Switching to a warrior
i love ele, but i understand you choice..and until Anet fix not settle the ele, we will see more and more warrior and less elementalist..
Having made the switch myself let me assure you: the grass is greener. Warriors are stupidly good. And I didn’t even do the flavor of the month GS build. (I roll sword/axe. Much more mobile than GS.)
It’s pretty faceroll.
Cool story. I’m doing the exact opposite after having tPvPed with the ele over the last few days.
Elementalists offer truly versatile gameplay, demanding mechanics and are simply a blast to play. You have to work a bit harder than other classes (lolthieves) right now, but success is so much more rewarding.
Warriors might be more straightforward and therefor easier to faceroll with, but that gets you nowhere fast and is fun for about three minutes.
I’d reconsider that choice if I were you.
Cool story. I’m doing the exact opposite after having tPvPed with the ele over the last few days.
Elementalists offer truly versatile gameplay, demanding mechanics and are simply a blast to play. You have to work a bit harder than other classes (lolthieves) right now, but success is so much more rewarding.
Warriors might be more straightforward and therefor easier to faceroll with, but that gets you nowhere fast and is fun for about three minutes.I’d reconsider that choice if I were you
I wouldn’t.
I’ve been playing an ele in tourneys for a while. There isn’t really a place for elementalists in tourneys because every other class outshines any type of build an ele can come up with. You want to do AOE damage? Engineer can pull that off with greater damage and grant better combos/survivability. You want to support the team? Guardian can do everything better while still alive. Single target damage? Warrior/thief can easily out damage you with half the skills required.
The only real purpose an ele serves in a tournament is as a highly mobile capper or a diversion. I’m not saying elementalists aren’t fun, but the builds are few and far between because if you skimp on health or toughness, any competent tourney group will have you on the ground before you can cast 2 spells.
Enjoy not having to have the battle of your life time at every simple encounter while others run up to monsters not needing to evade and killing things three times as fast as you do.
I am sure you will miss the “rewarding” gameplay.
Polluxo, the same can be said for half of the classes right now. Nothing can match the burst a thief can dish out if setup properly, and no other class can bunker quite as well as a guardian. Warriors are also shoehorned into a pretty limited amount of (mostly defensive / supportive) builds when it comes to competitive play. Most classes are.
Admittedly, the Ele has a paper quality to it when I screw up, but I’m overall very happy with how it plays and performs. The balance nudges and bug fixes needed to bring it in line will come with time.
But this defeats the point, as Sabrus and the OP seem to have been focused on the PvE side of things, which I have absolutely no Ele experience with. I can imagine the tediousness if the same effort is required to kill a monster. Good luck on your warriors :p.
Yep – 80 ele here, and seriously considering making my 20 mesmer or 27 engi my main from now on…
Elementalist is broken.
I am going to kill your warrior with my elementalist! – Bunzy
I am going to kill your warrior with my elementalist! – Bunzy
Rock on Bunzy!!
For obvious reasons. I love the flashy-ness of this profession. But my damage is sooooo underwhelming.
See you guys on the other side.
Ahh another Greatsword warrior player what will happen when they nerf this spec? will you go running to another class ?
Well, after 6 levels, I’m definitely not coming back to this class until they fix it.
Oh and Avorniel, if I can get to 80 attunement-dancing and blasting my way through orr with a lame class, then I’m sure I can figure out the more advanced aspects of the warrior.
changed to warrior already last week, after 61 levels and almost 3 weeks of getting tired playing this stupid designed class that asks for so much to return so little.
Tried a thief and a warrior, went on to level the warrior.
Avoniel.5708 – if they nerf the GS build there will be dual swords, sword/shield, sword/axe, and a few other that will out-dps the elementalist in 99.9% of cases in PvE.
If I would have started as warrior I would have been lvl 80 a long time ago. Everything goes so slowly on the elem. Killing 2 mobs at the same time without going through 4 attunements and 8-9 skills is almost impossible. Killing 2 mobs at the same time with warrior is a question of pressing 2…maybe 3 keys if I don’t crit enough.
Elementalist currently is not a class worth spending time with in PvE. sPvP is something else, you can try build, weapons, everything is free and you can experiment. But PvE? worst choice ever as main.
WvW can be effective but behind walls of zerg or defending keeps. Even in that scenario rifle/longbow will kick yourkitten before you can do much about it.
Overall, one of the most beautiful , complex and full of potential class in GW2 is just a shadow of what it could be. Not understood properly it was nerfed beyond any common sense. Now Anet is waiting for the metagame to shift before taking action.
Really Anet, waiting for metagame to shift? How about getting your behinds off of that pile of money you’ve made selling this game and fix this class, before instead of an actual metagame shift you have a mass exodus from players playing this class
It can be a little annoying struggling to kill one Centaur with the Ele then turning around and playing the same area on the same level with a warrior and just steamrolling over everything. You’d think that magic attacks would be more damaging than physical one’s but apparently not.
So many posts in this thread:
“I actually have to work to kill multiple mobs at the same time as Ele – I just go warrior and faceroll lolololol”.
Have fun with your 2 button class I’ll stick with my 20 button squish-army knife~
Have fun being a spectator in WvW.
Are we playing the same class?
I’ve been playing an Elementalist in PvE for the last week or so, and it has been enormously destructive. Scepter/dagger spec focusing on rapid attunement switches and a gob-smackingly high number of intraclass combos, and I have never killed things faster. Sure, it requires attunement switching and the use of more skills than my Warrior does (against a single foe – the Elementalist is indisputably more powerful and efficient against groups), but ye know what? Even counting the Warrior’s second weapon swap, I’ve got double their weapon skills on my Elementalist bar. I’ve got the skills to spare, and skills are there to be used.
Yeah, you’re going to struggle with an Elementalist if you A.) use a staff, or B.) try to sit in one ‘main’ attunement and don’t properly utilize the others. In any given fight I’ll be on my third attunement inside of five or six seconds…but everything around me will be t3h d34d, and thus I won’t really care.
Really, I fail to see how you can be doing poorly with an Elementalist damage-wise without Doing It Wrong.
Thank you for whining. You will not see me on the other side, I will be too busy playing my elementalist.
Rolled a guardian
really ele is broken.
Having favored playing ranged damage-dealers / casters in virtually every other RPG type game I’ve ever played, and haved mained an ele in GW1, I was really looking forward to playing one in GW2. Ironically, after leveling one into the mid-40s during the BWEs, I discovered the GW2 ele just didn’t measure up or mesh with my playstyle preferences. I’m not whining about the ele in GW2, but rather pointing out that it plays a lot differently than casters tend to in other games, especially the GW1 ele which may surprise many players.
If you don’t like the GW2 ele, try something else and you may find you like something else better. I’ve never been all that fond of melee classes, but I decided to give the warrior a try. I’m so glad I did since it’s turned out to be an extremely fun class play. It’s by no means a simple class, nor is it one dimensional. To me, the important thing is that it’s really fun to play, which is something I simply can’t say about the GW2 ele in its current state.
Have fun being a spectator in WvW.
1500 range rifle spectator..? /confused
That’s ok, some people are not that intelligent to use elementalist wisely. Warrior is more approppriate for them.
For obvious reasons. I love the flashy-ness of this profession. But my damage is sooooo underwhelming.
See you guys on the other side.
Ahh another Greatsword warrior player what will happen when they nerf this spec? will you go running to another class ?
Sword/axe, axe/axe, sword/shield, etc.
Warriors have lots of options. GS spec isn’t even the highest dps spec, it just has very high burst, not exactly the same thing. Dual wielding axes does more sustained damage and imo has better aoe. I personally am very fond of sword/axe. And shield builds do surprisingly decent damage if you are used to an ele — comparable damage to an ele as a matter of fact, with far more survivability.
It’s just a much better put together profession than elementalists are and far more efficient in the use of talents. You could remove the GS from the game entirely (I never use one) and this would still be the case.
well…. looks like all the kitteners are basically saying i’m playing the game wrong cause my Elementalist is lvl 11 and I can’t even complete my story instances without dying several times. I have 1k hp and get 3 shotted while the golem and helper in my instance just stand there and watch.
I tried every weapon and attunment swapping, and no matter what I get aggro from everything and ganged and die in seconds….. even in group events … it gets old really fast.
So yea, tried a warrior….. looks like i’ll be playing warrior instead.. I mean I want to play a game to have fun, not work mykitten off to just survive….
I hit 80 on my Elementalist and then rolled a new character as well. The entire game was much more enjoyable.
Funny. I switched from warrior to elementalist and I don’t regret it one bit. I guess the grass is always greener ..
For versatility I play an engineer:
Rifle for single target
Grenades and bombs for AoE and CC
Elixir Gun/Med Kit for support
More damage/survivability/versatility/fun than an elementalist. And no 15 second attunement lockout to boot.
Parked my worthless level 55 ele and playing a thief now for pve and spvp. Game is actually fun now.
My warrior is almost 80, I enjoy these buffs we keep getting every other patch.
I may not have a warrior (but played one during beta) but do warriors get a lava moat passive for when they’re downed? Can they place a radiation field, fire condition, and stack that with the coming lava field? I don’t think so. Now if there was only a way to turn off auto attack to save killing off the almost dead mob for after they’re downed so you could immediately rally afterwards…
Oh I love when the bads get frustrated and reroll. I love my ele and i’m glad that it’s my main. I love the versatility that you can bring by switching weapons between encounters when you know whats coming. Hell I can throw on a staff and kite adds endlessly or drop into D/D and melt faces. I can spec for bleeds/burns, might, healing… what can you do? Oh right, hit kitten with a sword.
Ele ftw.
Oh I love when the bads get frustrated and reroll. I love my ele and i’m glad that it’s my main. I love the versatility that you can bring by switching weapons between encounters when you know whats coming. Hell I can throw on a staff and kite adds endlessly or drop into D/D and melt faces. I can spec for bleeds/burns, might, healing… what can you do? Oh right, hit kitten with a sword.
Ele ftw.
This is so true, i wish i would have went with what i always play in beta (Mage).
Instead i rolled a warrior….and now, i’m hooked. Not sure i can ever play the warrior again ;p
lets play “spot the elitist troll” ?
Only if we can play “spot the whining FotM players” after :-*
Or we can play " lets go cry on the forums, while the people that are good at the game play it instead of talk about it"
I like that game, kinda wish i wasnt at work so i could partake in the later.