first, a definition:
“A benefit, profit, or value of something that must be given up to acquire or achieve something else.
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in the world of GW2, opportunity costs appear whenever you can potentially choose one option over others, in the form of the potential loss of the other options while you are doing the one you’ve chosen. this applies for skill usage, trait/traitline selection, equipment selection, as well as the topic at hand: Tempest overloads. using the concept of opportunity costs, i’m going to argue that the current Overload implementation is a design dead end, and should be scrapped.
so, for those who don’t know: Overloads currently are abilities that become available to a Tempest when they’ve camped in one attunement for 5 seconds. there are 4 Overloads, one for each attunement. all Overloads are long channeling abilities (5-6 seconds, IIRC). all Overloads have effects while being channeled, and and another set of effects that appear when they’re fully channeled. all Overloads are put on a 20 seconds (14 seconds traited) cooldown once they end, and this cooldown is shared with their respective attunements. this means that for example, if you channel fire overload and it ends, your fire attunement is placed on a 20 second cooldown, making it unavailable to you if you choose it leave it.
now, let’s consider the opportunity cost of using an Overload:
- you first need to stay in the respective attunement for 5 seconds. depending on the build, this attunement may or may not be the one that you should camp in the first place. there’s also the opportunity cost of potentially doing something else in the 5 seconds that you have to camp in this attunement, especially in cases where the skills you need are in ANOTHER attunement.
- then there’s the channeling itself. Overloads are long channeling abilities that stop channeling if you try to do any other action that isn’t an instant cast. the opportunity cost here is that this effectively locks you out of most of your weapon and utility skills while you are channeling
- lastly, there’s the shared 20 second cooldown after channeling. the opportunity cost here is on two fronts: 1) you are either forced to stay in the current attunement for 20 seconds because you don’t get to go back to it for 20 seconds, thereby costing you 3/4 of your weapon abilities, or 2) you are forced to leave the current attunement, thereby locking yourself out of that attunement and its skills. this becomes doubly bad if you are specced into Arcana, since you also lose your “on switch” effects like protection on earth, might on fire, etc.
and here’s the crux of my argument: by examining the various opportunity costs of Overloads, the times where using said Overloads vs their opportunity costs is… NEVER. the Overload effects simply aren’t powerful enough to be EVER worth using.
and it gets worse: Overloads also cannot be buffed so that they are worth the opportunity costs, because they’d be ridiculously overpowered. imagine a fire overload capable of out damaging a fire staff attack chain, one of the most damaging damage rotations in the game; and not only for the channel duration, but for the potential 20 seconds afterwards that you might be forced out of it, thus locking you out. or, how about a water overload having to AoE heal for over 12K health to compensate for the potential loss of the powerful water utility skills, or being forced to camp in water for 20 seconds a losing the other potential abilities in other attunements.
so basically, the Overloads are at a dead end. they aren’t worth the opportunity costs to cast them, so they’ll never get used, which is not good. if they are buffed, they become gamebreakingly overpowered, which is also not good. as such, it’s time to start over.