T4 fractals

T4 fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


I have now fully obtained ascended armor and weapons for my ele in raids, full berzerker ofc. Now, I want to do t4 fractals every day, but as everyone knows, power ele sucks for end tier fractals. I run full glass fresh air with water traitline for group healing and fury stacking with auras, but I’m not sure how good that is going to work in t4 fractals.
Thus I want to ask, what is the best way for me to get into t4 fractals with ele, as the ascended armor I have on my glass ele is the only one I have. This means I can’t use anything else for AR infusions.
Note that I do have Incinerator which can change stats, but the is the only piece of equipment I have that is capable of doing that. Currently sitting at 102 magnetite shards, possibly 202 if I salvage the ascended ring that dropped from gorse. I also have full Sinister trinkets from achievements (farmed em for an ascended chestpiece), but none are infused and I don’t have any shards, only globs of condensed mists essence. My RNG is crap, never got an ascended piece from raids/fractals, only from PvP and WvW. Once each.

T4 fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArthurDent.9538


Standard dps raid builds work well in fractals. Swapping fire for water is a good option for survivability as you realize but isn’t needed.

The one thing you really need to look out for and make sure your group knows this is that your party can’t use retaliation at all. Dps ele both staff and fresh air get absolutely obliterated by retaliation on the boss because it was stolen from a party member with the boon thieves instability. Stopping attacking and spamming all of your healing skills will not save you from retaliation when you have an air overload, glyph of storms, lightning orb, and wildfire all simultaneously ticking for retal damage against you. So if bosses end up getting retal, make sure you tell your group to remove it from their build.

Removing retal may even include removing any blast finishers from rotations because if you blast a light field, every one gets retal and there are tons of light fields to worry about in the current meta. Another thing that helps is joining groups with at least 1 necro in them, as it will most likely be condi, and scepter auto attacks are pretty quick at corrupting boons hopefully taking out retaliation quickly. This is far from a reliable method by I normally don’t get bursted down by retal while playing with my necro friend.

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T4 fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: lucadiro.4519


What? Dps Ele doesnt suck, fresh air or staff, are both really good for T4 fractals… I do them daily, most of the time with my Ele, with another Ele in party.


T4 fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: Oxidia.8103


I only do t4 with my ele. S\F fresh air, never had any problems, never did anyone had a problem with my build or my gameplay or my overloads or anything.

T4 fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex Shatter.7956

Alex Shatter.7956

If elementalist is bad at t4 fractals, what’s good at them? DD has even less survivability and damage, all other power specs basically don’t count, druid is unnecessary outside of raids, so that leaves condi, revenant, and chronomancer. The only relevant condi is necro and engi, and with the nerfs to fractal toughness they definitely don’t out DPS ele. Proof by contradiction, ele is viable

T4 fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


I find Marauder’s works better on my Ele than Zerk…sure I lose a touch of power but the make up of 4k HP as a good buffer for when I can’t dodge or heal and have to eat a hit. A dead Ele is of no use so I’d rather keep myself upright than be full on glass and just break in a stiff breeze.

T4 fractals

in Elementalist

Posted by: reikken.4961


marauder is indeed nice. 5% damage to bump 12k health to 16k is a good trade imo

Anyway, in t4 fractals power does 30% less, so you’re better off with condi or some hybrid, like flame legion runes. But if your party has full buffs (which is usually not the case) power won’t be that far behind. If you have a static group that provides buffs, you’re fine. But if you want smooth pug runs, you’re better off doing condi. In absence of full buffs, condi is almost as high as power to begin with even before the extra toughness. Power is stronger in raids because it scales way better with banners, spotter, frost spirit, quickness, etc.