Stuck on Staff AutoAttack

Stuck on Staff AutoAttack

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vash Past.4385

Vash Past.4385

So I really liked staff ele as my main since game launch. I think it has tons of fun potential. However, it has been really frustrating in PvP, which is where I like to play, because it is really hard to hit consistently, even when people aren’t dodging/blocking etc.

I did a lot to improve in this area. I upgraded my entire computer system. Twice. Having a solid frame rate is in my opinion the most vital factor when playing as a staff ele, and this helped MASSIVELY.

I got a mouse with many more buttons, and trained many crazy combos into my poor fingers.

I’ve played with GW2CM, and found that to be an interesting option. I’ve even gone as far as practicing fighting backwards, since waddling backwards is so slow and you often fight defensive battles as staff ele. Hint: program a modifier key to ‘look behind’, then use second key binding set to reverse program your walking keys with the mod key.

Basically, I’ve gone the distance, and one of the things I always come back to is our auto attack.

PRACTICALLY ALL OUR SKILLS lack autotargeting of any kind, and we deal. Then, the one set of skills we do get with autotargeting(basic attacks) are sadly ineffective for various reasons(terrible speed/autotargeting, low damage, etc).

Is there any way pretty please for the love of Baalthazar that we could get our auto attack finally reworked? It would make us soooo much more viable at the distance we supposedly are designed for.

Pretty. Please. With sugar on top. Working. Autos.

Stuck on Staff AutoAttack

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I’m not sure I follow. Being able to chose the location is preferable fo most of our non-target skills because that allows you to actually hit with them. If they landed where the enemy is at the moment of casting, all they have to do is keep moving to never get hit at all.

However, I do agree with you on 2 of our auto attacks: Chain Lightning and Water Blast. Ever since Fireball got blasting staff, CL has lost its niche so increasing its damage closer to Fireball would be nice. Water Blast is pointless no matter how much heal they add to it. It could really use a damage increase up to the level of Stoning. Stoning and Fireball are fine imho.

Other than that, a slight increase in projectile speed and/or speeding up the casts and/or removing the aftercast delays would greatly improve them.

I’ve even gone as far as practicing fighting backwards, since waddling backwards is so slow and you often fight defensive battles as staff ele.

Have you tried running sideways? It’s a lot faster than walking backwards, and you can still keep attacking while you do so.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Stuck on Staff AutoAttack

in Elementalist

Posted by: Naqaj.6219


There is a keybind to make your character turn 180° instantly, could be usefull for your scenario.

If they gave us the option to use the game’s soft targeting for targeted skills, that would be such an improvement for staff. You could probably play without ever actually locking a target again.