Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: alia.8349


Kind of curious, as it’s starting to grate a little.

Thief shadowstep has always been 1,200 yards and lets you shadowstep back besides. Mesmer blink was buffed to 1,200 baseline with the trait changes and has a 30s cd.

Meanwhile our version is still capped at 900 yards, has a 40s cd, and doesn’t break stun like the above two do. Seemingly to compensate for all this, it deals some piddly aoe damage that nobody cares about.

Could we have this looked at?

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


because it does pathetic aoe damage unless you’re full zerk

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: OneKlicKill.4285


Actually the Damage allows you to remove blind when you land on someone so you can get the damage portion of BS and other channeled spells off.

Now whether or not that makes it deserve a higher CD and lower range is still completely debatable. Especially since they removed the stunbreak…..

Please skill/trait split and give control to the PvP team. Karl is fucking killing us

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Because ele’s can’t have nice things without horrible, horrible drawbacks (see elite spec).

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


It is very hard to compare skills across classes. Lightning flash works SO WELL with ele AOE skills (both PbAOE, and casts like phoenix) that it is still EASILY the best utility the class has. It is good on d/d for both offense (repositioning burning speed, earthquake, or updraft) and defense (abusing blink spots or just getting away). No matter what build I take, LF never comes off my bar, even in its current state, regardless of whether I am staff, scepter/x, or dagger/x. In comparison, Mesmer blink gives them more mobility, but they don’t really have any big PbAOE skills to justify using it offensively anyway.

The range isn’t that important. As a blink skill, it is long enough that it allows you to reach all the blink spots that can’t be reached by running. The damage opens up lots of possibilities, and is crucial for killing a LOT of people close to death, and reposition important offensive skills mid-cast (as mentioned earlier).

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


All of what you just said is true for Mesmer blink too though. Easily their best utility – especially after the buff – that’s in every single spec they use, and they actually got quite some build diversity.

Mesmers don’t have any big PbAOE skills? Shatters? Mind Wreck? Which has like 12 seconds cooldown and does tons of damage. Also Sword 2 after blinking and quite some others.

AND theirs is a stunbreaker, AND 30 seconds base cooldown, AND 1200 range.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

(edited by SchmendrickTheMagician.8247)

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krysard.1364


I sometimes use LF damage to trigger Fresh Air when playing it, funny when it works


Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


mesmer blink and thief shadow step never leave my bar either. Especially mesmer blink. No offense but you’re a bad mesmer if you aren’t using it offensively :P

Setting up – 1. shatters and 2. GS 2 is the most common (to get the sword to bounce fully and to get the might on yourself)

(thief every once in awhile if i’m playing S/D and have unlimited teles on my weapon)

So no, I’d say those are just as important as ele’s. And the comparisons are pretty direct. No reason for ele to be different.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malchior.1928


Well, the fact that we cannot compare skills value in a vacuum aside, it’s possible that its synergy with the arcana and water lines allow for a “powerful” blink that cures conditions, gives regen and vigor, and does damage.

-Thief has a double stunbreak (and condi cleanse).
-Mesmer has reflect for 2 seconds on cast.

They are different skills on different classes.

Despite this discrepancy, I would much prefer the cd reduction on RtL to be fixed when it hits someone while blocked or blinded or evaded. Because you did use it to engage and not run away, so why should you be punished for it.

[QQ] A Quaggan in Arah

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: cursE.1794


Both blink on mesmer and Judge’s Intervention on guardian are way better than Lightning Flash. What do you have to do to turn lightning flash into blink? Reduce the cooldown, make it a stunbreaker, increase range. I would sacrifice the damage of Lightning Flash for ANY OF THESE.

The reason for the off balance of this skill is that it wasn’t designed like that in the first place. At some point, Anet just took away the stunbreak to nerf ele as a class and never put the skill itself back into balance.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


Lightning flash should be buffed to 1200 or keep 900 but become a stun breaker.

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Personally, I don’t think any teleport skills should be 1200 range. I think its just too much escapability. One click and you’re done; the only thing that can hit you is ranger longbow.

I don’t agree with mesmer blink being buffed to 1200 range on such a short cool down, and I always contended that thief shadowstep should’ve been nerfed to 1000 range and its cool down reduced to compensate.

Teleports, especially now with the range lock mechanic, are a guaranteed mobility skill since they can be casted regardless of stun (except for thief sword, since casting time) and movement impairing conditions, whereas leap and run skills don’t have that luxury, though they do tend to enjoy shorter cooldowns, which I guess might be where the balance comes to play.

Stormbluff Isle

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal. I completely agree with the logic behind increasing it, based off of the first post.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: FlawlezZ.3178


Why should it be buffed? No reason to it. Thief and mesmer had that for two years. There must be something where Ele is actually worse than other classes. Do you also want Ranger, Warrior, Guard, Necro, Revenant, Engi 1200 blink?

Ele is completely fine and doesn’t need another buff.

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal.

It would. Ele would be basically invincible.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Why should it be buffed? No reason to it. Thief and mesmer had that for two years. There must be something where Ele is actually worse than other classes. Do you also want Ranger, Warrior, Guard, Necro, Revenant, Engi 1200 blink?

Ele is completely fine and doesn’t need another buff.

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal.

It would. Ele would be basically invincible.

No, celestial ele is completely fine. Zerker/Marauder ele can hardly compete with other dps specs. People need to stop focusing on the only viable meta build and actually realize that not everyone wants to play it. Some people want diversity as well.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh you’re right, gaining 300 units would make a class invincible. Absolutely impossible for an ele to lose a fight with it!


Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: FlawlezZ.3178


Why should it be buffed? No reason to it. Thief and mesmer had that for two years. There must be something where Ele is actually worse than other classes. Do you also want Ranger, Warrior, Guard, Necro, Revenant, Engi 1200 blink?

Ele is completely fine and doesn’t need another buff.

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal.

It would. Ele would be basically invincible.

No, celestial ele is completely fine. Zerker/Marauder ele can hardly compete with other dps specs. People need to stop focusing on the only viable meta build and actually realize that not everyone wants to play it. Some people want diversity as well.

> Zerker/Marauder ele can hardly compete with other dps specs.
Necro and Ranger can’t do either.
Thief can hardly compete with other bunker, bruiser specs. That’s just it. I’d like diversity myself too, but GW2 is the wrong game for that.

Celestial ele is absolutely OP right now, which is why any buff to it, is very bad for the game.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: FlawlezZ.3178


Oh you’re right, gaining 300 units would make a class invincible. Absolutely impossible for an ele to lose a fight with it!


How do you want to kill a d/d ele with 1200 blink? you can’t even immobilize him properly (really strong active + passive condi cleanse) and the massive amount of dodges, heal, tankiness and blind makes bursting him impossible (unless you’re outmanning him 3 vs 1 or he’s really low on CDs)

if ele has 1200 blink thief can’t even chase ele anymore (and if he does he has like 1 init, easy kill).

go in 2 vs 1. get to 20% after long time (spvp), teleport out (no class can hit you) heal 5 secs, 90% again. repeat.

hint: he’s not going to stay in your ice bow and meteor shower

(edited by FlawlezZ.3178)

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Why should it be buffed? No reason to it. Thief and mesmer had that for two years. There must be something where Ele is actually worse than other classes. Do you also want Ranger, Warrior, Guard, Necro, Revenant, Engi 1200 blink?

Ele is completely fine and doesn’t need another buff.

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal.

It would. Ele would be basically invincible.

No, celestial ele is completely fine. Zerker/Marauder ele can hardly compete with other dps specs. People need to stop focusing on the only viable meta build and actually realize that not everyone wants to play it. Some people want diversity as well.

To be fair, cele ele is too good since too long. The risk reward trade is clearly off balance. Anything with such sustain should not have the offensive capabilities d/d cele has.

That being said, either lightning flash need to be brought back to par with other teleports or blink need to increase it’s cool down. 24 sec on a stun break that has a 1200 range teleport and access to stealth is kittening too good.

(edited by Sirbeaumerdier.3740)

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Why should it be buffed? No reason to it. Thief and mesmer had that for two years. There must be something where Ele is actually worse than other classes. Do you also want Ranger, Warrior, Guard, Necro, Revenant, Engi 1200 blink?

Ele is completely fine and doesn’t need another buff.

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal.

It would. Ele would be basically invincible.

No, celestial ele is completely fine. Zerker/Marauder ele can hardly compete with other dps specs. People need to stop focusing on the only viable meta build and actually realize that not everyone wants to play it. Some people want diversity as well.

To be fair, cele ele is too good since too long. The risk reward trade is clearly off balance.

To be fair, zerker ele is too bad since too long. The risk reward trade is clearly off balance.

Having one build strong doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be asking for different stuff to be viable.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: FlawlezZ.3178


Why should it be buffed? No reason to it. Thief and mesmer had that for two years. There must be something where Ele is actually worse than other classes. Do you also want Ranger, Warrior, Guard, Necro, Revenant, Engi 1200 blink?

Ele is completely fine and doesn’t need another buff.

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal.

It would. Ele would be basically invincible.

No, celestial ele is completely fine. Zerker/Marauder ele can hardly compete with other dps specs. People need to stop focusing on the only viable meta build and actually realize that not everyone wants to play it. Some people want diversity as well.

To be fair, cele ele is too good since too long. The risk reward trade is clearly off balance.

To be fair, zerker ele is too bad since too long. The risk reward trade is clearly off balance.

Having one build strong doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be asking for different stuff to be viable.

Zerker ele is not bad. Thief and mesmer is just better. Ele can’t be the best at every aspect.

By the way op is asking for lightning flash to be brought on par with other blink skills and not zerk/condi ele to be viable.

(edited by FlawlezZ.3178)

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Why should it be buffed? No reason to it. Thief and mesmer had that for two years. There must be something where Ele is actually worse than other classes. Do you also want Ranger, Warrior, Guard, Necro, Revenant, Engi 1200 blink?

Ele is completely fine and doesn’t need another buff.

Buffing the range on lightning flash from 900 to 1200 would not be a big deal.

It would. Ele would be basically invincible.

No, celestial ele is completely fine. Zerker/Marauder ele can hardly compete with other dps specs. People need to stop focusing on the only viable meta build and actually realize that not everyone wants to play it. Some people want diversity as well.

To be fair, cele ele is too good since too long. The risk reward trade is clearly off balance.

To be fair, zerker ele is too bad since too long. The risk reward trade is clearly off balance.

Having one build strong doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be asking for different stuff to be viable.

If you know my posting history even a little you are preaching at the choir. It is also in large part the reason why I hate reading about ele as if it was just cele d/d.

The range of risk/reward on our profession is probably the most diversified going from insanely high risk/reward to insanely low risk/high reward.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: blubberblasen.3901


you know ele is OP!
nerf it to 600 range and increase cooldown to 72 sec!
and delete " breaks stun" …

oh wait . . .

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


How about we meet in the middle? Leave it exactly as it is, increase the range to 1000.

Most people can still catch it with their range (not just LB rangers), ele’s are the slightest bit more mobile.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh you’re right, gaining 300 units would make a class invincible. Absolutely impossible for an ele to lose a fight with it!


How do you want to kill a d/d ele with 1200 blink? you can’t even immobilize him properly (really strong active + passive condi cleanse) and the massive amount of dodges, heal, tankiness and blind makes bursting him impossible (unless you’re outmanning him 3 vs 1 or he’s really low on CDs)

if ele has 1200 blink thief can’t even chase ele anymore (and if he does he has like 1 init, easy kill).

go in 2 vs 1. get to 20% after long time (spvp), teleport out (no class can hit you) heal 5 secs, 90% again. repeat.

hint: he’s not going to stay in your ice bow and meteor shower

Thief has way more mobility than ele does no matter what even with lightning flash getting a 300 range buff, so your example is just ridiculous. Thief has shortbow 5 that can be used multiple times in a row, has shadowstep utility, shadowsteps on steal, sword #2, and if on dagger can close gaps with heartseekers anyways. Complaining about not being able to catch anyone on thief is just ridiculous.

And if ele is tanky enough to cleanse all of the conditions you’re applying to it and has heals to sustain your burst, they’re not able to burst you down either so wtf are you complaining about? If they’re specifically geared so that they’re able to mitigate burst then they’re not equipped to deal high damage to you either, just to survive long enough for you to need to bail. If the ele is using lightning flash to run away from you then you’re obviously not losing, and your exaggeration with an increase of a measily 300 units of increase to the single cantrip teleport that they have on a bloody 40 second cooldown (32 with cantrip training) is irrational and there’s really nothing you can say to justify it.

Also meteor shower and ice bow have nothing to do with anything we’re talking about here so you’re just only helping me out here by making it clear you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: lucadiro.4519


900 range blink, same damage of an arcane skill if crit, 32cd + regen and vigor if traited.
Srsly lighting flash is One of the best skills we have it is fine as it is.


(edited by lucadiro.4519)

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Different classes are different. Different syngergy, traits and power in regard to other skills and how class works. You cannot compare it 1 to 1 on its own.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


Lightning flash used to always be on my skillbar in all situations (modes), but now, it’s gone. I miss that stunbreak so much.

Why is lightning flash still 900 yards?

in Elementalist

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


Do we really need a buff? If you want to argue Tempest, I’ll listen, but right now the class is in a great place. LF should be glued on your bar if you’re D/D

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