Temping out my armor...

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hax.6217


So I just Dinged lvl 80 on my ele. Question I have is, I have 400 tailoring, I Made myself 3 pieces of Clerics exotic armor(toughness,power,healing), I was planning on purchasing the vigil set to balance out the stats(vigil adds Vitality,toughness,power), but after comparing the stats on the exotic and vigil armor,vigil armor seems like a waste of money though the stats, are unique in that you cannot craft the vitality,toughness,power combo. Should I purchase the vigil armor , or craft myself 3 more exotics(Valkyrie, pow,vitality and critical damage) even though the critical damage doesn’t show up in my build is it worth having the “exotic” pieces over the stats i need? Thanks ahead of time for your consideration!

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


In order for us to try and help you with your build, we need to know what weapon you plan on using, and what style of play do you like (healing, glass cannon, bunker). Also, is this for just PvE or PvE and WvW.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hax.6217


runes I will be using are 2 runes of water 2 runes of earth,2 runes of fire. sigils are dual sigils of battle for might on attunement swap

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: soistheman.7208


You can get exotic version of pw/vit/tough from dungeon armors such as AC or HotW, I think there is one more dungeon set with this stats. This way you only waste time if it doesn’t work out for you and yet it’s exotic not rare.

Elementalist lover since GW1. It’s the only profession I play!

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hax.6217


Awesome thanks for the heads up just looked it up exactly what I need!

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Creslin.1758


runes I will be using are 2 runes of water 2 runes of earth,2 runes of fire. sigils are dual sigils of battle for might on attunement swap

I would test this out with minor sigils first to see if it works. My impression has been that two “on swap” sigils do not work together because they share a cooldown.

Let me know if it works or not!

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: CurtMonash.3498


You also can get power/vitality/toughness via karma. On my server the easiest p/v/t pieces to get that way are at Arah, where you can get hat and shoes.

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: MagicWalker.1408


sigils are dual sigils of battle for might on attunement swap

Pretty sure that only one of the on-swap sigils actually works on attunement swap. So a sigil of might and one that gives a passive bonus would probably be better.

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Hax.6217


sigils are dual sigils of battle for might on attunement swap

Pretty sure that only one of the on-swap sigils actually works on attunement swap. So a sigil of might and one that gives a passive bonus would probably be better.

Thanks i’ve noticed that myself but just wanted to never took time to confirm it

Temping out my armor...

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


A cheap way to test such things would be the PvP entrance area. You can change gear for free, might svae you a few gold. ;-)

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