Tempest buffs
Well besides the numbers his suggestions would certainly make it more fun to play in comparison to the super boring Tempest we currently have.
Being invulnerable while overloading would be pretty broken.
(edited by Nero.6813)
" 4.) flash freeze should be exactly like chilled to the bone but without the cast time "
Yes, let’s make a Tempest utility better than a Reaver Elite …. /s
(edited by Shenn.4027)
Alright yeah some of these suggestions were pretty broken (Like being invulnerable while overloading), whole point of this thread was just to show some ways you can make a weak elite like tempest be as strong as dh. On a more serious note, here are some less op buffs.
1.) Lighting orb should really let you become the orb since tempest literally has no mobility besides eye of the storm which is really weak if you ask me. Instead of making it evade, just have it reflect projectiles and make it as fast as ride the lighting. This isnt too op imo
2.) Eye of the storm definetly needs some quickness and a shock aura. This 45 cd stunbreak is kinda useless if you ask me
3.) As for overloads, since they have a 4 sec cast time and you cant evade at all, either have it so you can evade while overloading or give it a 2 sec evade at the beginning and and 2 sec protection at the end, protection while overloading just isnt enough with all the cc and condis going on right now
4.)Dust storm should really just be a smoke field if you ask me, this skill otherwise is totatlly useless and if this is a smoke field then it’ll actually make warhorn usable for once.
5.) Flash freeze should have some cc in it, maybe a 0.5 sec daze? Also increase chill to 5 seconds.
6.)And rebound really needs a buff, to the point where it should just be reworked again. Just have it make it like old rebound but instead make your next 2 utilities instantly recharge, and still grant an aura based on your attunement. This should make it worth being an elite but not being too op.
7.) Time it takes to overload should be reduced to 3 sec and reduce the cd to 15 secs, 20 seconds is really really long to wait before you get into important eles like earth or water.
Tempest still has alot of work to be done, but if it got these buffs it would definetly be more fun to play instead of it only being slightly better than berserker/daredevil as of now.
This thread is clearly a joke thread about how OP DH is, but the suggestion about Quickness… I really, really think Ele should have some kind of access to Quickness.
(edited by Koviko.3248)
I can’t decide if this thread is for real or someone is making fun of the nice community players who have spent a good deal of time trying to figure out proper, balanced suggestion to make tempest a better specialization.
Here’s something i had in my bookmarks for a long time. A post made by Dulfy where she transcribed some of the info from a live stream.
Josh Davis – Host
Jonathan Sharp – Game Design Lead
Karl McLain – Game Designer
Purity of purpose/Holes and Roles/Opportunity Cost
Purity of purpose: You don’t want something that does too many things at once. If everything does everything to equal levels, you don’t have this purity of purpose. You want things streamlined so players know how to use it and not too many tools within one toolbox.
Holes and Roles: You don’t want a single class to do things better than everybody else or else they end up as Apex predators. You want to put hoes in the roles so they don’t do everything good at once.
Opportunity cost: If an utility skill have too much utility, it overshadow other utility skills and no one would use the other utility skills. There need to be an opportunity cost for using for skill over the other.
and this bit here…
Elementalist: Flexibility, jack of all trades, large skillsets. High AoE potential. High skill floor – hard for new players to jump in and high skill ceiling.
Weakness: Recovering from burst damage, but water attunement can help sustain the damage. Versatility is strength but also weakness – higher cooldowns on weapon skills. Inability to deal with booned enemies.
Official design: Versatility through weapon skills – we want to maintain that. Defense against sustained DPS is good and they are very supportive in most roles they assume. Low base HP is an intentional design so we can give them more support. Poor defense against spike damage is also intended so they have to wary about spike damage. Escapeability: Too much in the fast and helped them against spike damage. Inability against booned enemies is a specific hole in the role since they can AoE from ranged.
While there have been some ups and downs with ele i find it has generally stayed close enough to it’s design intentions. I have seen good players do some crazy stuff and bad players that couldn’t figure it out if you gave them a manual and a phone help line.
In my personal opinion, i find your suggestions in the original post as rather rushed and ill thought with no regard to any sort of balance.
The smoke field suggestion was downright amusing, did you at any given point ever consider the fact that ele has lots and lots of blast finishers and can access whirl finishers as well? what is to stop the ele from becoming a thief with near perma stealth or spamming blind bolts in pvp matches.
Invulnerable while overloading? why not make it so that elementalists never die, from anything, ever, it is pretty much what you are saying. That you should be allowed to nuke everything while completely invulnerable. God mode much?
I admit tempest has issues and warhorn is a mess, but players have found ways to play it, like say fresh air-arcana-tempest. It isn’t perfect and at some point the developers will probably give us better alternatives, but until then try to refrain from poorly thought of suggestions, it shines a bad light on the ele community as a whole and makes everyone look like they have no clue how to play and the developers will never listen. Check out some of the other threads with suggestions, there are a couple of them that are actually pretty good, and not game breaking.
I can’t decide if this thread is for real or someone is making fun of the nice community players who have spent a good deal of time trying to figure out proper, balanced suggestion to make tempest a better specialization.
Here’s something i had in my bookmarks for a long time. A post made by Dulfy where she transcribed some of the info from a live stream.
Josh Davis – Host
Jonathan Sharp – Game Design Lead
Karl McLain – Game Designerhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/282wjy/balance_philosophy_developer_livestream_notes/
Purity of purpose/Holes and Roles/Opportunity Cost
Purity of purpose: You don’t want something that does too many things at once. If everything does everything to equal levels, you don’t have this purity of purpose. You want things streamlined so players know how to use it and not too many tools within one toolbox.
Holes and Roles: You don’t want a single class to do things better than everybody else or else they end up as Apex predators. You want to put hoes in the roles so they don’t do everything good at once.
Opportunity cost: If an utility skill have too much utility, it overshadow other utility skills and no one would use the other utility skills. There need to be an opportunity cost for using for skill over the other.and this bit here…
Elementalist: Flexibility, jack of all trades, large skillsets. High AoE potential. High skill floor – hard for new players to jump in and high skill ceiling.
Weakness: Recovering from burst damage, but water attunement can help sustain the damage. Versatility is strength but also weakness – higher cooldowns on weapon skills. Inability to deal with booned enemies.
Official design: Versatility through weapon skills – we want to maintain that. Defense against sustained DPS is good and they are very supportive in most roles they assume. Low base HP is an intentional design so we can give them more support. Poor defense against spike damage is also intended so they have to wary about spike damage. Escapeability: Too much in the fast and helped them against spike damage. Inability against booned enemies is a specific hole in the role since they can AoE from ranged.While there have been some ups and downs with ele i find it has generally stayed close enough to it’s design intentions. I have seen good players do some crazy stuff and bad players that couldn’t figure it out if you gave them a manual and a phone help line.
In my personal opinion, i find your suggestions in the original post as rather rushed and ill thought with no regard to any sort of balance.
The smoke field suggestion was downright amusing, did you at any given point ever consider the fact that ele has lots and lots of blast finishers and can access whirl finishers as well? what is to stop the ele from becoming a thief with near perma stealth or spamming blind bolts in pvp matches.
Invulnerable while overloading? why not make it so that elementalists never die, from anything, ever, it is pretty much what you are saying. That you should be allowed to nuke everything while completely invulnerable. God mode much?
I admit tempest has issues and warhorn is a mess, but players have found ways to play it, like say fresh air-arcana-tempest. It isn’t perfect and at some point the developers will probably give us better alternatives, but until then try to refrain from poorly thought of suggestions, it shines a bad light on the ele community as a whole and makes everyone look like they have no clue how to play and the developers will never listen. Check out some of the other threads with suggestions, there are a couple of them that are actually pretty good, and not game breaking.
If you read my post after this you shoulda seen that i knew itd be really broken if this happened, whole point of this thread was to show how you could make a weak elite like tempest as strong as dragonhunter.
As for the smokefield part, dude you know most of the blast. finishers eles have will get them revealed right? And if u take warhorn you’ll barely have any blast finishers, mh dagger or scepter really only has like 1 blast finisher so it wont be too op.
I can’t decide if this thread is for real or someone is making fun of the nice community players who have spent a good deal of time trying to figure out proper, balanced suggestion to make tempest a better specialization.
Here’s something i had in my bookmarks for a long time. A post made by Dulfy where she transcribed some of the info from a live stream.
Josh Davis – Host
Jonathan Sharp – Game Design Lead
Karl McLain – Game Designerhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/282wjy/balance_philosophy_developer_livestream_notes/
Purity of purpose/Holes and Roles/Opportunity Cost
Purity of purpose: You don’t want something that does too many things at once. If everything does everything to equal levels, you don’t have this purity of purpose. You want things streamlined so players know how to use it and not too many tools within one toolbox.
Holes and Roles: You don’t want a single class to do things better than everybody else or else they end up as Apex predators. You want to put hoes in the roles so they don’t do everything good at once.
Opportunity cost: If an utility skill have too much utility, it overshadow other utility skills and no one would use the other utility skills. There need to be an opportunity cost for using for skill over the other.and this bit here…
Elementalist: Flexibility, jack of all trades, large skillsets. High AoE potential. High skill floor – hard for new players to jump in and high skill ceiling.
Weakness: Recovering from burst damage, but water attunement can help sustain the damage. Versatility is strength but also weakness – higher cooldowns on weapon skills. Inability to deal with booned enemies.
Official design: Versatility through weapon skills – we want to maintain that. Defense against sustained DPS is good and they are very supportive in most roles they assume. Low base HP is an intentional design so we can give them more support. Poor defense against spike damage is also intended so they have to wary about spike damage. Escapeability: Too much in the fast and helped them against spike damage. Inability against booned enemies is a specific hole in the role since they can AoE from ranged.While there have been some ups and downs with ele i find it has generally stayed close enough to it’s design intentions. I have seen good players do some crazy stuff and bad players that couldn’t figure it out if you gave them a manual and a phone help line.
In my personal opinion, i find your suggestions in the original post as rather rushed and ill thought with no regard to any sort of balance.
The smoke field suggestion was downright amusing, did you at any given point ever consider the fact that ele has lots and lots of blast finishers and can access whirl finishers as well? what is to stop the ele from becoming a thief with near perma stealth or spamming blind bolts in pvp matches.
Invulnerable while overloading? why not make it so that elementalists never die, from anything, ever, it is pretty much what you are saying. That you should be allowed to nuke everything while completely invulnerable. God mode much?
I admit tempest has issues and warhorn is a mess, but players have found ways to play it, like say fresh air-arcana-tempest. It isn’t perfect and at some point the developers will probably give us better alternatives, but until then try to refrain from poorly thought of suggestions, it shines a bad light on the ele community as a whole and makes everyone look like they have no clue how to play and the developers will never listen. Check out some of the other threads with suggestions, there are a couple of them that are actually pretty good, and not game breaking.
If you read my post after this you shoulda seen that i knew itd be really broken if this happened, whole point of this thread was to show how you could make a weak elite like tempest as strong as dragonhunter.
As for the smokefield part, dude you know most of the blast. finishers eles have will get them revealed right? And if u take warhorn you’ll barely have any blast finishers, mh dagger or scepter really only has like 1 blast finisher so it wont be too op.
Dragon’s Tooth
Frozen Burst
Sand Squall
Arcane Brilliance
Arcane Wave
Evasive Arcana – Shockwave
These are the possible blast finishers for a S/WH or D/WH Tempest. I’m not saying you should take them all but some of them have pretty low CD. I also don’t think that it’s in an Elementalist’s lore to be sneaky. Ask thieves/engis how smoke field + damage works.
I personally have fun playing D/WH with GoS in PvP and be a semi blind bot but both their CDs are too long. Still waiting for an update which would make Eles more about team fight control like GW1 (lower blind/chill CD skills)
They removed our ability to dodge while in overload so they gave us Hardy Conduit. But is that 40% physical damage reduction worth losing the ability to dodge? Protection only affects Physical Attacks so we can still be hit by condi bursts while dodging allows you to avoid both Physical skills and Condition applying skills. Just let us dodge while overloading or give Hardy Conduit a few seconds of Resistance.
(edited by Kyon.9735)
My Tempest build has no issues taking on a DH in a 1v1 scenario.
Fail troll thread.