Trying to learn D/D Ele

Trying to learn D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hey guys;

Ive been playing Ele this days in some SPVP’S match, and its being very hard to me to be usefull at all to my team. Sometimes i just get mad and pick my Berserker Ranger after a not-succefull match. Im having some hard times in 1v1’s and i know that SHOULDNT be a problem to a decent D/D.

I know D/D Eles are very hard to learn and master how to play, but had you guys any hard time learning about the profession, before u became good/decent?

I like the Ele gamestyle at all, the Attunements, the skills,etc… I would like to be a good player with it. How many time u guys think a player need to learn how to play efficiently the profession? Any advices/tips?

I know the D/D is in a good spot atm in META, im not saying it sucks or it needs a buff. Actually, im saying i suck ;p

Trying to learn D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: petyr baelish.9675

petyr baelish.9675

Best guide there is on dd pvp ele afaik. This video covers all the essentials:
- Traits, runes/sigils, stats
- Explanation on skills and rotations
- How to fight different 1v1 meta matchups
- How to behave in teamfights

Trying to learn D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Hey man. I sucked the first 6 months playing it. The biggest difference between a good ele and a great ele is knowing how to counterplay. Study classes you have a hard time against, duel people and learn.

Bad Elementalist

Trying to learn D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hey man. I sucked the first 6 months playing it. The biggest difference between a good ele and a great ele is knowing how to counterplay. Study classes you have a hard time against, duel people and learn.

Thx for the answer!
And how are you know? Did you become a good Ele after those 6 mounths?

Trying to learn D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Hey man. I sucked the first 6 months playing it. The biggest difference between a good ele and a great ele is knowing how to counterplay. Study classes you have a hard time against, duel people and learn.

Thx for the answer!
And how are you know? Did you become a good Ele after those 6 mounths?

i became above average. took me about a year to become great at it.

Bad Elementalist

Trying to learn D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: William C.6195

William C.6195

I think the single biggest thing that separates good and average eles is knowing the correction rotation for a particular situation ,and for utilizing the combo fields.

Eles have loads of blast finishers: make the most of them!

NA/EU: Auldon/Auldone

Trying to learn D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chasind.3128


Playing an ele came to me naturally & I joke with my teammates & guild that elementalists are my spirit animals

My advice, fight a good thief. Or a skilled ele- Fighting a thief makes you faster, Fighting another ele can help expose your weaknesses.

As an ele you’re not supposed to stand there & fight like a warrior, you are literally the wild card that gets in- gets out while supporting your team

If you want message me ingame, Chasind.3128 or Sorceress Rinoa – I have 2 eles & got my champ magus title rather quickly in pug matches & I’m always willing to help my fellow eles!