Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alex Shatter.7956

Alex Shatter.7956

Hey guys:

I’d like to propose a simple fix to Tempest to make elementalists unique again: The Prodigy.

The concept is simple: Prodigies lose the ability to switch attunements in combat, but gain the ability to weapon swap.

The Prodigy would play a lot more like the GW1 elementalist: being able to choose between being a fire mage, water mage, air mage, or earth mage.

The Prodigy trait line would be specific to whatever attunement you are in when it is assigned. Water Mages would be excellent healers, fire mages would have prodigal DPS and air mages would have traits that gave them more evasion, or precision.

Tell me what your thoughts are

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

As you’re changing the core mechanic, it’s not really a fix to Tempest but rather a new specialisation, and that’s great. We need more specialisations. I happen to like Tempest and I’d like it to stay.

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I like the current Tempest, so no thanks.
Just some trait polishment, so it has more utility value would be good enough.

Your idea can be added as a new spec though.

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

It might also be useful to retitle this: “New spec idea: The Prodigy”

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


Oh, we have an unique specelazation mechanic in switching through attunements like a true kittening Avatar! Meh, better just remove that and camp in a single attunement… Also, t’is a bit late down the lane to complain, ain’kitten

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


That last word came out as a typo that made it look like I was writing about the female breast

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Oh, we have an unique specelazation mechanic in switching through attunements like a true kittening Avatar! Meh, better just remove that and camp in a single attunement… Also, t’is a bit late down the lane to complain, ain’kitten

I disagree with the OP that Tempest should be radically changed, but his idea for a new spec isn’t bad. As ele’s we’re often limited to a particular range: either too short or too long. Weapon swapping has long been debated on these forums.

The OP proposes an interesting solution: allowing weapon swapping but limiting it to one attunement. That would keep the number of skills on par with any other profession which has weapon swapping and eliminate the core argument against giving ele’s weapon swapping. It would be a build I’d be interested in trying, but I think in the long run I’d feel too limited staying in one attunement. But who knows?

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: roelvanesch.2817


Oh, we have an unique specelazation mechanic in switching through attunements like a true kittening Avatar! Meh, better just remove that and camp in a single attunement… Also, t’is a bit late down the lane to complain, ain’kitten

I disagree with the OP that Tempest should be radically changed, but his idea for a new spec isn’t bad. As ele’s we’re often limited to a particular range: either too short or too long. Weapon swapping has long been debated on these forums.

The OP proposes an interesting solution: allowing weapon swapping but limiting it to one attunement. That would keep the number of skills on par with any other profession which has weapon swapping and eliminate the core argument against giving ele’s weapon swapping. It would be a build I’d be interested in trying, but I think in the long run I’d feel too limited staying in one attunement. But who knows?

The thing is, its not so much a change in the specialization. Its more like a complete removal of the class mechanic. What’s left is an uninteresting mage spec that’s behind every other class because it it completely missing any ‘F’ keys. The Tempest’s overloads help the range-lock in a way, and maybe Anet will come up with a different solution (swap out of combat mb?).

Tempest replacement idea: The Prodigy

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shuai.7435


Is there any conceivable way to view your proposition as a “simple fix”??