What are your keybindings?

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Hey guys, so I am finding that my normal keybindings for attunement swap is getting annoying because I push 1 instead of F1 and so on. This is a thread for everyone to list their keybindings. =)

Movement: ASWD
Attunment: F1, F2, F3,F4 (RTFG alternatively)
Auto-run: R
normal skills: 1,2,3,4,5
heal: 6
other skills: 7,8,9
elite: 0

Bad Elementalist

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Physics.2706


Movement: WASD, QE for strafe (mostly use mouse for movement, though I can’t bring myself to unbind these keys, I use strafe more than WASD)
Attunement: Z, X, C, V
Auto-run: Mouse Forward button (on the side)
normal skills: 1,2,3,4,5
heal: T
other skills: ~ (Love this one), Alt+1, Alt+2
elite: Shift+F

Edit: I have it arranged so that my left hand never leaves resting position on the keyboard

(edited by Physics.2706)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


We have previous threads on this.

I have my f1-f4 swapped for these

f1= q
f2 =e
f3= side mouse buttin
f4= middle mouse button

skills are

6= Alt 1
7=Alt +2
8= Alt
9= Other side mouse button (I use immobilise)
10 = Alt+5

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Muppet.6485


If you need to move your hands to hit all your skills then you’re limiting yourself, especially as an ele where control is key. Your keyboard hand should never leave the vicinity of your movement keys, and your mouse hand should never come off either.
I’m not sure how many buttons your mouse has, but you might want to invest in one that has 2-3 extra buttons, really makes your life easier.

I’d change your Attunements to Control + 1-4
Very easy to get used to, and you’re hitting all your weapon skills through 1-5 so its not a stretch. This also allows for very easy and clean skill rotations, instead of having to drop down to keys below your movement binds and then having to bring your fingers back up again to cast that CC you really need to stop a heal, to quickly spike something down, etc.

Get rid of your auto-run keybind, R is a fantastic button for something better – an active skill. It’s in much too good of a position on your keyboard to be used for autorun. Also you can auto-run by holding down both mouse buttons at once, or by hitting num lock. Or bind it to X or C, something close in reach, but not one of the easiest buttons to hit while using WASD movement.

If you haven’t already, change your strafe to A and D, to free up Q and E for the same reasons as those above for R. You can use your mouse to turn the camera, so those commands don’t deserve such nice keyboard placement.

Personally; I use all of whats above and then Q, E and R for my utilities, and then I use the 3 buttons on my mouse for Healing, VOIP push to talk, and my Elite.

I never have to move my hands, everything is perfectly within reach. I guess I could hit 6 reliably enough to use it for a skill, but I’d rather have an easier bind, and anything past that is a stretch and just works against you in the long run. If you have to glance down at your keyboard to make sure you’re popping mist form instead of summoning a fiery greatsword you’re not watching the screen and whats developing and instead of dodging an attack and then mist forming away you’re on the ground.

Try moving everything to within reach of your hands without any stretching, and your reactions and play will improve.


(edited by Muppet.6485)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: taugrim.7604


It can be hard to visualize someone else’s keybindings, so here’s a diagram to help you understand mine:

1-5 abilities
W/R strafe
E forward
D dodge
ASFG attunements
Z elite ability
XCV utility abilities

The explanation for my keybindings is here:

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(edited by taugrim.7604)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strang.8170


ESDF = movement
Shift = dodge
< = heal
middle mouse button, both side buttons, W and R = skills 1-5
Ctrl + middle mouse button and both side buttons = skills 7-9
Q, T, Y, and A = attunements

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


move ahead= mouse left+right
strafe = mouse lateral

skill 1=\
skill 2=1
skill 3=2
skill 4=3
skill 5= alt+1

heal = e
7 =q

f3=alt+\ (or middle click mouse)
f4= middle click mouse

seems a mess, but in this way i never change my hand position

inch on alt
the other in /123; f1-f2; qwe

(i use an european keyboard, i don’t know if american keyboard is different)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Whilst I don`t any more (bought a G600) I did use to use almost identical to Taugrim binds, works great once used to it.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


utility – rxc
elite – v
lock nearest target – Z
q – instaturn around
mouse wheel click – look backwards
strafe – wasd + right click
normal movement – wasd

best keybindings youll ever find

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chaosky.5276


Forward: W
Backward: S
Strafe Left : A
Strafe Right: D

Fire: Z
Water: Shift + Z
Air: X
Earth: Shift + X

Skills: Tab, 2, Shift + 2, 3, Shift + 3
Heal, Utilities, Elite: 4, Shift + 4, Q, Shift + Q, E

Nearest Enemy, Next Enemy: Alt + E, Alt + Q

Everything else can be done easily with the mouse.

(edited by Chaosky.5276)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Doyen.7063


utility – rxc
elite – v
lock nearest target – Z
q – instaturn around
mouse wheel click – look backwards
strafe – wasd + right click
normal movement – wasd

best keybindings youll ever find

How do you change attunements ?

My keybinds are actually pretty crazy, but quite comfortable once I got used to them.

Caps lock is 1 skill
2345 for their respective skills
qwe for left, forward,right
shift+qwer for attunement swaps (also have shift programmed to mouse button 7 on naga, so activated with my right thumb, makes for v.easy attunement swapping)
shift + s for 180
dodge and heal also on naga buttons 8 + 10
dfxc for 7,8,9 and elite in that order.

Only problem I get with this set up is occasionally when I type in combat, its in CAPS

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dingle.2743


I’ve got a mostly default setup, but my keyboard’s a little suited to that. It’s a laptop keyboard, so my F# keys are incredibly close to 1-5. I can hit them without having to move the palm of my hand.

Default directional keys – mostly almost always holding down RMB, which makes turn become strafe anyways.
Z for descend (underwater)
X for about face
V for dodge (thumb, next to jump)

Skills: Default keybinds for the lot. However, considering moving utilities to BNM, which is very close to my mousepad. Right now I’m used to quickly switching my right hand to the right side of my keyboard from my mousepad; keeping the turn keys and about face gives me some level of camera controls for these brief moments.

I’m also thinking of moving the movement keys to ESDF, which would free up Q and A, but it would take a little getting used to. Also moving the healing skill somewhere, on rare occasion I accidentally hit it while using the utility on 7. Of course, if I move the utilities, that won’t be a problem anymore.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


utility – rxc
elite – v
lock nearest target – Z
q – instaturn around
mouse wheel click – look backwards
strafe – wasd + right click
normal movement – wasd

best keybindings youll ever find

How do you change attunements ?

f1 f2 f3 f4 naturally.

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


All very helpful the left and right buttons I replaced with strafe and now it is so much easier just hitting targets =)

Bad Elementalist

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dolan.3071


I’ve gone and bought a proper MMO gaming mouse, it’s got something like 17 buttons on it. I was way too ham-fisted to keep up with the piano playing I was doing before. It’s taking a bit of getting used to though

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
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Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ivano.2604


Hm, i am surprised noone use my setting ^^

Autorun and Stop (forget AWSD forever): middle mouse button
Attunement swap: F1 F2 F3 F4
Skills: 1 2 3 4 5
Healing skill and utility F5 F6 F7 F8 (even tho i usually find myself hitting the utility above F6 with the mouse pointer)
Oh and the best one of all, Dodge: \

Camera rotation movement speed has to be raised..

Elite PvP Raiders [PvP] – Fissure of Woe
Kaosberg De Lay
Deflora Pulzelle

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Well, i’m not an ele so i don’t have to use my F1-F4 as often, but if anyone is interested, here are my keybinds:

I am using a german/european keyboard so, among other buttons, Y and Z are switched.

Moving: WASD (strafe on A and D, keyboard turn unbound)
Dodge: M3 (press mousewheel)
Jump: spacebar

Weapon swap: Shift

Weapon skills: Q, M5, M4, Alt + M5, Alt + M4
Heal: C
Utilities: ERF
Elite: V

F1-F4: 1-4

TS pukitteno-talk: ^
Interact: X or Y (bound both so i just have to hit the general area)

Call/Take target: Strg + T, T
nearest target: Tab (i usually use LMB to target real mesmers and the like)
Auto-run: unbound.

Seems a bit messy but it’s what i ended up with after lots of testing sessions and different setups.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


I’m using my AHK script that does sorta combat mode thingy. (ie. holds RMB for you, and left-click activates Skill 1.) Check my previous posts for details.

As for my keybinds:
1 = Heal
2-4 = Utils
5 = Elite

WASD = Movement
V Q E R F = Weapon skills 1-5 (I dont need V due to my script.)
C = weapon change
X = target nearest
Z = interact

Attunements / class specifics:
Shift+W = F1
Shift+S = F2
Shift + E = F3
Shift + D = F4

I have dodge mapped to a side mouse button.

Call target = Numpad 0
Accept target = numpad .
(I havent had any real problems taking my hand off the mouse to call/receive targets, but I’m not a top level PvPer or anything so…)

(edited by Rieselle.5079)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

1-5 for weapon 1-5
Q heal
E R T for utilities
G for elite
ZXCV for attune switch
WASD movement
Dodge roll with a mouse button.

If you have a mouse with lots of buttons, put the attunement swaps on there.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: AinSoph.5063


Weapon skills: 1,2,3,4,5
Utility skills: T, G, V
Healing Skill: Q
Elite Skill: E
Dodge: R
Movement: WASD
Attunements: Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3, Shift+4

—Ain Soph— Warrior
—Fort Aspenwood—

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lyrio.9431


I use a keypad (Razer Nostromo). It has a d-pad allocated near your left thumb, so I placed the attunements in the 4 ways of the d-pad, having all of them in 1 finger.

I recommend getting one of those for truly enjoying games like this, or at least to have a little more control and comfort. Some of them are quite cheap, around 40-50€

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


for mine:

attunement swap: 1, 2, 3, 4

skill slots: z, x, c, v

weapon skills: Q, E, R, T, F . Q and R are swapped on the weapon skills, I use ‘R’ for my
auto-attack/#1 skill, and ‘Q’ is for my 3rd weapon skill. ‘E’ is #2, ‘T’ is #4, and ‘F’ is #5

Elite skill: 5

movement: W, A, S, D

dodge: one of my side buttons on my mouse

target nearest enemy: the other side button on my mouse

camera movement: RMB and LMB

(edited by OrangeMint.7980)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Skill: 1234
Attunement: Shift 1234
Heal: 6
Util: 789
Elite: 0 or R

6789 bound mouse.
6 is the big button. 7 Is my stunbreak/condition clear and is the next easiest. Teleport is next after that. Finally the least used utility is the final button at the top.
Back button on mouse is Auto run, but thinking of free it up for a skill

Shift 1234 also bout to mouse but in annoying places so I usually use shift 1234.

Mouse is the Corsair Vengeance M90

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Electro.4173


Movement: Arrow Keys (screw WASD, hate it and always will)
Attunment: Delete, Page Up, Insert, Page Down
Auto-run: Num Lock
normal skills: Numpad 1-5
heal: Numpad 6
other skills: Numpad 7-9
elite: Home
Jump: Numpad 0
Weapon Swap: Numpad /
Weapon Ready / Sheath: End
Interact / Loot: Shift
Dodge: I’ve got it bound to Numpad . but I almost always use double-tap.

I can hit every key I need with my left hand pretty much without moving it since all the buttons are on one side of the keyboard in a nice rectangle, except when I need to type text obviously. My right hand can then stay on my mouse. Mouse is just a standard wireless mouse, its got 3 buttons but I don’t even need to use them with my key setup.

Works really well, for me anyway.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DarnDevil IV.2143

DarnDevil IV.2143

I have a razer naga hex, which works perfectly with GW2 so…

movement: wasd and mouse + right button
weapon skills: 1,2,3,4,5
healing skill: v
utility skills: q,e,r (I do strafing with mouse + a or d, r is usually my “panic” button or defensive skill)
elite: tab
dodge: shift
mark target and VoIP : buttons below my space bar on razer anansi
take assigned tarket: press scrollwheel
next target: button left from nr. 1
closest target: c

f1-f4 and weapon switch are all on my naga hex and the one extra button is look behind

I like my setup because I don’t have to change my left hand posission at all, giving me a great control on my character. Every button is nearby and easily reached when needed, though you need gaming equipement to use setup like I have

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


For small hands:

skills: 12345
movement: wasd
camera: mouse
attunements: zxcv
utilities/elite: alt+1,2,3,5
look behind: TAB
lock nearest: q
heal: e
autorun: r
turn around: mouse4
dodge: shift
ally: alt
enemy: ctrl

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What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Naga mouse.
1-10 (skills)
shift 1-4 attunement
11 weapon change for (non elementalist)
12 techanically dodge or I don’t remember
V for dodge.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caledore.6271


WASD for movement.

1-5 for weapon skills.

Shift+1-4 for attunements

Mouse thumb button 1 for heal

ZXC for utilities

Mouse scroll button for elite

It works for me at least.

(edited by Caledore.6271)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


Standard WASD for movement with mouselook, but A and D are rebound to strafe. Keyboard turning is bad, IMHO.

I use 1,2,3,4 for my first few abilities, fifth ability is Q, heal is E.

My slot skills are bound to mouse 4, 5, and middle mouse.

Elite is Z.

Attunements are F1 through F4.

This keeps all my abilities within easy reach of each of my fingers. No modifier keys to hit, and all done on a simple 5 button mouse. No $100 mouse or crazy gaming keyboard required.

I’d like to find a better way to switch attuments, but I haven’t been able to come up with anything that was more comfortable than the F-keys.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Liquid.9672


I play with a Razer Nostromo gamepad and it really makes playing a class with a lot of skills like Eles and Engis a breeze.

The top 5 key row is F1-F4 for attunement swaps and the 5th key on the top right is my elite skill.

The middle 5 key row are my main 1-5 skills.

The bottom 4 key row are 1-4 utilities.

Thumb D-pad for movement (I strafe by holding down mouse right) and a quick scroll wheel notch forward dodges. I have other things like jump, F (for bag looting etc), voice comm, and other keys on the thumb buttons on my Razer Naga.

Not everyone is going to use these kinds of peripherals but I find them to work really well in GW2, especially for classes with lots of F-keys.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: PaulaG.2365


Movement: Q W E S
Strafe: A(Right) D(Left) I find this easier to use with L & R movement to circle eg Q&A or E&D
Auto run: R
Attunements: 1 2 3 4 (Above QWER)
Skills: 1 2 3 4 5 (On my number pad)
Heal: 6 (On my number pad)
Utilities: 7 8 9 (On my number pad)
Elite: 0 (On my number pad)
Dodge: . (On my number pad)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: teg.1340


To all of you who use WASD + 12345 for skills:

How do you use your skills without moving the middle finger from W to your 1-5 keys? Are you some kind of octopus?

Im using QERFG for normal skills so my middle finger never has to leave the W key. With this setup I can constantly run + strafe + use skills. For attunement swap I use MOUSE5 + ERFG. Fits perfect!

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: HawkWasAngel.2571


To all of you who use WASD + 12345 for skills:

How do you use your skills without moving the middle finger from W to your 1-5 keys? Are you some kind of octopus?

Personnaly I use : QWES to move so I can have 1234 easy to use. Then R instead of 5.
A and D and F for 6 & 7 & 8.

And for the attunments swap : XCVB in order.

My moves are not usual but that’s pretty nice when you got it!
I’m perfectly fine like that!

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


weapon skills – 1,2,3,4,5
heal – Q
Utilities – E,R,T
Elite – F1
Fire – shift + w
water – shift + a
air – shift + d
earth – shift + s

dodge- double tap wasd, or V
A and D are both bound to strafe, use the mouse for turning.

tab – nearest target
shift + tab – next target

To all of you who use WASD + 12345 for skills:

How do you use your skills without moving the middle finger from W to your 1-5 keys? Are you some kind of octopus?

2 is the only button that requires my finger to come off of the W key. In my WoW days, i would rebind 2 to ~ for that reason, but now i just hold down mouse 1&2 for auto-run.

(edited by Scrambles.2604)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: makku.2508


Movement: WASD
Weapon skills: Q,E,3,4,5
Utilities: R,C,V
Elite: 2
Heal: 1
Attunements: Shift + (Q/E/3/4)
Dodge: Mouse3

Didn’t wanna have weapon skills on 1 and 2 (rather awkward to reach when using WASD for movement imo) since they’re usually frequently used, so I put them on Q and E. Bit of a habit from GW1 where I was mainly playing Cripshot/Burning Arrow in PvP and usually placed my interrupts on Q&E as I found they were the easiest keys to reach for me in the heat of a battle.
Attunements are just weapon keys + Shift, felt kinda intuitive. R,C and V are all keys I used for weapon selection in Q3, so they seemed like a natural choice for utilities.
1 and 2 are rather awkward to reach I feel, but putting Heal and the Elite in there worked for me, as they aren’t used as frequently as weapon skills.

There is only one god, and his name is Death.
And there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today’.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Whilst I don`t any more (bought a G600) I did use to use almost identical to Taugrim binds, works great once used to it.

Have to say, When i tried Ele during BWEs and at launch, it didn’t really click.

Then I tried it again after I got my g600 with all 10 skills and all 4 attunements on it and wow did that ever make all the difference!

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jarek.2430


z,x,c,v = switch attunements
s,d,f = strafe left, move forward, strafe right
w = skill 1
e = skill 2
r = skill 3
a = skill 4
g = skill 5
2 = heal
3 – 5 = utilities
t = elite
mouse button 3 = move backwards
mouse button 4 = dodge
mouse button 5 = target
space = jump
left / right mouse button combined = autorun and manuever

(edited by Jarek.2430)

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Euryon.9248


I’d change your Attunements to Control + 1-4

What kind of freakish hands do you have? I can’t hold down Control + numkey without really contorting my wrist away from its natural position, regardless of whether I use the thumb or pinky for the Control.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

Mine are:
1→4 – attunements
QWERT – skills 6-10
ASDFG – skills 1-5
ZXC – strafe left, move back, strafe right
Move forward and look around with mouse.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Razor.6392


To all of you who use WASD + 12345 for skills:

How do you use your skills without moving the middle finger from W to your 1-5 keys? Are you some kind of octopus?

ring finger = 1-2
index finger = 3-4-5

middle finger = w

tbh I dont even know how I do it, am I the only one that cannot pretend to play the game with the computer turned off? I don’t know what to press, or which finger does what. I have to be looking at the game screen otherwise it all goes blank in my mind

Level 60 pvp
Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: MrLT.6028


Attunes: F1-F4
movement: wasd
Skills 1-5: 1,2,3,4,5
heal skill and utility skills: mouse side buttons
elite: mouse middle button
auto run: z
look behind: r
nearest target: x

Caritas Æternum [BT]
80 Human Ele

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ultima.8673


attunements: all 4 mousekeys
1-5 skills = q23er (hello league of legends)
supportskills/cantrips = yxc
elite = v
heal = ^
mark target = 4
get marked target = t
look behind = g
nearest target = tab

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: AnimangaGirl.5348


I use the:

wasd = movement
Right mouse botton = skill 1
left mouse botton = dodge
mouse wheel up = fire
mouse wheel down = water
(I use the mouse to move the camera too)
skill 2 = Q
skill 3 = R
skill 4 = X
skill 5 = E
Healing skill = Z
Utility skill 1 = 1
Utility skill 2 = 2
Utility skill 3 = 3
elite skill = 4
Air = f1
Earth = f2
Auto run = caps lock
Jump = space bar
Next target = shift

(edited by AnimangaGirl.5348)