What is the logic behind this skill?

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Royal Assassin.7290

Royal Assassin.7290

I were looking and trying out conjure weapon skills today. One of the skill that stand out so much that leave me wondering what’s Anet thinking when they design this skill.

The skill is magnetic shield from conjure earth shield.
desc: Pull nearby foes to you with a magnetic force.
damage: 252
radius: 600 (Oh Yea! My armor can absolutely handle many enemies)
range: 600 (really? How close do you want your ele with your target?)

This skill contradicts with the elementalist class concept completely. The only situation I can think of for this skill is when you are farming in pve.

I can just imagine the following scenario in pvp. Mr. Newbie is excited, as he is just joining in his very first spvp. He notices that the game is already in progress. So, Mr. Newbie runs up to a capture point. He sees 2 of his teammates in a heated battle with Mr. Warrior, Mr. Guardian and Mr. Thief. The valiant Mr. Newbie decides to help. So, he activates magnetic shield to pull the dreaded enemies away from his teammates. After the skill activation, Mr. Warrior, Mr. Guardian and Mr. Thief say what the… And then, they see a shinny elementalist beside them. At the exactly same moment, they have the exact same thought, why dont we use the number one skill to pummel him. And thus, Mr. Newbie dies heroically. The End.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dicemeister.9340


It’s probably meant to be a support skill. When an elementalist conjures a weapon, or in this case, the shield, a second one is dropped on the ground for someone else to use. The caster can easily “drop” his and go on using other abilites

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Towren.1745


First of all not all skills are specifially designed for PvP purposes. I used magnetic shield in some guild AC runs as a mainly supportive weapon with skill 5 in mind for my team mates on low HP… Yet I still found skill 3 useful. It was especially useful when dealing with ranged enemies that you could pull towards you (and your group) so they would sit in AoE… Timed well with guildies over TS3 two magnetic shields in operation were able to play a sort of table tennis with mobs to keep them busy for 4 or so seconds (which is a long time when needing to survive).

But the shield isn’t completley useless in PvP. Again skill 5 is obviously good for team mates getting focused (it used to be amazing when it was 6 seconds). But skill 3 has it’s uses… When I was running with skill 3 I found it exceptionally useful for:

- Getting people off capture points
- Soft CC
- Finishing Move interupt
- Reviving Interupt
- General Disorientation
- Getting people off “ledges”

So it’s not completley useless if you think “what can I use this for” and actually think about it.

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What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Royal Assassin.7290

Royal Assassin.7290

It’s probably meant to be a support skill.

It’s a little bit thin even if you say it’s for support. Other melee classes have their own methods of getting to their target and unleash their attacking combos. Also, these pulling and attack combos have a relatively same cool down time. So, having an extra pull doesnt make that much of a different.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


I see what you are saying and I find it very well thought out, but I still find it to be an underwhelming skill that is probably in the wrong class. None of the conjure weapons are all that useful imo and one that only gives some slight support (most of which is also found in the focus off hand) doesn’t warrant a spot on my skill bar. That is just compounded by the fact that even though they have the most number of skills in our utility skills area, they are not supported by our traits or our weapons in the slightest (except some stupid extra count skill that is only good if all of your skills are spammable or else you should just get dump it quickly).

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rolo.9248


My wife’s a Ranger and she loves using my Ice Bow.

I’m getting Conjure Earth Shield next…can’t wait now…sounds impishly fun (almost like Rift’s Cabalist skill that sucked enemies to a vortex for much AoE pounding).

What you’re saying is that you are a caster who doesn’t like to be around foes. Do you think the enemy casters would like to be next to a [prepared for it] foe? (Churning Earth, Obsidian Flesh off the top of my head)

Good thread.

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When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chop.2976


If you build tanky I’m sure it will be no problem to use that skill

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Royal Assassin.7290

Royal Assassin.7290

But the shield isn’t completley useless in PvP. Again skill 5 is obviously good for team mates getting focused (it used to be amazing when it was 6 seconds). But skill 3 has it’s uses… When I was running with skill 3 I found it exceptionally useful for:

- Getting people off capture points
- Soft CC
- Finishing Move interupt
- Reviving Interupt
- General Disorientation
- Getting people off “ledges”

So it’s not completley useless if you think “what can I use this for” and actually think about it.

I cant comment much on the AC run as I havent do it yet. I’m assuming that you are talking about AC explorer mode. However, in other explorer dungeons, those creatures tend to run together. So bunching up is never an issue. I’d assume AC creatures behave the same.

As for:
- Getting people off capture points
- Getting people off “ledges”

It has a 600 range. Unless you are already standing off the capture points, “ledges” and pull them toward you. Also, capture points almost always means you clear all your enemies. So, it doesnt make any different if you pull them off for a few second.

- Soft CC?
You are an ele. You have no reason to stand next to a melee class. Unless they are your teammates or you are finishing them off.

- Reviving Interupt?
If your enemies start to revive their teammates, then battle is already finish or close to it. Either way you are already at an disadvantage.

- General Disorientation
This, I can agree to.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinkerton.5643


I actually found it to be REALLY helpful early on in dungeons. It was great for the lovers fight in AC story, for example. I cast it, somebody picked up the other one, and we pulled the bosses away from each other.
And it does have an immunity channel.
And I can definitely see its uses in PvP. Think about it, it’s got a cripple, a daze, an AoE pull, and immunity. It’s not gonna win you a 1v1 fight, but this game is not designed for everything to win you a 1v1 fight.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Royal Assassin.7290

Royal Assassin.7290

- Immunity = Sitting duck for 3 sec.
- AoE pull? Do you really want that (especially in pvp)
- There are others more effective way for ele to cripple foes.

Also, I’m only focusing on magnetic shield.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


You’ve got to remember that not all Elementalists pick the 1200 range Staff.

And even then, there’s plenty of value in bunching up a group of enemies.

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinkerton.5643


Like, I said, it’s not going to win you 1v1 and it’s not supposed to. However, it has tons of great uses in group fights.
Immunity is only that bad if you don’t have any allies around you who might be able to help you out by taking advantage of that 3 seconds. When there are allies around, it can be super useful.
AoE pull leads in nicely to the immunity and, yeah, it’s great for pulling people off nodes. And it’s only really a deathwish if you just stand there after using it. Or, again, if there are no allies around.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Royal Assassin.7290

Royal Assassin.7290

You’ve got to remember that not all Elementalists pick the 1200 range Staff.

And even then, there’s plenty of value in bunching up a group of enemies.

Like, I said, it’s not going to win you 1v1 and it’s not supposed to. However, it has tons of great uses in group fights.
Immunity is only that bad if you don’t have any allies around you who might be able to help you out by taking advantage of that 3 seconds. When there are allies around, it can be super useful.
AoE pull leads in nicely to the immunity and, yeah, it’s great for pulling people off nodes. And it’s only really a deathwish if you just stand there after using it. Or, again, if there are no allies around.

Of course, there are d/d users too. I’m also using it occasionally. However, what you both are saying sound so theoretical. It may sound better on paper, but in practice it’s completely useless.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pinkerton.5643


I’ve used it in practice and I can tell you that it can come in super handy in boss fights and with tough groups of mobs in dungeons.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Royal Assassin.7290

Royal Assassin.7290

I’ve used it in practice and I can tell you that it can come in super handy in boss fights and with tough groups of mobs in dungeons.

Boss fights? If you meant AC story, two lovers bosses, there is no point of discussing. If you know what you are doing, it is a walk in the park (maybe a little bit exaggerated but not by much) regardless of that skill. Furthermore, if you have either a warrior or guardian in your party, their pushing/pulling are much more effective.

As for “tough groups of mobs in dungeons” if it is true please post your build, many ele will thanks you for it. Or better yet post a video, really.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Winds.3087


This “pull” stuff sounds just like doubled mesmer’s infamous Into the Void @ WvWvW keep assaults.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: SeraVerte.2640


This is actually one of the elementalist’s most reliable skills. One of only two hard cc that d/d has.

What is the logic behind this skill?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Royal Assassin.7290

Royal Assassin.7290

This is actually one of the elementalist’s most reliable skills. One of only two hard cc that d/d has.

Seriously, are you serious? Are you sure you are playing a d/d?

Magnetic shield – cool down time 25 sec.

Magnetic grasp: cool down time 12sec (around 9 sec if you spec for it)
+2sec immobilize.

Ride the lightning: cool down time 15sec