Trouble with vets while levelling

Trouble with vets while levelling

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Heya folks
I’ve been away a while and have come back and decided to give elementalist a go.

Now i’ve been using a DD build and swapping between attunments following a guide I found, but am having real big problems with veterans…specifically those for skill points.

At first I thought it was my gear/level so i’ve gone 3 levels over them and geared right up, but am still finding myself at less than 30% health after my first “rotation”. I have tried a L/F rotation and a W/E but still end out in the same position.

Any help you could give me would be appreciated.

Trouble with vets while levelling

in Elementalist

Posted by: Big Tower.5423

Big Tower.5423

Hey im also leveling a elem and i killed a vet 3 levels above me in 4 secs :P its about keeping your gear up to your level and a good way to do vets is untargeted fgs 4 trough im and icebow 4 on him then fire 3 —> 4 --→5 if not dead by then earthquake + churming earth then air AA to death XD

7800 hours ingame, and counting.

Trouble with vets while levelling

in Elementalist

Posted by: elprimo.4398


I used to cast earth elemental whenever I was going to fight a vet. I leveled with s/d and what I noticed is that while you can afford a couple of hits from trash mobs because they would die after I finished my combo anyways. With vets you don’t have that luxury Like hitting with churning earth forget about it.

I would say throw combos off the window just hit as much as you can without being hit back.

Trouble with vets while levelling

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krypal.5968


Thanks for the advice folks i’ll give them a try

Trouble with vets while levelling

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Also, be sure to keep moving. just about all your skills can be used on the move, so there’s no reason to stand still and eat damage.

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