Tempest water overload bubble ugly fix?

Tempest water overload bubble ugly fix?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


The Tempest has a water overload where the caster is floating inside a water bubble.

Human, Sylvari and Asura are all inside the bubble.
Charr and Norn however are not. A part of their body hangs weirdly out of the bubble.

Will they fix this eventually? That the Charr and Norn have a bubble around them too (giving them a bigger one for example).

I like the idea of a Charr as wizard, so I made an Ele into a Charr, but I really dislike how that water bubble looks on a Charr.

Animations can be seen in the link.

Tempest water overload bubble ugly fix?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rotten.9753


Why would you fix something no one will use?

Tempest water overload bubble ugly fix?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Tempest in itself is such a trainwreck really. The earth overload is ugly as well, charr aren’t even ON the platform with that weird animation they have

Tempest water overload bubble ugly fix?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jhoul.6923


ehhhh… Scepter animations are ugly… and they never changed… So I expect nothing to change for the Tempest witch the visual effects are ok but the actual animations are definitely NOT ok.

Tempest water overload bubble ugly fix?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nirnaeth.2654


I would suggest to use the movements made by charr and norn characters when getting an underwater hero point for the water bubble overload. The channel makes the character ball up and reach out at the end. The only thing that has to be changed about that animation is that you shouldn’t sink…