Static Field WvW
Static field is an electric field, blasting it gives area swiftness, area swiftness is key for zerg movement
each blast gives 15 seconds of swiftness to 5 people standing in the field.
When you don’t have the warriors to warhorn everyone along, this is the trick to keeping your zerg from lining out.
Actually it only gives base 10s of swiftness which is enhanced by boon duration of person using blast finisher.
This is also outdated, the symbol change combined with warrior war horn has made this tactic obsolete. Ele’s are now far better off reserving their long CD static for sudden combat situations/opportunities.
Exactly what Bluefox mentioned. Statics should rarely be used to grant swiftness. Rather keep your statics to break the enemy Zerg apart!
Thanks! That is where I was getting confused also.