Tempest and Raids

Tempest and Raids

in Elementalist

Posted by: origin.1496


So after reading the content about raids coming for us, how do you believe the tempest line will hold up against it?

If they are creating ways to have us do more than “ZERKER META ONLY PING GEAR” then maybe tempest could play a useful role in this content.

Essentially, having a diverse group of people with diverse builds could see potential for it to shine. Having a tanky character, even if not us, would be useful having Frost Aura on, and being able to almost spam fire aura on the party while traiting it to give 2 stacks of might could be quite useful for mid-combat support. Magnetic Aura is also a godsend sometimes especially since you don’t have to ball up on a certain spot, like if Wall of Reflection was up. You could move around more. And if enemies attacked much more frequently, Shocking Aura will also be a lifesaver. Now don’t get me wrong, I do believe the aura traits are still scattered to the winds and should be a little more honed in, as well as some (a LOT) of traitline re-work for tempest, but seeing tempest as a non-zerker build could be quite fun. Even if it’s a dedicated healer, Monk runes with the added boon duration+ 10% outgoing healing to allies is a fun build if you enjoy support.

I’ll be honest, I’ve mained ele since GW1. I enjoyed playing tempest. It has some work to be done to be better, and some of the warhorn skills should be, if not 80% of them should be ground targetted not enemy targetted. Lightning Orb should be an immobile ward that you place that strikes people rapidly and viciously whomever venture near with dmg, not moving. Just sitting idol wherever you place it. That’s for another thread though that I’m sure has been re-created over and over.

If raids require group diversity against bosses and enemies that let’s say, are super tanky to raw dmg, or condi immunity, or a boss that has a combination of the 2 with retaliation on him, enemies that do NOT ball up to stacking in the corner and run from aoe like GW1, and attack more frequently than the current once per 5 seconds, it would be a fun challenge. #wishfulthinking


Looking forward to the changes

(edited by origin.1496)

Tempest and Raids

in Elementalist

Posted by: rotten.9753


Sharing auras is possible without tempest.

Tempest and Raids

in Elementalist

Posted by: Erebus.7568


actually effective diverse builds in dungeons will never happen, diverse groups only comes if you force a trinity (or other such forced needed roles).
since they refuse to do so, there will always be a “best approach” which all will go for.

the 3 deadly sins anet have done is stuff done due to complete ignorance of any other mmo before them:

1. refusing to have a form of trinity (or equally setup).

2. downing mechanics (which works to counter the lack of trinity; but also work in pvp which is gamebreaking)

3. slowdown of base movement speed when entering combat (instead of having a sprint function usable outside of combat. the movement speed is already so slow it is basically doing slow motion: yet they gave a “dodge function” to try and counter the lack of base mobility, which because it gives you immunity to damage while dodging just broke the combat/gameplay feel even more)

worst is all this is basic knowledge to anyone with half a brain, that is interested in the mechanical side of game design and have followed the mmo market for just the last 10+ years

but fgs i don’t believe the devs will Ever come that far in their personal skillset:
i mean they can’t even figure out how to change dungeons so people don’t skip everything -.-
and that is absurdly! easy to fix, just set in doors (or “invisible” walls for that matter) which doesn’t open before you killed all the mobs up to the door.
incredible it can be so hard for them to figure out.. and don’t give me crap with “ow they made that content for people to completely skip and run pass it” because we all know that is bs -.-

(edited by Erebus.7568)