Which class is elementalist most similiar to?
Elementalist reminds me of Aegislash, that’s how broken it is!
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
I think the Elementalist is most similar to the guardian. A boon machine, very supporty, able to tank, heal, and uses a lot of burning.
Fort Aspenwood Elementalist
LOLOL at first glance i thought water cannon
then was like… oh wut
Was thinking about this today
Ele reminds me of the engineer class. Both constantly moving and casting aoe + target spells.
What are your guys thoughts?
even the gameplay is similar: while with ele it’’s a very linear play, you switch attunements with f1-4 and use the skills provided with 1-5 and the cantrips on 7-9, the engi is more crossplay with switching "attunements" (kits) with 7-9 and using their skills with 1-5, while f1-4 become sth like the cantrips for ele.
ele @ Gf Left Me Coz Of Ladderboard [vain] (EU) / Salty Strategy [PAIN]