Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


When you use vapor form in the downed state in PvP, it completely erases whatever ought to be in the death breakdown. I understand that obviously there is some underlying mechanic to this (it seems like vapor form is implemented by “attacking” you for all of your health), but this fact makes it EXTREMELY difficult to learn from my deaths.

A lot of the time in PvP, especially if I get bursted down, my immediate thought is “What abilities were those? How can I stop them next time?” If I want those questions answered, I have to let myself die. That is a choice I should not have to make.

Is there any news about getting this fixed? I can’t learn about other classes like I should be able to because vapor form is the only thing that is every in my death breakdown.

Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

in Elementalist

Posted by: Reveaux.5720


Check your combat log, it will tell you who used what skills.

Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

in Elementalist

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


dont kittening use kittenedly op downed state skills?

Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sorrin.8209


dont kittening use kittenedly op downed state skills?

So your advice is…don’t use my downed state skill, because you don’t like it? Get off the forum troll.

Vapor Form and PvP Death Breakdown

in Elementalist

Posted by: Puff Pure.8631

Puff Pure.8631

Yeah it annoys me too, especially how in the kill feed thing it says
Puff Pure <mist form> Puff Pure

..which happens maybe more often than Puff Pure would like