Xunleashed Solo Ele DD spec WvW 1v2+ fights
use this thread as the good one, thank you and sorry again
I was laughing when you were fighting that bunker guardian who was hitting like a girl and removing all the conditions the necro was applying.
Could you imagine if we didn’t have to use cantrips to stomp? If the downed state didn’t exist I could mop the floor with 10 people.
the downed state, and how easy is to revive allies, makes outnumbered fights very very hard sometimes
you have to dodge like a mad man, so you can save up armor of earth + mistform for stomping.
the vid is blocked in germany btw due to music rights
the downed state, and how easy is to revive allies, makes outnumbered fights very very hard sometimes
Tell me about it.
I find the downed state to be like an insurance policy for noobs. Oh crap I’m downed because I suck. But it’s ok; I’ve got my friend “Joey Six Pack” who’s going to revive me.
I like how you were owning those 4 noobs over and over again at 16:15 and they kept reviving each other. This is exactly the reason why GW2 and eSport put in the same sentence is a complete joke.
(edited by Calae.1738)
you have to dodge like a mad man, so you can save up armor of earth + mistform for stomping.
the vid is blocked in germany btw due to music rights
I don’t know how to fix the block, sry
nice video
what is your stuff ?( stats etc )
Awesome video, very entertaining. You’re pretty good at staying alive with a relatively low health pool.
the downed state, and how easy is to revive allies, makes outnumbered fights very very hard sometimes
outnumbered fights should be very very hard.
Northern Shiverpeaks
the downed state, and how easy is to revive allies, makes outnumbered fights very very hard sometimes
outnumbered fights should be very very hard.
A skilled player should be able to destroy 4 noobs. A skilled player should get destroyed by 4 skilled players. When you add the downed state; even noobs stand a chance against skilled players.
nice video
what is your stuff ?( stats etc )
U can see stats in video description (there is a link), with stats and a little creativity you can find items
Very good gameplay This is the true power of a elementalist that is skilled. Not PVT bunker
You and I run the same stat set, only difference is I have 7% more crit damage and 180 more power, you have 90 more armor and 320 more healing power. I applaud your great game play. I wish I had the same type of available 1v4. It always turns into me running into a huge zergs. Though a lot of those players were pretty bad. Didn’t interrupt your casts of Ether Renewal almost at all (when you were vulnerable that is)
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net
Hi guys, maybe u already know how good ele is 1v1, that’s why I bring you some 1v2,1v3,1v4 fights. Take a look and feel free to ask whatever u want!
those must be some real bad players.. if you can take them 1vs4.
its realy not that hard to kill an elemental.
make warrior, equip with rifle + gs or axe/axe.
start with hitting snare + armor reducer and then the volley. and you have around
7 – 10k dmg. at 1200 range. that should take the elemental to half hp.. and he isnt even close yet… and my rifle autos do 1500+ crits. and normal 1 k hits. boom boom.
i get 1-3 more hits, before your on me maybe. so: 8 – 13k+ dmg.. now your close..
throw bola, to root.. and use axe ulti F1 skill.. poff.. dead elemental. it does around 7 – 9k + the other 8 -13 k = 17 – 22 k dmg. in short time.. and catches you on 1200 range.
if you run.. i just shoot you in the back…
i dont have a honor code to not shoot ppl in the back, aslong as you die, iam happy.
And you fight multiple opponents…
Sure, you have more skills than i have on my elemental..
(i hate mine since it have so many useless skills and does kitten dmg).
end line: Bad opponents.
Gotta love ppl like ^^^^ when someone does well with a spec/class they always come in and say “those must be some real bad players.”
Everything has a counter, and im sure you also do very well in wvw, there’s no need to diminish other ppl things imo.
Gj op, from a returning player that used that build since start of the game it was good to refresh how it is supposed to be played.
Hi guys, maybe u already know how good ele is 1v1, that’s why I bring you some 1v2,1v3,1v4 fights. Take a look and feel free to ask whatever u want!
those must be some real bad players.. if you can take them 1vs4.
its realy not that hard to kill an elemental.
make warrior, equip with rifle + gs or axe/axe.start with hitting snare + armor reducer and then the volley. and you have around
7 – 10k dmg. at 1200 range. that should take the elemental to half hp.. and he isnt even close yet… and my rifle autos do 1500+ crits. and normal 1 k hits. boom boom.
i get 1-3 more hits, before your on me maybe. so: 8 – 13k+ dmg.. now your close..
throw bola, to root.. and use axe ulti F1 skill.. poff.. dead elemental. it does around 7 – 9k + the other 8 -13 k = 17 – 22 k dmg. in short time.. and catches you on 1200 range.if you run.. i just shoot you in the back…
i dont have a honor code to not shoot ppl in the back, aslong as you die, iam happy.And you fight multiple opponents…
Sure, you have more skills than i have on my elemental..
(i hate mine since it have so many useless skills and does kitten dmg).end line: Bad opponents.
And thats all assuming you land it all, without the elementalist using any number of gap closers, escape mechanisms, heals, knockdowns, blowouts or immobilizes on you. Or even just moved about a bit.
yes the opponents in those videos, some of them are not that great. it still is the mark of a good player that he can 1v4, regardless of the class.
Considering that most people find warriors to be the easy class to kill in WvW, I do find that post humorous. While you have a point, if the elementalist let you get all that off, he deserves to die. But any good elementalist, wont let you. You mention such high numbers, but that means you are most likely berserker. You might get your volley off at 1200 range, but there are multiple ways for that elementalist to close that gap, and then you are pretty much in trouble if hes any decent type of player since he will chan stun you and hit you with Burning Speed/Fire Grab and hit you hard. Berserker warriors are a 8k firegrab, 5k burning speed and a CE can potentially hit you for 10k for someone specced like him. Its all a matter of skill, and who would be the better player, him or you.
And you apparently arent watching the video or something, they are shooting him in the back. They just cant kill him. He uses his dodges well, times his heal so that he wont get interrupted, uses RTL defensively to get out of bad situations and heal up, then re-engages. Your warrior can do as much damage as you want it to, but the elementalist will heal it right back up if hes smart or if hes really good, just avoid the damage and knock you around silly.
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net
(edited by Raif.9507)
Enjoyable vid. Another example of how a good player can take a class to the max. But at the same time, I wonder how many cuts had to be done to make this highlight reel. There’s no doubt you have a pretty high level of skill, but not even the best player gets away with the stuff in this vid every time.
What fights do you find most challenging? I may have missed it in there somewhere, but I didn’t see any fights against even a single mesmer. Would like to see some skills shown against them too.
But overall an amazing display of using the Elem correctly in small scale fights.
(edited by Eliteseraph.4970)
What fights do you find most challenging? I may have missed it in there somewhere, but I didn’t see any fights against even a single mesmer. Would like to see some skills shown against them too.
Most challenging fights are cc heavy fights (like last one in the video), where u are forced to take fast decisions and risks, and ur combos and strategies can be interrupted several times.
About mesmers, there is no real reason, I had a pair of 1v2 fights with some mesmer on but just didn’t choose them for the video. Of course the mesmer is not easy to handle, but we have our chances as elementalists. Most problems come from confusion based builds (mesm and eng), but only because confusion is not balanced in WvW atm. The good thing to be elementalist is that “u can do it” in every situation, all depends on ur preparation, experience, decisions and skill. Every fight can be an incredible victory or an epic fail
Think I saw you in tPVP the other day. If so, a really good player. Think I went after you on my guardian, but no chance
Just started an Elementalist so this is great inspiration!
don’t dis him because the people he fight are noobs. 1 v 4 is hard hard to do even vs pure noobs. The speed of rez in it self is very hard to overcome even if people don’t fight back.
next vid will (probably) be with scepter main hand
It would be very cool to see the contrast in style between D\D and S\D from te same person. Looking forward to it.
next vid will (probably) be with scepter main hand
Scepter will be even better for WvW when they add the piercing effect to Air auto attack Will be very interesting to test it when patched. Have a feeling it will work wonders for small scale combat like 1 vs 2/3/4
Nice vid
Edit: scepter rocks ;-)
ps: you do realize that xunleashed is prolly not the best name for an mmo-account, do you? If not, do a quick google g just saying… although the name sounds familiar… which daoc server? ;-)
dangerdoom.3862: We all know your setup by now:
2 guardians, 2 mesmers, 1 warrior and 3 forumtrolls
(edited by ReqX.3178)
Nice vid
ps: you do realize that xunleashed is prolly not the best name for an mmo-account, do you?
If not, do a quick google g just saying…
I know, I like it because in past (and not only) they called me cheater, and this name is like a provocation. Dunno if I can explain that
No need to explain, I get the point I think ;-)
How are your plans on S/D? Played around myself and found that crit/glassy works best (~1250 toughness + earth 2 is quite tanky anyhow) but 1vsX becomes quite hard (not to say impossible). However std S/D tpvp bunker is no fun in wvw at least for me…
dangerdoom.3862: We all know your setup by now:
2 guardians, 2 mesmers, 1 warrior and 3 forumtrolls
I’m trying something more dps oriented but still balanced, keeping 1500+ tough, and near 1500 vitality, 400 healing. But boosting up critical chance and damage. Scepter cannot be compared to dagger for solo atm :S. Works well in small group: air burst helps u downing ppl fast, and fire/earth aoe high damage on downed enemies to kill them and who is ressing. Seems to work but still testing, I will not talk about scepter anymore until I have more material
in addition: the main problem of the scepter is the lack of dps in water and earth, compared to dagger u have like no damage in water and earth 1 2 3. Dagger earth 2 has good damage, cripple and bleed; water 2 has good damage and heals. Scepter earth skills do low damage, water 1 and 2 are a joke
(edited by Xunleashed.5271)
Awesome fights, I always love vids of eles owning groups of people. Mind telling what armor and trinkets you’re using? It only shows your stats and what traits you picked in the link on the vid. I have slightly more power and armor with my ele, but you have alot more healing and and higher crit chance and damage. i’ve been considering using clerics and some berserkers gear, but debating whether or not it’s worth it.
Videos like this make me want to dump my poor Necro :-(
I brushed off my elementalist last night and decided to give it a whirl. I wasn’t that good with them the last time I played. However, I had a bunch of badges so I was able to get him all exotic gear. I also noticed you use ether renewal instead of glyph for healing. I always liked the glyph because it gave me swiftness in airmode for WvW roaming. I decided to give ether a try. Man, it makes a ton of difference. First, the timer. 15 seconds on your best heal. Then you have the condition removal aspect. I think that is what was getting me killed before. I would mist and use my glyph heal but I would still take a ton of damage from conditions. That doesn’t happen with ether. I can RtL into a group of 60 people and get off a few AOE spells. Once they focus on me and knock me down or stun me, I just mist and ether back to our side.
I will be honest, it felt really OP. My first fight of the night, I got my butt kicked by a necro. I immediately went back to the same spot and found him again. The 2nd time around, he never got me below 90%. The rest of the night was like that, I didn’t mind fighting 3-4 people because I always knew if things got bad, I got RtL away and heal up.
The hardest part of 1v2+ fights is not to survive, because the build itself has natural survivability, the problem is to do significant damage and survive in the same time. This is the difference between skilled and not skilled ele. When enemies help each other, or have a good sustain/cc u have to do every combo correcty, perfect rotation for boons and save utilities to burst and stomp them
loved the video editing. I need to get some better software and learn that.
Gnomez 80 Elementalist Airabetha 80 Guardian
Amazing skill you have with the D/D ele! I’m inspired to switch back from support staff tonight! Also, the editing was top notch. I loved the zoom in on the UI at important times and the bar across the top that explains some of your thought process, etc.
Keep up the good work!
Videos like this make me want to dump my poor Necro :-(
I used to main a necro and actually had surprising success running a dagger/focus power build in WvW against multiple opponents in a 30/30/0/0/10 build with mostly knights gear and a few berserkers in the slots that offer the highest crit damage return.
Those dagger 1s from a necro can hurt.
Nice Vid!! Thanks for the screenshots of stats. But it would be very helpful if u are able to post ur items n runes etc. Maybe a link for buildcraft would be awesome
Using berserker coat is not rly efficient… stat wise at least, because you trade 5%crit for 72 stats… that’s 14,4 stats for 1%…..
If you rly think that 5% are needed, you’d be better of with useing 1 bers weapon just as an example… though you lose 90 healing of course (602 is enough anyway).
Edit: or even better… gloves, shoulders, boots as bersi but soldier coat… same stats but 1% more critdmg
But I guess whatever works for you:-)
Edit: to those asking for buildcraft….. the gear is obvious, use ur brain (hint hint… 8% mf, high toughness and critdmg)
dangerdoom.3862: We all know your setup by now:
2 guardians, 2 mesmers, 1 warrior and 3 forumtrolls
(edited by ReqX.3178)
U are right man, I’m not using bers coat anymore. Dunno why I had it when I recorded for the vid
bumping back my post, if someone missed it
How come, if you are using cantrips and the trait that gives regen when you use a cantrip, you don’t take the trait that removes conditions when you grant regen?
I’m not able to watch the video right now (at work) but I looked at your trait build you put in the description. So maybe that build is not exactly what you use
Yes, you are right, trat 12 is for teamplay, 11 is for solo. But looking at the video you can see that the trait used is 11, there’s no real need of correction. Main reason of the screenshot is to show stats
Is there any chance of linking the buildcraft build or PMing it? I was messing about with gear and cannot get that sort of crit damage and healing power I didn’t mess about with buffs and food though.
If you can, that would be great!
Cant watch vid on mobiles or tablets.