say that he can manipulate the battlefield to compensate for that…..
If the point is running in a zerg you may have your permaswiftness.
If the point is escaping you can go invisible, you can pull opponents away, or you can lure opponent towards a portal (see vids).
Mesmer has other plenty tricks…
Ele may be more difficult for pulling out combos….
Mesmer is as much fun due to the many different tactics he can pull out with his tricks……
Also you press as many buttons as a D/D ele often
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
ye I run 6 centaur runes on my mesmer and have perma swiftness. Staff 2 doesn’t matter if you face your target so it’s basically a teleport on 8 sec cool down that also breaks stun. The only down side to mesmer I found so far is lack of heals but you have soo many ways to avoid damage that’s really not a problem for me at all.
I grabbed my Mesmer the other day. She was running a ShatterCat build and gear, being an alt the only exotics I had were the berserker’s armour. Decided to modify it closer to the Immortal build but only replaced my trinkets and weapons with rare p/v/t.
After playing my ele for 500 hours compared to the 100 on my mesmer I was totally lost! Slowly got into the swing of things but was really really frustrated by the lack of mobility due to not having Centaur’s and running a build that revolved around stacking retaliation via weird kitten combos was even more confusing (excuse the pun).
I think I’m going back to the ShatterCat and possibly the Seven Mirror build but jumping back onto my Ele last night for a guild event felt like, well coming home!
Say what you like about an Elementalist, it will always be my class of choice.
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
@ OP,
It’s ironic as I started out a Mesmer and have now switched over to an Elementalist. After leveling to 80, doing some WvW and sPvP, I found that I just hated the class. Yeah, it’s pretty darn effective in many different builds but it just felt “boring.” So, after struggling with this dilemma for about a week, I picked up the Ele and have never looked back.
From my limited experience (only lvl 20 right now), the Ele has a much greater ranged of versatility and has something for just about any situation. There is also just something about a melee caster that I find really enjoyable. The fast-paced combat style is exciting and always makes me feel like I’m doing more than just pushing 2-3 buttons.
Anyways, I with you the best of luck though it’s kind of funny that you and I are doing the complete opposite of each other.
Mesmer was my class of choice in GW1, but I just can’t get into them here. Definitely prefer Elementalist.
@ OP,
It’s ironic as I started out a Mesmer and have now switched over to an Elementalist. After leveling to 80, doing some WvW and sPvP, I found that I just hated the class. Yeah, it’s pretty darn effective in many different builds but it just felt “boring.” So, after struggling with this dilemma for about a week, I picked up the Ele and have never looked back.
From my limited experience (only lvl 20 right now), the Ele has a much greater ranged of versatility and has something for just about any situation. There is also just something about a melee caster that I find really enjoyable. The fast-paced combat style is exciting and always makes me feel like I’m doing more than just pushing 2-3 buttons.
Anyways, I with you the best of luck though it’s kind of funny that you and I are doing the complete opposite of each other.
I think it just comes down to play style. I always played the ranged caster class. Something about doing damage at range while moving suites me. Like I said my ele is a beast it’s just not the type of beast I wanted to be
I just switched the other direction. Had a lot of fun leveling my Mesmer to 80, dancing around multiple mobs and scattering illusions around. For some reason I got tired of her, and decided to roll Ele. Hit forty, and I’m loving it.
There are two big things that make Ele refreshing after playing Mesmer for so long.
1) Massive AoE. It’s frustrating to dance around DEs in Orr, shattering for AoE like a champ, and still pick up only a few bags. On my Ele, it’s like loot is raining down from the sky.
2) Mobility. Ride the lightning, swiftness from Auras, swiftness from Air attunement, and lightning flash let me get around, even when I’m not in combat. Mesmer’s feel great in combat, teleporting around the battle, but out of combat they suddenly feel like their slogging through waist-deep mud.
Oh, and for a bonus, there’s a great variety of visual effects. Mesmer’s purply shimmer fields and phantasms don’t have nearly the impact as four different attunements cycling regularly.
Everything gets stale eventually, so I’m sure I’ll put away the Ele someday and switch back to Mesmer, or maybe move on to Thief, but for now Ele is very refreshing.
I think it just comes down to play style. I always played the ranged caster class. Something about doing damage at range while moving suites me. Like I said my ele is a beast it’s just not the type of beast I wanted to be
Oh, I completely agree. I did the same thing in WoW and SWTOR for a good while until I found something I really enjoyed. It’s funny though, in ever MMO I’ve pladed, the class I start out with (thinking I’ll love it) ends up being something completely different in the end.
When I first started in GW2, I played the Ele for about an hour and absolutely hated it! Now, I wonder why I ever quit. Strange how things work out as I did the same thing in WoW only to end up as a Lock for almost 4 years. Go figured….
Of course, that’s why I enjoy GW2 so much as each class is so widely different from the other that it makes the game very refreshing to play.
Mesmer was my class of choice in GW1, but I just can’t get into them here. Definitely prefer Elementalist.
I have been and continue to be hugely disappointed by the lack of “shut down” style of play that I had in GW1. They’ve nerfed confusion into the ground so much it’s just not possible.
I have been and continue to be hugely disappointed by the lack of “shut down” style of play that I had in GW1. They’ve nerfed confusion into the ground so much it’s just not possible.
I imagine they felt it wasn’t terribly fun to be on the receiving end of it :P
But yea that’s what I miss too, they were more about controlling the opponents actions than…illusions? I guess is the focus now.
Portal really doesnt count as mobility. Escape skill maybe?
Instant travel doesn’t count as mobility? Sure, it doesn’t get you from A to B faster than anyone else, but it gets you from B to A in the blink of an eye, which is an incredible option to have in many ways.
I have been and continue to be hugely disappointed by the lack of “shut down” style of play that I had in GW1. They’ve nerfed confusion into the ground so much it’s just not possible.
I imagine they felt it wasn’t terribly fun to be on the receiving end of it :P
But yea that’s what I miss too, they were more about controlling the opponents actions than…illusions? I guess is the focus now.
I think it has to deal more with the pacing of GW2 more than anything. In GW1 it was pretty easy to avoid taking actions because you didn’t have anything that was outrageously fast. Where as in GW2 you could do 5 actions in about the time frame of 1-2 seconds which with shut down is absurdly unforgiving.
Shame though because it was an element that made PvP very interesting as they weren’t really killing you but instead taking you out of the fight by punishing actions through damage.
I was fighting a mesmer in WvW yesterday and neither of us could kill each other. I had full invaders, pvt ascended backpiece, pvt daggers, dolyak runes so my damage was mediocre at best. I had 2 other 80s show up to try and help, but he kept slipping away. I got lucky about 15 mins later by downing him in stealth. He was LoS at the time. I think a mesmer has a lot better escapes than RTL gives us. Stealth/clone/portal, etc. The fight was at north camp so he had plenty of LoS to work with. He also had a thief buddy that showed up twice, which I managed to stake both times without any help from npcs, etc.
Memser is a good class and 1 v 1 is pretty much Op that being said. Its slow. For roaming its one of the worst classes in WvW. Beside that it has a lot of DPS tied into defensive skills (not unlike thief).
@OP glad you love mesmer but much like us most people run the cookie cutter build 20/20/0/0/30 so basically you will likely end up in the same boat as you would with ele. Variation occur but that 30 in shatter is dam near guaranteed. The widest range in viable builds come from warrior, guardian, engineer, and thief. Try every class and always look back.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
Stop spreading lies. The only way a mesmer can achieve perma swiftness is sacrificing all of their rune slots for centaur runes AND use a focus offhand or suboptimal mirror/mantra heal combined with signet of inspiration.
Mesmers being the slowest out of combat profession is not an opinion, but a heavily discussed issue ever since the game launched.
If you think that mesmers have anywhere near the mobility X/d elementalists have, now that is an opinion.
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
Stop spreading lies. The only way a mesmer can achieve perma swiftness is sacrificing all of their rune slots for centaur runes AND use a focus offhand or suboptimal mirror/mantra heal combined with signet of inspiration.
Mesmers being the slowest out of combat profession is not an opinion, but a heavily discussed issue ever since the game launched.
If you think that mesmers have anywhere near the mobility X/d elementalists have, now that is an opinion.
Lies and then you tell i m right XD?
Its not sacrificing runes…..its using them for what you need exactly as you do in other things
After all you have to sacrifice traits for ele in order to have permaswiftness….
Said that ele is more mobile…..having RTL.
But only with dagger offhand…..otherwise is as mobile as a mesmer.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Just stop spreading lies. There might be people wondering whether to roll an ele or mesmer reading these forums, and it is people like you that might ruin the game for them.
Lies and then you tell i m right XD?
Its not sacrificing runes…..its using them for what you need exactly as you do in other things
After all you have to sacrifice traits for ele in order to have permaswiftness….Said that ele is more mobile…..having RTL.
But only with dagger offhand…..otherwise is as mobile as a mesmer.
D/D bunker eles are fully functional WITH perma swiftness. There’s no sacrifice at all.
just like a dps mesmer like to use power based runes….
Auramancer is a build, you can opt for a hybrid build or a cantrip build
Auramancer requires lot of precision also…….lets say that to stack swiftness and fury you give up on other things that can give you 6 more stacks of might and lot of damage too….
What are we discussing of actually?
If your build needs something you use stats/runes/equip/traits/skills (right bar) to get that…..
You are not sacrificing anything. you are building……
I know many players just copy a powerful build and just play without caring, but they miss a part of the game….
Alex learn your manner also…..all i said is correct, i play ele since release as ONLY charater, i used DD when everybody told it was BAD also post evasive arcana was one of the few sticking to it rather than cantrip build and pushing the balanced precision build…..
So stop insulting people intelligence……
Rune of the centaur+focus = permaswiftness….that is a FACT.
As it is a fact some popular mesmer builds (as popular as auramancer actually) likes those runes for power stats.
And focus is strong……expecially in WWW and expecially against eles.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Don’t ask me! go over to any mesmer forum and read all about what exactly is the problem with mesmers and swiftness. Plenty for you to learn
Mesmer has a few builds as well and aren’t limited to just the 20/20/0/0/30 spec that’s popular at the moment. It’s like saying Elementalists are only 0/10/0/30/30 because that’s the popular Elementalist spec at the moment.
Focus Offhand is also pretty kitten good. Temporal Curtain is all around an amazing utility skill that can be used in any variety of situations. You can yank people off walls with it. You can help split up an enemy ball by pulling them out of each other. I’m even spec’d down 20 in Inspiration and all focus skills reflect. No one even expects it cause they’re looking for a Feedback bubble.
That said Byron is right. Runes are just another element to the character like weapons, traits and utility slots. Typically choosing one thing means you’re potentially giving up another. If you go signet of Air, you lose a utility slot. If you’re relying on Ride the Lightning, you’re forced into D/D or S/D. If you combo out Windborne/Glyph/etc you’re stuck to Staff usually. It’s all a trade off. In the case of the Mesmer you’re leveraging your Rune slots to gain Permanent AOE swiftness you can’t otherwise get through traits and utilities.
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
Stop spreading lies. The only way a mesmer can achieve perma swiftness is sacrificing all of their rune slots for centaur runes AND use a focus offhand or suboptimal mirror/mantra heal combined with signet of inspiration.
Mesmers being the slowest out of combat profession is not an opinion, but a heavily discussed issue ever since the game launched.
If you think that mesmers have anywhere near the mobility X/d elementalists have, now that is an opinion.
Dude you need to learn the game man. Centaur runes + 20 pts into the trait that increase boon duration you get 15 second swiftness on every heal. The heal the reflect ranged damage is on 15 second cool down. I would call that perma swiftness . This is not even using focus.
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
Stop spreading lies. The only way a mesmer can achieve perma swiftness is sacrificing all of their rune slots for centaur runes AND use a focus offhand or suboptimal mirror/mantra heal combined with signet of inspiration.
Mesmers being the slowest out of combat profession is not an opinion, but a heavily discussed issue ever since the game launched.
If you think that mesmers have anywhere near the mobility X/d elementalists have, now that is an opinion.
Dude you need to learn the game man. Centaur runes + 20 pts into the trait that increase boon duration you get 15 second swiftness on every heal. The heal the reflect ranged damage is on 15 second cool down. I would call that perma swiftness . This is not even using focus.
Dude, the only mesmer builds that put any points in chaos are condition builds, and centaur runes don’t have synergy with condition builds to begin with. Also, not many mesmers and pick mirror heal because ether feast is much more viable.
There are no mesmers running around with 20 points in chaos, centaur runes and mirror heal on their bars, because they would be gimping themselves.
Point is the only way mesmers can get perma swiftness is through gear. No cheesy 25% signet either.
Just noticed that this thread is in the elementalist forum, explains a lot. >_<
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
Stop spreading lies. The only way a mesmer can achieve perma swiftness is sacrificing all of their rune slots for centaur runes AND use a focus offhand or suboptimal mirror/mantra heal combined with signet of inspiration.
Mesmers being the slowest out of combat profession is not an opinion, but a heavily discussed issue ever since the game launched.
If you think that mesmers have anywhere near the mobility X/d elementalists have, now that is an opinion.
Dude you need to learn the game man. Centaur runes + 20 pts into the trait that increase boon duration you get 15 second swiftness on every heal. The heal the reflect ranged damage is on 15 second cool down. I would call that perma swiftness . This is not even using focus.
Dude, the only mesmer builds that put any points in chaos are condition builds, and centaur runes don’t have synergy with condition builds to begin with. Also, not many mesmers and pick mirror heal because ether feast is much more viable.
There are no mesmers running around with 20 points in chaos, centaur runes and mirror heal on their bars, because they would be gimping themselves.
Point is the only way mesmers can get perma swiftness is through gear. No cheesy 25% signet either.
Just noticed that this thread is in the elementalist forum, explains a lot. >_<
I run 20 pts in chaos and centaur runs and mirror heal . I have yet to lose a 1 v 1 vs any other mesmer in WvW. Chaos is the best defense line for Mesmer not for damage. Staff 2 doesn’t require you to face your target and breaks stun it’s the best tool for getting away that alone is worth 20 pts into chaos 8 sec stun breaker + teleport.
I made a mesmer and got it to 80 thinking it’d be fun soon… worst idea, should have started my engi sooner, love it as much as I love my ele.
So close to just deleting my mesmer but making portals for people is ok.. If other classes get portal, byebye mesmer.
that is imho an urban legend.
I have permaswiftness on my mesmer like on my ele >.> (lot of profession have permaswiftness)
Stop spreading lies. The only way a mesmer can achieve perma swiftness is sacrificing all of their rune slots for centaur runes AND use a focus offhand or suboptimal mirror/mantra heal combined with signet of inspiration.
Mesmers being the slowest out of combat profession is not an opinion, but a heavily discussed issue ever since the game launched.
If you think that mesmers have anywhere near the mobility X/d elementalists have, now that is an opinion.
Dude you need to learn the game man. Centaur runes + 20 pts into the trait that increase boon duration you get 15 second swiftness on every heal. The heal the reflect ranged damage is on 15 second cool down. I would call that perma swiftness . This is not even using focus.
Lol are you telling me to learn the game?
Why don t you try it and that disappear in shame please?
Also no traits spent (i used traits i needed for the build), just power runes you would like anyway….
Thank you
Mesmer is really bad to get to 80, but once you hit 80 is as fun as D/D ele.
Look at some vids in mesmer section….they will show you some tactics that are really spectacular and intriguing….
P.S. also any profession has access to portal already…see prototype guns…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
Exactly opposite for me aswell, played mesmer till 54, but I literally had to force myself trough those levels, because staring from around the time when I got all my weapon skills it just got more and more boring, you are pretty much forced into sword/focus if you want a swiftness, and you literally just spam 2 skills over and over and over and over in these.
Greatsword at first looked cool, but by around level 20 I just HATED that stupid lazer and casting animation.
Staff the most fun out of all combos probably, but the damage is just abysmal.
Also the clones and all that stuff looked fun on paper, but shattering them almost as soon as you create them for max damage output just didn’t feel right and the fact that shatter is the most viable PvP build doesn’t help much either.
The only thing I really liked about mesmer was the feedback, portal, quickness – awesome utilities.
All in all the class just felt really really boring, incredibly small amount of skills, that you actually need to use often, clones/illusions mostly serving as ammo for shatter instead of independent damage/distraction, RIDICILOUSLY boring leveling and overall not at all what I expected from mesmer.
Right… Being force to use full set of Centaur Runes + Focus to achieve what most class can do with a single skill/signet without the need to sacrifice 6 slots just for movement speed. Stop and think about your logic lol.
Personally I enjoy both Mesmer and Elementalist Play style Elementalist win hand down. So much fun flipping through all the skills! Sadly Ele are stuck with literally 1 build. Even when you tried to go glass cannon, you’d just end up all glass and no cannon
Mesmer on the other hand could go all glass cannon and the survival rate is much higher. If you play a D/D Ele, staying alive as a glass cannon mesmer is super easy! I’m talking about PvE btw.
So I rolled a Messmer too!
A month ago
and its level 3 now.
I like my ele more.
So you use Ele with speed signet……
Ok it sclear that its not about the subjects but just players that wanna be pro on forums….
p.S.@methal everybody knows mesmer is horrible before 80 ._. did u ever open mesmer subforum?
I grinded mine to 80 just because i heard it was fun and i couldn t believe it was so bad… fact it wasn t.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)