With the FGS and teleport nerf......

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chris.4527


Will this hit burning speed and teleport as well?

Anet pls dont.

For those who missed the ready up – if you use fgs rush, it will cancel if you use teleport while casting this skill.


With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059


The fix to Fiery Rush+LF is acceptable.

What worries me more is that Roy mentioned that they want to “fix” Fiery Rush against walls.

I really, really hope that doesn’t happen. At least not in PvE.

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Look on the bright side least you got compensated with cool stuff, Rangers got compensated with a f2 mechanic that took them more than 1 1/2 years to fix…..

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nutshel.7264


Look on the bright side least you got compensated with cool stuff, Rangers got compensated with a f2 mechanic that took them more than 1 1/2 years to fix…..

These cool stuff we got are not these that we need. Ele still will have same problem, either wont be able to survive or wont be able to do any damage

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thymin.7045


Well if it affects burning speed + ls it is an even harder nerf for dd ele again. I don’t know with the sigil changes ( we can only use 1 now… so no more force -5%) and the celestial / crit changes i feel like d/d eles will get even more hate and will be even less effective. i really hoped for a buff with the burning speed evasion + frozen burst blast finisher but the other changes nerf ele indirectly. im pretty sad because i already jumped on the “dd ele gets buffed” hype train :/

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Why would it affect Burning Speed? It doesn’t say so and Burning Speed isn’t OP when used with teleport.

Only Fiery Rush. Hopefully people won’t stack in corners when doing PvE anymore. They should remove walls and corners for people to use Fiery Rush on instead.

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I’m 100% sure it won’t affect Burning Speed.

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wintel.4873


Lightning Flash + Rush needs to be fixed, but wall/corner + Rush is fine because it’s extremely situational.

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Graendall.4765


Even if it affects it,imo its a fair trade..evading in Burning Speed sounds really OP to me.And how is it gonna work when we LF during the evade phase?Will we be evading everything that is thrown at us at the spot LF lands?

The only time i have a problem landing Burning speed is vs other elementalists or thiefs and usualy in a dueling enviroment.In WvW i don’t even think about wasting LF+BS while fighting blobs or large numbers.

Zancrow The Red-Elementalist of [ObV]Oblivion-Hardcore WvW guild
Server-Piken Square

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atoss.1056


As above, I think it’s a good thing it’s getting fixed – not nerfed imo
Rush against the wall as well. How would you call an ability that allows you to 1 hit someone/apply insane dmg to bosses etc?

With the FGS and teleport nerf......

in Elementalist

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


I agree. As much as I love fiery rush + lf combo to burst down even bunker players in wvw, it needed this fix. FGS by itself is still a very powerful elite.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!