First problem.
We’re way too squishy for how immobile we are.
At max level, every class has the same amont of base vitality, toughness, precision and power.
But they don’t all have the same amount of base health for some reason.
There are three amounts of base health: 10k, 15k, and 18k.
Guardians, Thieves and Elementalists have 10k. Rangers, Mesmers and Engineers have 15k. And Necros and Warriors have 18k.
Which class has the worst situations? If you say anything but Ele, you are delusional.
Eles have the weakest armor. And unlike Guardians, who have heavy armor and a ton of defensive options, and unlike Thieves, who have medium armor, stealth, traps, and other evasive abilities, Eles have pretty much no defensive capabilities in comparison.
But they have their range, right? Yeah, and so do Mesmers, Engineers, Ranger sand Necros. Even the other three classes have some sort of ranged weapons.
On top of that, Mesmers have clones and blinks, Engineers have turrets, Rangers are mobile as hell and have permanent pets, and Necros have tons of summons, a life shield and lifesteal.
Pretty unjustified.
Second problem.
Attunements take too long to cool down after swapping out of it.
I think ANets mindset was that since we have so many Attunements instead of just two weapon sets to swap between, a higher cool down to swap is justified. But it doesn’t work that way in practice.
Let’s face it. Fire does the most damage of any attunement on any weapon combination.
It’s not a case of build or anything either. Fire will ALWAYS do the most damage.
The other ones are essentially used for utility. Of course, they have one or two token damage abilities (like Staff Earth, Water and Air 2), but they will never even come close to the damage capabilities of fire.
In most cases, you want to be in fire attunement at least 70% of the time.
Here is the problem. Elementalists are hesitant to switch out of fire becasuse it takes so long to switch back. And it’s for good reason.
If we switch to another element for utility, we can’t seriously punch back for 15 seconds.
What is the point of holding a guy still if we can’t follow up with anything anytime soon?
And yes, I know that I have Arcana. But in order to lower the cool down by 5 seconds tops, I have to sacrifice a lot of damage and tankiness.
Solutions to these problems.
First, do away with the tiered HP thing. Why the hell do we have eight classes but three HP tiers?
Second of all, if we keep the tiered system, either bump Eles up a tier or let us wear medium armor.
Eles have the lowest defense capabilities and the least evasive manuvers, yet we have the lowest tier armor and health.
Third, lower the attunement swap cool down to at least 12 seconds, if not 10.
If not that, buff the damage capabilities of the other three Attunements. Because currently, they are capable of barely even half the damage fire is.