Which race did you go for?
Norn, just because I wanted a human looking thing but wanted a different story/area to play. Made her as short as can be and she looks ok. Also the Snow Leopard elite is brilliant in wvw.
Asura. I just like the race. It is tiny and yet is so over the top with everything… and just when you would say they have little man syndrome they say “I feel six feet tall!”
norn and brought over the necro demon mask for him
so norn with the demon mask, but a elemenatlist, looks really neat
Sylvari, and she’s been decked out in light cultural since level 55 or so. Makes me wonder, why Sylvari cultural looks so horrid on males (my Mesmer, for instance) …
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
That’s why I don’t want to level a Sylvari!
I feel like all of cultural armors are for druids or something.
Humans is where it’s at! ^w^
Sylvari male elementalist. I had no reasoning behind it. I just want a male character and i liked the tree people. It’s really hard to get armor that looks good on him though His elite skills are also bleck. Oh well, i like him
D/D all the time babeh.
human, female, with tier 3 cultural… smexy
Charr, male, heritage armor. i know the light heritage armor doesn’t look very charr-ish, but if anything my ele acts more like a human.
Human. Even thou my favorites are charrs and norns but somehow only viable choise at the time seemed to be human. Charrs and Norns looks more heavish for me , Asura just doesnt look sirious enough and Sylvari… never!
Asura <- Smalest visible Target on the WvW
Faster looking animations
Animations are harder to identify for others
As condition spec -> Paininverter ;P
Asura = smallest target with fastest animation. Also running with a small character always feels like they are really booking it which makes all the running more entertaining and the flipping dodges give a sensation of an acrobat which is entertaining to watch. Camera problems are mitigated also due to size. I do wish there were more customizations for asuras though.
i’ve been thinking about re-rolling my human female elementalist into an asura, but the thing is.. its lvl 80, and it got the jewelcrafter and the chef lvl 400, so that’s what keeps me back..
I’ve also been thinking about re-rolling it into a male with the total makeover kit.. The reason is most likely the orrian set.. i think it looks awesome on some classes, but on a human female it really looks kitten (my opinion)
Asura, best running and jumping animations and Ether Renewal looks awesome!!!!
Human, just cause the wife doesnt want to be hanging with some shorty. Otherwise I might have gone asuran for the elites. Also against Asuran is the race asthetic, dont care for them at all.
I have a norn mesmer already, the chars running animation gets to me. Sylvari is possible too but the voices arent my favorite.
Pretty happy with my choice.
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry
Human, because my first character is always human. And this is the first game ever where my first character was my main. Absolutely incredible.
Asura and working on that great t3 armor
This is for pvp, and i can’t really find any armors i like for my human female elementalist, and im pretty much in love with the orrian set, so that’s why i’ve been thinking about making an asura
Female sylvari. I hate the voiceovers but Take Root is a better elite than any of the crappy ele options. I really wish they would just let us choose another utility skill.
Charr, because his great manly lion face makes up for the tight spandex and tiny butterknives he runs around with. Almost.
That, and I wanted him to look menacing to enemies in WvW, they should be able to recognize their doom from a distance.
Female Sylvari because playing a cabbage is the closest I could come to making a pointy eared elf