Vapor Blade - hidden effect?

Vapor Blade - hidden effect?

in Elementalist

Posted by: gandlethorpe.2641


While playing around with Vapor Blade, I noticed that sometimes I was able to stack way more vulnerability than usual, sometimes even up to 25. It seems to happen only if you hit multiple mobs that are very close to each other. You can test this out in Heart of the Mists on the clusters of golems, or in regular PvE by stacking mobs.

My theory is that the vulnerability is applied in a small AoE rather than just on the target that gets hit. In any case, this could be an interesting, albeit situational trick in PvE.

Vapor Blade - hidden effect?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Columbo.5924


Did you happen to run the air minor grandmaster trait (25 points) that gives you vulnerability on crit or the arcana granmaster minor that also given you a chance to get vulnerablity on crit but on a much lower chance? Note that vapor blade can hit the enemy twice so you trigger those traits two times.

Abaddon’s Mouth (DE)

Vapor Blade - hidden effect?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gorni.1764


Did you happen to run the air minor grandmaster trait (25 points) that gives you vulnerability on crit or the arcana granmaster minor that also given you a chance to get vulnerablity on crit but on a much lower chance? Note that vapor blade can hit the enemy twice so you trigger those traits two times.

you’d need some condition-duration to achieve that. The proc from the air-trait gives 5s vulnerability (60% chance), arcana trait 10s (10% chance) and vaporblade 6s (2 stacks per second).

You have 1 attack per second that hits twice. Without Condi-duration vapor-blade alone can stack up to 12 stacks. With 100% crit-chance the air grandmaster minor will add about 6 stacks. Arcane trait will add 2 stacks on average. This is 20 stacks in total. Some condi-duration or procc-luck and you have your 25 stacks.

edit: there’s also a sigill that applies vulnerability on crit

Rachat – Elementalist (Abbadon’s Mouth)

(edited by Gorni.1764)

Vapor Blade - hidden effect?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Electro.4173


I’ve seen this with other skills that cause vulnerability too.

Namely, my Engineer’s Jump Shot. I noticed while doing the Tixx dungeon the other day that I was somehow getting 25 stacks of vulnerability on some enemies just from that attack alone (even though it usually only does 6 stacks, 3 for the first hit and 3 for the landing).

Not really sure why its happening, probably some sort of bug.

Vapor Blade - hidden effect?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I’ve seen this with other skills that cause vulnerability too.

Namely, my Engineer’s Jump Shot. I noticed while doing the Tixx dungeon the other day that I was somehow getting 25 stacks of vulnerability on some enemies just from that attack alone (even though it usually only does 6 stacks, 3 for the first hit and 3 for the landing).

Not really sure why its happening, probably some sort of bug.

Well that one’s actually explained easily. Jump shot applies 3 stacks of vulnerability to up to five targets for each target that is hit, with both the launch and the landing. In an ideal case, that makes 5×3×2=30 stacks of vulnerability on each of the five targets; capped at 25 stacks of course.

I’ve first noticed that when I got the daily condition applier when I just ran to one of those presents with my little Engineer and did a Jumpshot followed by a Blunderbuss haha. Made me check the wiki, which says what I’ve explained above.