[Vid] Seafarer's Rest Elementalist
Interesting use of terrain. However, it also highlights the elementalist’s current problems: the utility skills you use outclass all the other utility skills by a large margin, and staves will never do as well as dagger/dagger. :-)
Greetings from a Deso D/D Ele with a similar guild tag [EXG] – perhaps our paths will cross shortly!
Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}
Looking forward to it
sweet gameplay. Very defensive.
You picked some targets that never uses immobilise and dont try to dodge the churning earth and also do minor damage.
That might look a bit diffrent if your opponets would know what they are doing.
But over all good use of terrain and well aimed skills.
Why do you cut off fights before they’re even finished? The first one, the 2 Thief one, the one at the hill at Hills – seems a bit silly to include them in the first place if you don’t even want to show the conclusion. Many of them you accomplished nothing at all.
The few fights you had in their entirety were also pretty bad. And the one fight towards the end that seemed decent was also cut.
I am disappointed that the 2 Thief one was cut because it was the most interesting in the bunch.
Armor of earth and switch into water mid finish so you also heal while being attacked.
You can also use aura mid finisher in air. Or switch to earth for even more protection. Either of which allow you to be in position to zip to the next enemy.
Also, your hp is low. Your crits and condition damages aren’t very good, so what are those extra vitality going towards?
Tornado is a waste of an elite unless you’re fighting near a cliff or knocking someone off siege. Edit: it is a break stun, gain stability, though. I prefer to use water or air elemental, with earth vs elites, and fire vs siege equipment or warriors.
(edited by katniss.6735)
Of course the fights would look different if the opponents were more skilled! You don’t do this kinda of vids vs very good players. The best you can accomplish vs good skilled opps when fighting say 1v2 is a stalemate, more often you going to die tho, if u decide to stick around.
Fight scenes are cut off , because nothing interesting unfolds and I’m trying to keep vids as short as possible to not be boring. It’s either our zerg comes around and finish them off, or they get some reinforcments that i failed to notice resulting in my death. In some of the fights its pretty clear how is this gonna end when i am left fighting 1v1 the dude that failed to kill me when he was 3v1 or 2v1 vs me. Overall i am trying to highlight moments that are worth seeing in my opinion, cutting of the moments that i find unintriguing !
Its a metter of preference. Ive watched some of your vids and to me they look plain simple, boring and a bad fights overall. I havent bother to post in comments to them saying they suck though. If i dont like them, i just wont comment on them. U follow my point?
I havent asked , for tips regarding the elite skill, or which ever skill actually , or the general gameplay! For you tornado might suck, for me the elementals suck, metter of preference as i said!
Nice video, enjoyed it overall. Obviously the quality of the people you were fighting could have been better but some really good examples of positional play and using terrain to your advantage. A Lot of players could benefit from simple things like blocking los and kiting up and around terrain.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
So the 2 Thief fight was ended because of reinforcements on their side and not because you simply died?
@OP Awesome video.
So the 2 Thief fight was ended because of reinforcements on their side and not because you simply died?
Why do you care so much?
FYI his video is far more interesting and entertaining than your last video, probably because he understands editing. Seriously 30 seconds of running away and one kill in 4 and a half minutes of footage with no soundtrack, a huge guild logo and you criticise his video?
(edited by Rhaps.8540)