This is for sPvP only, there is the WvW condi variation out there.
Weapons- D/F
Traits- 6/0/6/2/0
Rune- Flame Legion
Sigil- Doom/Battle
Amulet- Celestial
Skills/Heal- Water, Fire, Air, Earth Signets
Elite – Ele
Main focus of the build is Burning/Blinding with Fire XIII (Blind every 5s)
You have access to 5 Fire Shields ( 17s in total so you can easily time them and rotate to always have them on) thanks to Fire IX, they help in both offensive and defensive play.
Offensive you keep enemies burning and this goes well with the fire minor Burning Rage and the Runes (+17% dmg vs burning players). Also you gain might every time you are struck, this plus battle sigil and normal fire blasting gives you alot of might.
Defensive you blind burning enemies every 5s (Fire XIII) and the shield gives you 20% condi reduction. You also have Earth V (Elemental Shielding) gives you 3s of protection every time you apply an aura. 5 auras = 15s of protection, you can time this to keep high protection.
Skills- You can be squishy, but with 1200 range on signets you can attack from far, then come in for the kill. Earth is good to immobilize and good bleed. Fire gives you an automatic opening blind + burn. Earth sigil then Fire then coming in with Burning Speed can be a huge dmg opener. You also keep signets passive effects with Earth XII (Written in Stone) this means so gain health with every attack and have a small 3k-4k heal every 20s. Also the increased precision, toughness, and 25% speed.
For Visual Learners
P.S Not sure if this build is out there, but i’m having fun with it.