This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Something that I absolutely can’t stand is hitting low damage. Because of this, I pretty much refuse to run anything besides berserker. As a result WvW typically bores me but I screwed around with my traits until coming up with something that seemed to actually work well.

So with that, I’ll share it:


With this I’m very very easily able to maintain permanent swiftness when roaming about along with basically permanent regen mid-fight along with fast access to a full hp restoration from glyph. With both inscription and elemental attunement, it was proving to be pretty awesome.

The only real problem with this is that you desperately want more power with trait point allocation like this, which is my reasoning for the sigil choice. Along with permanent swiftness and regen, I’m maintaining at minimum about 10-15 stacks of might (due to a tolerable crit chance), and I was pretty darn tanky against people I bumped into thanks to essentially perma-vigour as well along with well-timed dodges and air #5 interrupts.

I contemplated taking 2 out of air and replacing it with stone splinters in earth, but the problem with that is that with less precision, strength sigil will proc less and I’ll also have less swiftness and regen.

Feel free to express distaste if you think that my decisions are bogus, but keep in mind that hitting terrible damage is an absolute no-go for me.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: lLobo.7960


I can’t see how a full zerker ele could be anything near “tanky” even with perma regen and vigor.

Its a burst build, and sure will pack a big punch. But it will be dead as soon as it faces anything that can block your initial burst.
Nearly no condi removal also is going to mean death in the current meta in wvw roaming, and although you can get some stability and invul with mist form, I doubt you can survive a single BS from a thief or even a rapid fire from a LB ranger.

It sure can be fun to run full zerker and instagib people with a FS+LF combo, though.

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well I seemed to pretty much stomp a hambow warrior, a hammer+gs warrior, a condition necro (I think? I don’t know much about necros), and a d/d thief. I had a pretty close call with a condition gs mesmer but still beat them too.

Keep in mind, my comment about being tanky was purely subjective based off of my own experiences.

“I was pretty darn tanky against people I bumped into thanks to essentially perma-vigour as well along with well-timed dodges and air #5 interrupts.”

It’s true, but it very well could be because of a combination of me outplaying the people and just because by comparison to what I’m normally used to (full glass), this setup allows for much more protective measures to make sure I stay up in an encounter. Keep in mind, I never opt to play in low DPS setups ever so this is pretty “tanky” by my standards. I understand your point though and I’m pretty sure that I’d likely get stomped by condition bunkers that know what they’re doing.

I’m typically spending a long long time searching for people to fight period. Finding a lone person willing to fight is such a rarity and generally all I tend to find are people trying to gangbang me or zergs. :/

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cries Of Sorrow.5864

Cries Of Sorrow.5864

i think it’s bogus, i understand you took mist form as one of your utilities mainly for hitting and running, correct? anyways versus some one who knows what hes doing you’ll be a free kill, i don’t understand why you went for quick glyphs and inscription, sure they synergize with your healing skill (its a bit meh for pvp) but if you’re gonna aim for short fights you may aswell swap to bolt to the heart and air training perhaps even switch to a s/f burst build..

it may also be the case that the people you defeated were people who you would have defeated regardles of what build you ran… something to keep in mind. tbh in wvw you can pretty much make “everything” work…

Main Elementalist:Train Of Thought
Alt Warrior: Burning Paris
Best Ele build EU.

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Thanks for the input and I agree with you on the last part.

I was tempted to go for bolt to the heart as well, so inscription seems like the best candidate to replace for it. Good call.

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Since i drop a full healer ascended armor from fractals (-.-) i decided to get a second celestial set and try this build.

Its quite fun…..Since you apply so much burning with little effort helps you to stay Always on the offense (if you don t you die :/ ).

Maybe 04046 is stronger but this is fun :P and kills mesmer/thieves quite reliably.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It looks like it’d fail to satisfy my requirement for damage, but I can see what you’re trying to do here with the setup. I haven’t really put thought into using blinding ashes but it looks like you have decent enough of a crit chance to pull it off.

I think any classes that apply weakness will absolutely wreck you, unfortunately. Especially with my warrior in full out DPS that always has a warhorn equipped, I feel like you’d be an easy target to burst down.

I’m not really agreeing with your setup, but it certainly looks like something I’d be willing to accept more.

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neko.9021


I think Glyph is the better choice for Zerker D/D Ele over Signet, so yeah, if you’re set on running Zerker D/D in a PvP format, this is probably the way to play it.

Given that, I’m still pretty sure that Celestial is far stronger for Ele in a PvP format, even if it hits much softer.

Also, for teamplay with a group, Cleansing Water + Cleansing Wave is just such insanely good team support, that 30 water ends up being better not just for yourself, but because you’re cleansing conditions for an entire team. Thus, going 20 into air is more of a solo-play choice. Celestial gear also gives a lot of Healing Power which makes your Water stuff heal 1:1 more, which ends up being a ton of team support if in a group. Thus, it’s no wonder that Celestial has become the standard for many Eles in PvP.

You don’t see very Zerker D/D Eles in PvP formats anymore. They all moved to Scepter a while back because of the insane burst you can get with that weapon. However, D/D Eles in full Zerker gear still hurt like a truck, and also do insane sustained damage, so if you manage to get even half your burst off, you’ll probably kill a lot of players.

(edited by Neko.9021)

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah group healing isn’t of any concern for me nor is PvP on this game ever. I only set myself up for roaming alone in WvW, so celestial definitely doesn’t seem like a good idea. I personally hate scepter, but I can definitely see it being a more commonly used weapon for 1v1’s especially with the two blinds.

The absolute best with dagger MH on an ele is angling camera straight down before burning speed to shorten the distance traveled and condensing the field. It deals a LOT of damage.

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neko.9021


Celestial Ele actually has a pretty good 1v1 matchup against most other classes, to be honest. You’ll outsustain most things, have good mobility if using OH Dagger and Lightning Flash, and you can build up Might over time to eventually do lots of damage. It just won’t have the burst potential of a Zerker Ele.

This worked for me in WvW (roaming)

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


It looks like it’d fail to satisfy my requirement for damage, but I can see what you’re trying to do here with the setup. I haven’t really put thought into using blinding ashes but it looks like you have decent enough of a crit chance to pull it off.

I think any classes that apply weakness will absolutely wreck you, unfortunately. Especially with my warrior in full out DPS that always has a warhorn equipped, I feel like you’d be an easy target to burst down.

I’m not really agreeing with your setup, but it certainly looks like something I’d be willing to accept more.

Umm not really…
The build is all but perfect, but conditions are the minor issue.

Conditions are not an issue.

I’d say i fear more XvsX when focused.

For the damage part:
you hit for 2-3000 and apply 30 seconds of burning without any effort (500 ticks).

This instead is my dps build, but its nothing new.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.