Superspeed discussion

Superspeed discussion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


Hi guys, recently something has been bugging me about this buff. See, this is not a rant (even if it may sound so), and I don’t claim to know everything about balance, but why is super speed so widespread among professions?

If my memory serves it was introduced as an elementalist “thing”, although also present in a Mesmer trait and some Engineer skills. But now it’s appearing as the main component for Scrapper traits, and don’t forget Herald elite. It kind of lost its uniqueness.

Again, not a rant. I’m curious to know what you think about its current state.

Attempts at ele specs:

Superspeed discussion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Super speed was first and foremost an engineer thing that was later given to elementalists in their air line to a luke warm reception.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

Superspeed discussion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lakshmi.5941


Because of the movement speed cap Super Speed is most useful during combat. I suspect the reason we’re seeing more of it now is upcoming raids in HOT. Probably some mechanics will make it a nice thing to have at times. Hence, spreading it around to more classes especially on elite specs.