Stability change and Tornado
Good thinking. I think you are very likely right. Looking forward to going back to my old s/d nado bunker/decaper.
It greatly depends on if it will finally become a ground targeted skill.
Cause if not. How long will Tornado grant stability to yourself? How many stacks will you get out if it?
I see some problems with this skill.
Also it will – if no changes occur to it – still be a ‘focus all damage on my, big hitbox, suicide-button skill’
There some talk that transformation ability are going to get the new deficient bar system where you cant remove the stab effect but you can brake the transformation by spamming cc on them. But ya Tornado going to be very nice as striping stab stacks to the point where i see d/d or d/f tankly build becoming a thing for ele. Ele has 2 main stabs and they are self stabs so odds are they are going to be on the lines of 10 stacks each on-top of LF and other high mobility attks to get into a group you will see ele bonce ppl arone when they do not see it coming.
I like to see how “Rock Solid” will be effect too is it only going to be a 3 stack stab with a super low duration or will it get a higher duration but still be a lower end stack stab.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
There some talk that transformation ability are going to get the new deficient bar system where you cant remove the stab effect but you can brake the transformation by spamming cc on them. But ya Tornado going to be very nice as striping stab stacks to the point where i see d/d or d/f tankly build becoming a thing for ele. Ele has 2 main stabs and they are self stabs so odds are they are going to be on the lines of 10 stacks each on-top of LF and other high mobility attks to get into a group you will see ele bonce ppl arone when they do not see it coming.
I like to see how “Rock Solid” will be effect too is it only going to be a 3 stack stab with a super low duration or will it get a higher duration but still be a lower end stack stab.
Losing transformation cuz of tons of cc it makes me a little scared, but probably it is balance. Missed info about that, thank you.
There some talk that transformation ability are going to get the new deficient bar system where you cant remove the stab effect but you can brake the transformation by spamming cc on them. But ya Tornado going to be very nice as striping stab stacks to the point where i see d/d or d/f tankly build becoming a thing for ele. Ele has 2 main stabs and they are self stabs so odds are they are going to be on the lines of 10 stacks each on-top of LF and other high mobility attks to get into a group you will see ele bonce ppl arone when they do not see it coming.
I like to see how “Rock Solid” will be effect too is it only going to be a 3 stack stab with a super low duration or will it get a higher duration but still be a lower end stack stab.
Losing transformation cuz of tons of cc it makes me a little scared, but probably it is balance. Missed info about that, thank you.
That what WP was talking about i am not sure if he knows for sure though. Once you lose stab when your transformed most ppl tend to drop the transformation.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Nobody will use tornado anymore if the new elite does something.
Lers hope we cant get cced while in tornado. Seriously, if me can then our cd for the skill should just be reduced greatly as well as giving us 5 stacks of stability or something to start off with.
Nobody will use tornado anymore if the new elite does something.
There a lot of truth in what your saying the thing that may prevent this is by making some weapons ele only use when the new super class for ele can use a new one. If the new new super class for ele cant use a staff but can use a sword then you will not see the new elite used as much. Though i would not mind seeing the new super ele class keep staff and get a well like skill set from there elite hehe though that would effectively end stander ele use in wvw and spvp well for staff build.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
It’s slow. By the time you tear through 8 stacks of stability your elite runs out or you get focused down and die. This alone will not be good enough to interrupt stability resses/stomps. Can also be blinded.
Yeah i wish the tornado werent so slow to move/hit. The only thing that runs fast is condition stacking and hp decreasing.
I hope the new elite isn’t a transform or conjure wich locks you from your core mechanics, or a clumsy pet.
I wonder if we can get a new worse elite.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
If it is the same as defiance bar for champ mobs blind is considered a cc. I don’t know if the player version will count blind the same way.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do
If it is the same as defiance bar for champ mobs blind is considered a cc. I don’t know if the player version will count blind the same way.
Stability and defiance are 2 different things.
I should of been more clear, I meant the new break bar. The break bar will replace defiance and I beleive I read that this would be used for players in some form. Transforms are prime for this. So Nado will no longer have stability but this new bar instead. I don’t have clue if blind will be treated different between mobs and players.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do
I should of been more clear, I meant the new break bar. The break bar will replace defiance and I beleive I read that this would be used for players in some form. Transforms are prime for this. So Nado will no longer have stability but this new bar instead. I don’t have clue if blind will be treated different between mobs and players.
I know what you mean but you’re still wrong. They said they will spread defiance to players somehow, we don’t know how. Defiance is a bar that regenerates and if you send it to 0 (“break the bar”)something happens, like the boss gets stunned for 5 seconds or enters another phase. Stability is a boon with predetermined stacks, blinds and such things won’t remove stacks of it and boon removal skills can remove stability but have no effect on defiance bars (afaik).
(edited by witcher.3197)
Hmm we seem to have some sort of disconnect Witcher. All I meant was that if they apply the new defiance to transformations (conjecture) then blinds will drain your defiance bar. This would be quite a buff to Nado.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do