Ok so my idea isn’t as flushed out as some others, I don’t really specifically have an idea for all the skills but here is the basic idea behind the Void Mage
There are 4 Elements the normal Elementalist can use (we know them but for the sake of redundancy…) Fire, Water, Air, Earth.
A tempest has studied and been able to harness these four elements in new ways, to temporarily release more of their powers, or aid others on the field of battle.
However Guild Wars lore also speaks of another path, that of truth and secrets. A Void Mage is able to strip away the embodiment of these powers, their secrets, and get to their truth, all comes from and ends in the void. This is not like a necromancer or reaper which focuses on the once living, the Void Mage focuses on what never was but has infinite possibility to be, the Void itself.
Basically the big change would be a fifth element for a Void Mage… obviously… The Void.
Now I was thinking the Void Mage could act in one of two ways… not sure which would work best.
1) My original idea would be it would work just like a fifth element. When selected, Void would change your 5 weapon skills. The nice thing about this is it would allow for the Elementalist to possibly activate two specializations at once (Tempest and Void Mage) and the overload of Void would be a gravity sink, drawing all hostiles into the void around the caster for the remainder of the overload (not doing incredible damage but causing knockdown). Now I know currently you can only equipt a Specialization in the LAST slot meaning you likely will only be able to have one available at a time…. but it is my fantasy so I’ll have 2 if I wanna!
2) The other option which MAY run better would actually be a combo of the Druid, Reaper, and Revenent themes. The F5 key would not be another element but would allow the caster to channel the void, replacing your 6-0 skills with a set of skills from the void, which would be powerful AoE damage and status causing skills with a timer…. but the Void comes with a price. you have a certain amount of time you can use the void worry free (shown by a bar on your screen similar to skill casting but ticking down slower) but once the bar is up the Void must be appeased so it starts sucking your life force away, channel the void too long and it will take you. In order to deactivate the void you need to hit F5 again but if you do so AFTER the bar has been emptied not only will you loose life, you’ll also have skill cooldown applied once you stop channelling the void. The BEST void mages know how and WHEN to go into and out of the void.
In either case, in fitting with the lore, the Void Mage is one who steps through different planes of existence where the rules that govern the physical world and the magical world may not be the same. In order to defend himself through this journey the Void Mage relies heavily on his sword (or great-sword but I thought that MIGHT just be TOO many skills added to a single profession on TOP of the void skills).
The void mage can use the powers of the void to draw his enemies in or teleport to them, and then use his swirling and slashing sword (close range AoE damage and target tagging) to commit them back to nothingness
Target Tagging: The void mage could also (en lieu of powerful AoE skills from scenario 2) have a new skill type called target tagging. Upon channelling the void, the first 4 targets struck by attacks are tagged (until they die) and as long as they are within the Void Mages sphere of influence the void mage may teleport between them at will (using 4 of the skill keys… the 5th being a heal skill) so long as they still breath. In this way the Void Mage could even be jumping around a mob and instead of focusing on AoE skills as one normally would use, would tag a series of opponents with a spin attack, run off, and teleport from one to the other, killing them one at a time.
Anyway its kind of all over the place