Suggestions for another class to play in HOT?

Suggestions for another class to play in HOT?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TorsoReaper.8530



So i finally logged on to try beta weekend, very excited to try out Tempest despite the negative postings on the forum. Unfortunately, I think it sucks. I won’t get into that here because some people like it, some don’t. I’m in the camp that doesn’t.

So since my favorite class is basically going to be garbage in this new expansion, does anyone else have a suggestion of something to play once HOT comes out? I have a mesmer, warrior, and thief. I tried revanent first, it was ok i guess. I will read some guides and give it a shot once the actual expansion comes out.

Mesmer seemed like a cool concept. not sure if anyone here that has normally mained ele has any suggestions. Ele has always been my favorite class but I really want to play something with a useful new skill in HOT…

Suggestions for another class to play in HOT?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zenith.7301



You did not specify what game formats you are seeking to play in

For example, WvW and open world PvE lend themselves to parasite builds and mouthbreathers who think their nomad/celestial setup is great because the other 20 people in the zerg carried them or they won a duel with it.

If you’re referring to PvE of any worth and challenge like dungeons/fractals/raids, you probably should look at Daredevil or Revenant, both look pretty strong.

If you’re looking for team PvP, take a look at Revenant, Chrono, Daredevil, or Dragonhunter.

Standard ele builds do most things Tempest does better. Tempest is no good for PvE, okay for WvW, and probably won’t be used in sPvP at competitive levels.

Suggestions for another class to play in HOT?

in Elementalist

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


I think engineer and ele show the most similarity, or matbe revenant (havent played). They are both jack-of-all-trades classes. My secondary profession is engineer and its lots of fun!

Suggestions for another class to play in HOT?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Altair.8402


Herald is awesome. I might drop tempest and make a rev when the game releases, depending on BWE3 changes.

Suggestions for another class to play in HOT?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TorsoReaper.8530


I tried out Chonomancer and I think that might be my “go to”, it seemed like it has a high skill cap but is still fun to play. We’ll see how hard they nerf the warrior rifle build since I do have a lvl 80 warrior.

I tried out Reaper which seemed awesome, will probably go with that for PVP.

Suggestions for another class to play in HOT?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Herald seems to be what most disgruntled ele mains are bandwagoning too. I multiclass so I’m not particularly concerned about picking a new main, and I enjoy some of the tempest playstyle even though it does need some work.

The concept of main in this game doesn’t have to be as cut and dry as it sounds like it should be, it’s very easy to level and gear new classes and even learn them altogether.

Necromancer Main
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