Un nerf Elementalists!

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strever.8764


Well water isn’t really meant to be offensive, however if you play d/d cone of cold (water 2) does a good some of damage.

Ipsum Elusus [GG] Sourceri – Elementalist – BP Roamer

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

Well water isn’t really meant to be offensive, however if you play d/d cone of cold (water 2) does a good some of damage.

Focus begs to differ.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: flyingfox.6150


Well water isn’t really meant to be offensive, however if you play d/d cone of cold (water 2) does a good some of damage.

Well I personally feel all elements should have an equal opportunity to do damage and be somewhat defensive depending on weapons. Out of all the elements I like water the best, but I’m not the biggest fan of ice. Oh well, there goes my water bending fantasy haha.

Give me a skill that blasts a water dragon at my enemies!

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Most thieves don’t know anything about other classes.

Go into WvW find random thief watch him pop his basilisk venom you pop your armor of earth in plain sight you know rocks floating all around you and he will still try to basilisk you rofl.

That doesn’t mean they’re balanced. A well played d/p thief is just so insanely kittening stupid that it blows my mind the devs haven’t done anything about it. They were strong but mostly handleable before, but now that anet decided blind was underpowered and needed buffs, the build is just insane, and even marginally competent players border on god mode.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Demon.5082


@demon & pantsforbird

PvP is way different from www all your statements are the copy paste of cliches discussed in PvP forum…..but used for www and that is a huge mistake.

I usually assume 1v1 scenarios is in tpvp/spvp because the fact of the matter is, it is BROKEN in WvW. Being able to get 110%+ critical damage easily favors GC burst classes of which the stealth GCs are the best (mesmer/thief but mesmer isnt mobile).
Warrior is a mobile god in WvW but in spvp they cannot do much except for spam attacks from longbow and swap to GS/SS and run away when focused.

Well water isn’t really meant to be offensive, however if you play d/d cone of cold (water 2) does a good some of damage.

I think water is control+heals. The D/D and Staff water skills do this job well but the other skills just lack here (scepter 1 & 2 is terrible and focus 5 needs to be a heal).

Cevinian (elementalist), Gesmia Romirr (mesmer), Zerkarr (warrior) Devona’s Rest – US.
Breakdown of class roles in tpvp
Suggestions for improving/fixing elementalists

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Most thieves don’t know anything about other classes.

Go into WvW find random thief watch him pop his basilisk venom you pop your armor of earth in plain sight you know rocks floating all around you and he will still try to basilisk you rofl.

That doesn’t mean they’re balanced. A well played d/p thief is just so insanely kittening stupid that it blows my mind the devs haven’t done anything about it. They were strong but mostly handleable before, but now that anet decided blind was underpowered and needed buffs, the build is just insane, and even marginally competent players border on god mode.

? How does a person playing a thief’s knowledge of other classes = me saying they are balanced? I don’t know where that tangent came from unless you just felt the need to vent to me then I’m here for you man! Let it out.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mek.2947


I don’t even play my thief because I can literally slap my kitten all over the keyboard and still kill most people.

I almost never die to a thief in wvw. I noticed a lot of thieves haven’t taken the time to know their class very well, and are very easy to counter.

My absolute favorite are d/d basilisk venom thieves. I will see them pop their BV, so ill go ahead and pop mine as well. It usually boils down to who will steal first right? So i look at my steal bar (or if you aren’t a thief any 900 range skill will work), and as soon as the out of range indicator disappears i dodge forward. The thief will almost always steal to me with a precasted cloak and dagger and you have not only wasted their BV, but also up to half of their initiative. Its super easy to do and will throw off a surprising number of thieves.

Doubtful. I’d love to see vids of your ele owning thieves.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: style.6173


First change is to apply the changes that exist in PvP to WvW. Quite frankly, no one is going to feel sorry for eles when a number of other classes are way weaker.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grevender.9235


i’m just going to start taking screenshots of how far i got the enemies health down before i get 0p’d to death..
60% is about typical..
20-40% is considered a good day!

who had the BRILLIANT idea of adding a pre-cooldown to skill 2 when Ele is downed? :|

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


i’m just going to start taking screenshots of how far i got the enemies health down before i get 0p’d to death..
60% is about typical..
20-40% is considered a good day!

who had the BRILLIANT idea of adding a pre-cooldown to skill 2 when Ele is downed? :|

Someone looking after the carebears in WvWs that never learned to equip an immob` spell.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


Someone looking after the carebears in WvWs that never learned to equip an immob` spell.

It was the whining from the carebears in sPvP that lead to all the class nerfs. Please keep it real.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Someone looking after the carebears in WvWs that never learned to equip an immob` spell.

It was the whining from the carebears in sPvP that lead to all the class nerfs. Please keep it real.

Wow really? I`ve been in spvp & found vapour a waste of space, to the point I “/s killlllllllll meeeeeee” just to get back into things.

Also, if it was the spvp carebears, why is it active like that in all zones when anet could`ve split it?

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


Vapour form is one of many things that is whined about and you are right about that particular one coming from WvW. (hasn’t been nerfed yet though). Most of the other whines and resulting nerfs have been a result of sPvP imo.

Why they chose to nerf in both places some of the things they did, I will never understand. The style of game play is quite different. Something that is OP in WvW might not even be viable in sPvP …and vice versa.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Vapour form is one of many things that is whined about and you are right about that particular one coming from WvW. (hasn’t been nerfed yet though). Most of the other whines and resulting nerfs have been a result of sPvP imo.

Why they chose to nerf in both places some of the things they did, I will never understand. The style of game play is quite different. Something that is OP in WvW might not even be viable in sPvP …and vice versa.

I guess they thought (lol?) that RTL was op with 1200 range every 20 seconds (mainly because crappy players didn`t leaarn to immob` Ele`…) so put it to 40 seconds… Then again, ranger GS 1100 (not bad bike either ;p) range every 12 seconds along with a decent elite, which elementalists still have not.
Mesmers Temportal curtain 13 seconds of swiftness, blink 900 range breaks stun, stealth, pets that hit like trucks, oh & lots of decent elites.
Warriors check Magicalmike on youtube) shows him kiting 6ish around EB & he hits buttons, gets so far out of range he gets out of combat & even stops to mine lol Fast elites & cd.
Necro Spectral walk 33 seconds swiftness, Spectral wall (extremely nice spell), staff fears wells etc stop enemy catching up, Locust signet & horn (which I don`t even need) can give even more speed. Amazing elites (despite spell 1 doesn`t auto attack /shrug)
Thief….Don`t even get me started.

It is long over due they seperate WvWs, battlegrounds & PvE.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


The initial CD to #2 downed was added to prevent using it unintentially if you were pressing your #2 while alive and got downed.
It has NOTHING to do with nerf, so quit whining, it’s actually a good change.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

We’re fine as is. I don’t want to see more changes now that I finally got used to the most recent balance changes.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


No talk of them ever nerfing thief stealth though unfortunately. Remember when reveal was at 4 seconds and they actually said that was too “extreme” of a change and crippled the class? 1 fracking extra second on a broken mechanic that NEEDS nerfing was crippling? Yet ride the lightning, which was a death sentence if you immobilized us when we did it, is fine at 40 seconds? It’s obvious most of the devs are clueless noobs who main thief. It’s their pet class and if they have to change any of their damage or stealth abilities on their utility bar to deal with anything, because god forbid they think to bring an immobilize skill with them, you’d best believe they’re going to nerf anyone that they can’t insta-kill.

You have literally never played a thief have you? You really should try playing arena nets “pet class” some time and actual learn about it. It’s obvious from your post you know nothing about thieves or balancing in general. As far as I know, none of the devs main a thief. I’ve never seen a video or picture of one on a thief and we don’t ever have then comment in our sub forum. The devs are balancing the classes in an objective way and it’s very very clear from your post you’re just looking to benefit yourself with the balancing and don’t care about other classes.

Ps try taking a look at the thief class’ change log sometime. It’s gotten more nerfs than ele’s, but I’m not complaining

I was referring to WvW. I’m aware that thieves suck in Spvp. I hate spvp and never bother with it. In WvW thieves are god mode. And yes, I do have a thief, which I have been contemplating on whether or not I should delete. I wanted to make a necro and have no spaces left and I refuse to buy any more gems and support Anet when they keep nerfing my favorite class. And right now my thief is just a bank mule because I got bored with it. Have you ever played any of the old console games and used a Game Shark and put in cheat codes for god mode? It’s fun at first walking around and destroying everything easily that used to give you trouble and going on a rampage, but that gets old really fast and eventually just ruins the game for you. that’s what playing thief was like for me in WvW. And it’s only gotten even stupidly more powerful since then since the buffs to blinds.

I like playing as ele most because its actually challenging. you have to work 10 times as hard just to be sub par compared to other classes. If you had played an ele in beta it was pretty awesome. Having our damage cut by more than half is probably the reason why most people said screw it and went bunker, which ended up getting nerfed too.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


I don’t even play my thief because I can literally slap my kitten all over the keyboard and still kill most people.

I almost never die to a thief in wvw. I noticed a lot of thieves haven’t taken the time to know their class very well, and are very easy to counter.

My absolute favorite are d/d basilisk venom thieves. I will see them pop their BV, so ill go ahead and pop mine as well. It usually boils down to who will steal first right? So i look at my steal bar (or if you aren’t a thief any 900 range skill will work), and as soon as the out of range indicator disappears i dodge forward. The thief will almost always steal to me with a precasted cloak and dagger and you have not only wasted their BV, but also up to half of their initiative. Its super easy to do and will throw off a surprising number of thieves.

Doubtful. I’d love to see vids of your ele owning thieves.

I’m absolutely horrible at video editing, but ill do my best to get some software and put together a video this weekend.

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


No talk of them ever nerfing thief stealth though unfortunately. Remember when reveal was at 4 seconds and they actually said that was too “extreme” of a change and crippled the class? 1 fracking extra second on a broken mechanic that NEEDS nerfing was crippling? Yet ride the lightning, which was a death sentence if you immobilized us when we did it, is fine at 40 seconds? It’s obvious most of the devs are clueless noobs who main thief. It’s their pet class and if they have to change any of their damage or stealth abilities on their utility bar to deal with anything, because god forbid they think to bring an immobilize skill with them, you’d best believe they’re going to nerf anyone that they can’t insta-kill.

You have literally never played a thief have you? You really should try playing arena nets “pet class” some time and actual learn about it. It’s obvious from your post you know nothing about thieves or balancing in general. As far as I know, none of the devs main a thief. I’ve never seen a video or picture of one on a thief and we don’t ever have then comment in our sub forum. The devs are balancing the classes in an objective way and it’s very very clear from your post you’re just looking to benefit yourself with the balancing and don’t care about other classes.

Ps try taking a look at the thief class’ change log sometime. It’s gotten more nerfs than ele’s, but I’m not complaining

I was referring to WvW. I’m aware that thieves suck in Spvp. I hate spvp and never bother with it. In WvW thieves are god mode. And yes, I do have a thief, which I have been contemplating on whether or not I should delete. I wanted to make a necro and have no spaces left and I refuse to buy any more gems and support Anet when they keep nerfing my favorite class. And right now my thief is just a bank mule because I got bored with it. Have you ever played any of the old console games and used a Game Shark and put in cheat codes for god mode? It’s fun at first walking around and destroying everything easily that used to give you trouble and going on a rampage, but that gets old really fast and eventually just ruins the game for you. that’s what playing thief was like for me in WvW. And it’s only gotten even stupidly more powerful since then since the buffs to blinds.

I like playing as ele most because its actually challenging. you have to work 10 times as hard just to be sub par compared to other classes. If you had played an ele in beta it was pretty awesome. Having our damage cut by more than half is probably the reason why most people said screw it and went bunker, which ended up getting nerfed too.

The only thing that makes thief good in WvW roaming is its disengage. Thieves are able to fight in 1vx situations because they can often escape them when the realize they are trying to fight capable players.

God mode? sounds like you found some bad players. The thief class has a relatively low skill floor if you want to run a gank build that 1. has no sustain 2. is only useful every 45 seconds for a single target. I love running into players that grab a dagger and a pistol and think they will now be invulnerable with their OP perma stealth. Most of them are free badges of honor for me.

Working 10 times harder on an ele? If you mean you have to push 2 times more buttons than other classes i agree. Elementalists are not some under-powered profession with a free kill sign on them? It’s rather easy to pick up a d/d ele and get to an effect level with it quickly (you obviously wont be the best player, but you can definitely hold your own easily). Mad about your lack of damage? Don’t run 30 in water and 30 in arcane. S/D has been viable as a very good bunker or a good dps build for some time now and staff will always be amazing in wvw and good in pve. Overall ele’s are in a good place. They are lacking some build diversity, but half of the professions have this problem

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Miiro.3124


I want my RTL up every 5 seconds a stun breaker and 8sec stability on every utility. I want the highest dps on every ability I have. Any time that I feel slightly in danger I should be able to mist form for 20 seconds to find the nearest gate entrance. Oh and the mist form cooldown should only be 5 seconds but last for 20s. If this doesn’t happen then eles are the worst class ever anet and its all your fault.

[SAV] Miiro 80 Ranger
Jade Quarry Champion Hunter
Solo/Small man WvW

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


1. The only thing that makes thief good in WvW roaming is its disengage. Thieves are able to fight in 1vx situations because they can often escape them when the realize they are trying to fight capable players.

2. Mad about your lack of damage? Don’t run 30 in water and 30 in arcane. S/D has been viable as a very good bunker or a good dps build for some time now and staff will always be amazing in wvw and good in pve. Overall ele’s are in a good place. They are lacking some build diversity, but half of the professions have this problem

1. I am an old school stealther and can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that stealth is the best defense in the game. Combine that with top tier mobility and high dps…. and it is a recipe for fail. I can’t even play my thief because it is too easy and bores me to death.

2. You do less damage generally without arcane because of how it affects attunement switching. Fresh air style abilities was the wrong way to change this as it doesnt address the core problem. In addition, staff dps is abysmal unless you are 20 arcane. In fact it is pretty much a prereq to running staff.

Thanks for your comments and for trying though.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


^Those are the 2 main problems holding back a lot of different build variety for ele. Our base attunement recharge needs to be lowered significantly since swapping attunements regularly is necessary. Also blasting staff needs to be removed and just become the regular aoe area for staff. They just need to make that the baseline for staff and replace that trait with something like +200 to power when wielding a staff.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


We’re fine as is. I don’t want to see more changes now that I finally got used to the most recent balance changes.

You’re the troll, troll. I’d love to see a video of your “fine” elementalist in current wvw. Until then, you are just trolling.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

We’re fine as is. I don’t want to see more changes now that I finally got used to the most recent balance changes.

You’re the troll, troll. I’d love to see a video of your “fine” elementalist in current wvw. Until then, you are just trolling.

I wanted to do that but didn’t want to wait 500 minutes till the video was uploaded…
If you know how to compress videos for youtube please pm me.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


We’re fine as is. I don’t want to see more changes now that I finally got used to the most recent balance changes.

You’re the troll, troll. I’d love to see a video of your “fine” elementalist in current wvw. Until then, you are just trolling.

I wanted to do that but didn’t want to wait 500 minutes till the video was uploaded…
If you know how to compress videos for youtube please pm me.

In any video editing software you hit “render”. And/Or you just upload it and youtube compresses it.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: SilverUniverse.7103


I wanted to do that but didn’t want to wait 500 minutes till the video was uploaded…
If you know how to compress videos for youtube please pm me.

freemake video converter
it’ll still take time to compress/convert though

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chimaster.8165


It’s was not that one spec was too powerful, it was just that the other specs were not powerful enough. Anet did not understand so they nerfed one of the only decent specs.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


It’s was not that one spec was too powerful, it was just that the other specs were not powerful enough. Anet did not understand so they nerfed one of the only decent specs.

This, so much this. Anet’s logic: “Everyone is using the same build so lets make it suck as much as the other builds that few other people use. It will make the class more diverse!” Not once did they stop to think that maybe the reason everyone was using the same thing is because they nerfed us so hard after beta we had no choice. You used to be able to go glass and actually be able to be a true glass cannon. But they took the cannon part out of that because too many scrubs hadn’t learned not to stand still in the giant red circles, then complained we were OP. So we had the overall damage of all our abilities cut by 60%. After that most people said screw it, why bother going glass cannon if I can only have the glass without the cannon part? Only thing left was bunker. Then they nerfed that into oblivion to “promote build diversity” The only decent build left is burst build which i’m sure they’ll nerf eventually from all the whining glass thieves who get owned by it cuz they still haven’t learned to play since beta and only know how to stealth and spam 2 over and over, and when they finally kill our 1 remaining decent build i’m just done with this. I have no faith in them to fix the class at this point back to its former glory. they never should have touched it in beta it was fine the way it was back then and needed no changes.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: MaXi.3642


It’s was not that one spec was too powerful, it was just that the other specs were not powerful enough. Anet did not understand so they nerfed one of the only decent specs.

This, so much this. Anet’s logic: “Everyone is using the same build so lets make it suck as much as the other builds that few other people use. It will make the class more diverse!” Not once did they stop to think that maybe the reason everyone was using the same thing is because they nerfed us so hard after beta we had no choice. You used to be able to go glass and actually be able to be a true glass cannon. But they took the cannon part out of that because too many scrubs hadn’t learned not to stand still in the giant red circles, then complained we were OP. So we had the overall damage of all our abilities cut by 60%. After that most people said screw it, why bother going glass cannon if I can only have the glass without the cannon part? Only thing left was bunker. Then they nerfed that into oblivion to “promote build diversity” The only decent build left is burst build which i’m sure they’ll nerf eventually from all the whining glass thieves who get owned by it cuz they still haven’t learned to play since beta and only know how to stealth and spam 2 over and over, and when they finally kill our 1 remaining decent build i’m just done with this. I have no faith in them to fix the class at this point back to its former glory. they never should have touched it in beta it was fine the way it was back then and needed no changes.

once again, quoted for truth

third time…

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

It’s was not that one spec was too powerful, it was just that the other specs were not powerful enough. Anet did not understand so they nerfed one of the only decent specs.

This, so much this. Anet’s logic: “Everyone is using the same build so lets make it suck as much as the other builds that few other people use. It will make the class more diverse!” Not once did they stop to think that maybe the reason everyone was using the same thing is because they nerfed us so hard after beta we had no choice. You used to be able to go glass and actually be able to be a true glass cannon. But they took the cannon part out of that because too many scrubs hadn’t learned not to stand still in the giant red circles, then complained we were OP. So we had the overall damage of all our abilities cut by 60%. After that most people said screw it, why bother going glass cannon if I can only have the glass without the cannon part? Only thing left was bunker. Then they nerfed that into oblivion to “promote build diversity” The only decent build left is burst build which i’m sure they’ll nerf eventually from all the whining glass thieves who get owned by it cuz they still haven’t learned to play since beta and only know how to stealth and spam 2 over and over, and when they finally kill our 1 remaining decent build i’m just done with this. I have no faith in them to fix the class at this point back to its former glory. they never should have touched it in beta it was fine the way it was back then and needed no changes.

once again, quoted for truth

third time…

there’s still viable tanky and sustain dmg builds. Burst is great but its by far not the only viable choice. Do some more research in heart of the mists with y’r traits. Looking forward to hearing what you come up with.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: MaXi.3642


im not saying there are no viable builds… but why should i try to aim small aoe with stupid cast time/delay combination (Shatterstone) when it doesnt hurt more then some autoattack from other classes? and thats only 1 example…