Weapon Skill Unlocking Increase Recommendations

Weapon Skill Unlocking Increase Recommendations

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zeraphina.1053


Hey, just a thought here, perhaps kick around some ideas on this.

I tried making an Elementalist once before. But due to the extremely lengthy process of unlocking ALL the weapon skills for ALL the elements, and then having to repeat that process again for underwater… I just gave up on it.

Indeed, Ele’s only use a few weapons, those being the staff, daggers and scepter/focus which is about 1/2 of what other classes get in weapon availability.

Buuuuuttttttttt…….. they have to unlock each of them 4 times, which adds up to being DOUBLE what all the other classes have to do.

Before all the flaming rants start, I am NOT asking for instant weapon skill usage. Got it? That’s not what I want AT ALL. So go pound sand you numpty troll flamers.

What would interest me is only slightly faster progression for unlocking all these skills.

At the current rate, you start with Skill 1 and four empty slots (2,3,4,5).

Skill 2 unlocks at 50% per kill. So 2 kills and its unlocked. That’s GREAT. Leave that 1 alone.

Skill 3 unlocks at 25% or there about. So 4 kills and it’s unlocked. I would recommend bumping this up slightly to about 33-34%. 3 kills and unlocked.

Skill 4 unlocks at around 13-15% it looks like. So it takes around 7-8 kills to unlock. I’d think around 17-18% would be better. Would take maybe 6 kills to unlock.

Skill 5 unlocks at around 7-8%, taking an ungodly amount of time at about 13+ kills to unlock. 10 kills at 10% is more than enough I would say.

This would mean they still end up doing more “unlocking” work than every one else, but not as much as they currently have to do.

BTW, I DID sweat through all this current rate of unlocking. So it’s too late for me to be aided by something like this. But it might help others to NOT be disheartened by the daunting task of just unlocking.

Your GENUINE thoughts on this?

Weapon Skill Unlocking Increase Recommendations

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sadtv.9183


Skill unlocking is a little bit of a pain, but if you level high enough (not sure how high, 20+ maybe) all skills you haven’t unlock take much less kills to unlock. Every toon I have had this happen to has only taken 1 kill per skill to unlock it (even the 4th and 5th skills), but I am not sure if it scales or not. So if you really don’t want to unlock all atunements and weapons early just pick one weapon and use that until a higher level.