Everyone needs a little optimism!
The next great build for elementalists!
Everyone needs a little optimism!
I found a great build for ele too. Its called, play my warrior instead. Charging up my adrenaline and dropping one combustive shot does more damage than my ele does from blowing every single utility and using all of my weapon abilities as well, YAY! I like to stand in the fire and pretend i’m an elementalist. Funny that Combustive shot does better AoE damage and feels more mage-like than any of the ele’s skills. Eles should be the ones who can drop devastating fields of fire on our enemies that kill them in a split second if they’re stupid enough to stand in it.
The ele in gw2 is a druid in wow, but shhhht, it’s a secret.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
If you`re referring to Foolkins, you`re close, but at least Foolkins could do some amazing damage, unlike nerfementalists
Pop star fall (pre crapalysm) see everybody run away.
Turn up with an ele, see everyone hit the floor……
with laughter.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
The ele in gw2 is a druid in wow, but shhhht, it’s a secret.
Lies! My ele is not a furry!
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
I am glad to hear it! Are you sure its not the fabled 30/30/30/30/30 build that just barely measures up to other classes. :-)
supposedly we are getting healing buffs on the staff and bigger radius on water 3.
I am so totally looking forward to those “improvements”.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
I also heard earth 4 is getting a rework b/c it is “terrible.”
If they fixed air 2’s cast time and air 3’s projectile speed, staff could actually be a complete weapon. It would still have its limitations, but wouldn’t be so hobbled.
I also heard earth 4 is getting a rework b/c it is “terrible.”
If they fixed air 2’s cast time and air 3’s projectile speed, staff could actually be a complete weapon. It would still have its limitations, but wouldn’t be so hobbled.
Doing those things are not enough.
I suppose the lackluster speed of the 1 skills+ the extreme delay for most of the AOE are not a problem? overall the lack of damage with the skills and the price to use them.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.